Solr not equal query. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago.
Solr not equal query. – Brahmaji Rao.
Solr not equal query This section explains how to specify the query parser to be used. Nov 22, 2018 · SOQL queries do not end with a semi-colon. I want my query returns all entities except those who have a given value ('doe' for this example). Sep 23, 2015 · Solr query date not equal. 2. This feature is useful in filtering domain in JSON Facet API domain changes. It will not match solr super faceted analytics or analytics faceted solr since those would both require an edit distance of 2 to get the terms into the matching positions. LeadSource != 'Website' Nov 20, 2015 · At last I found the solution to this problem. The query itself (often represented in local params using the name v) is specified with the key query instead. I can tell more: I've figured out that first filter query run is more expensive than run of a query with all those filter conditions moved to "q" instead of "fq". hasNext() && currSize < pageSize) { System . If you do not want your searches to be anchored, then you need to specify . QueryUtils `/** Fixes a negative query by adding a MatchAllDocs query clause. For a detailed overview, including information about creating searchers that take advantage of functions, nested queries, boost factors, and more, see the official documentation for the query parser syntax. Both fields are allowed to be null. e. StandardTokenizer to solr. For a list of exceptions, see the Solr wiki. defType Parameter. Jan 18, 2011 · I am using not using the HttpWebRequest, technically but am using a thin wrapper for the Microsoft. The numDocs is the same number that I can find with a *:* query via the Solr admin interface. In other words, I need to represent the following logic with FunctionQuery: if y == 0, return 1 /* i. Nov 16, 2021 · This section explains how to specify the query parser to be used. May 18, 2015 · I am not an expert in Solr. 3 million documents in the index, but actually there are always roundabout 100. DIV(x,x) */ else, return DIV(x,y) Somehow, from the Solr doc, I cannot find any comparison function, e. Solr Query - return all results that do not contain a certain field. Jun 5, 2015 · Now in this query, the value of whword is null and this is not equal to the value in document. " – Mar 20, 2013 · Solr FunctionQuery has a DIV(x,y) function. 000 entries missing. May 16, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Jun 22, 2015 · I want to select all values that does not have a zero from the db using. The only difference between a filter query and a plain-old query (besides memory and caching issues, which you might want to also think about) is that a filter query doesn't affect the relevancy scores at all. So while I ran into this working with Chef, I presume that anyone working with Solr will also experi Dec 10, 2012 · Below from Solr Documentation on negative boost: Negative query boosts have been supported at the "Query" object level for a long time (resulting in negative scores for matching documents). Here is a list of differences between the Solr Query Parser and the standard Lucene query syntax (from the Solr wiki): Range queries [a TO z] , prefix queries a* , and wildcard queries a*b are constant-scoring (all matching documents get an equal score). For example: field Function. Jun 10, 2022 · Let's say you have a field in solr: myfield_l. Have a look at the other characters that you should escape here, and here if you want to know more about the lucene query syntax. finds all field values greater than or equal to 100 Apr 14, 2016 · You could simply keep a counter for fetched items and terminate once page size is reached. With this you can pass the dynamic boost value to the SOLR query, on different fields. Jul 24, 2019 · To select all documents set the default query value in solarium query to empty string. For example, I want to know all organizations with "New York" in the title. Solr not including fields having empty value in result. Jan 31, 2022 · One common situation encountered in search with Lucene-based programs is the problem of pure negative query clauses. "Contains" and "Equal" are the same for default solr text-field type. I can only suggest you try couple of things. – Brahmaji Rao. eg. For more details following book can be referred Aug 30, 2019 · It depends on your field query analyzer. I wrote my new solr query. Any help or tips wou Jul 19, 2018 · to the Solr search, but what I want to add is &fq=-myfield_string_mv:value but I can't see how to do it. The default behavior is not to include debugging information. 10 and on a docvalues field) – Stephan L Commented Mar 23, 2015 at 17:01 Apr 2, 2015 · As you can read in Solr's wiki about its' query syntax, Solr uses per default a superset of Lucene's Query parser. And you want to write a Solr query with a filter query where we want to match: long field does not exist OR long field is 0. ICUCollationField type field. def Both queries always return the same result. And since this is to a Location field, you will probably have to do this against one of the two underlying actual fields versus this logical composite field. 'taxes' should return documents with 'taxes' and not 'tax', 'taxation' etc. org. This indicates the field searched by default if no other field is included in the query. Nov 2, 2020 · You'll have to add the definition of the field you're using and how you're querying it - in your third example you don't have a field name, so it'll be using whatever is defined as your default search field (usually _text_). Specifying Dates and Times; Solr’s default Query Parser is also known as the “lucene” parser. NOT all people where birthDate is null, but all people where there simply is no birthDate field. Alternatively, you can specify a different field or a combination of fields in a query. This parameter will not make Solr skip documents that are to be returned in the response, it will only allow Solr to skip counting docs that, while they match the query, their score is low enough to not be in the top N. Aug 8, 2012 · Boolean NOT in solr query. How to exclude fields in a SOLR I am trying to perform a solr query with multiple query fields including a not equals operator. Note that these declarations add request parameters underneath, so using same names with other parameters might cause unexpected behavior. What am I doing wrong? Jun 23, 2020 · A function query is a special query that can be added to a query and it allows us to specify a function to generate a relevance score at query time for each document in the search results. Both the counts will not be equal if your deleteByQuery deletes something which is the current case. Here is a list of differences between the Solr Query Parser and the standard Lucene query syntax (from the Solr wiki): Range queries [a TO z], prefix queries a*, and wildcard queries a*b are constant-scoring (all matching documents get an equal score). The defType parameter selects the query parser that Solr should use to process the main query parameter (q) in the request. To search for documents that contain "jakarta apache" but not "Apache Lucene" use the query: "jakarta apache" NOT "Apache Lucene" Note: The NOT operator cannot be used with just Nov 16, 2021 · Overall this example doesn’t make much sense, but just demonstrates the syntax. Providing minExactCount doesn’t guarantee that Solr will use approximate hit counting (and thus, provide the speedup). The way I would do it is read the data from solr from a script and do a singular delete or in batches , because it provides a better control and validations over each ids which reduces the risk of wrong deletion Hence 1 read the data from solr from a script using Solr SQL does not enforce any hard limits but the deeper you go into the results, each subsequent page request takes longer and consumes more resources. Solr’s standard query parser differs from the Lucene Query Parser in the following ways: A * may be used for either or both endpoints to specify an open-ended range query field:[* TO 100] finds all field values less than or equal to 100 Jun 9, 2017 · Several query parsers share supported query parameters. Filter queries use the "fq" parameter. The parentheses are also optional. Please remove the semi-colon from the end of your query. 0" - the default - makes the query a pure "disjunction max query": that is, only the maximum scoring subquery contributes to the final score. Actual : multiple- Nov 28, 2017 · We are using spring-data-solr, mainly using exact match/equals filter queries. Mar 11, 2015 · I am new to solr and trying range query "TO". Sitecore Solr query: field name translation culture issue. May 23, 2017 · I want to query for all people who do not have a birthDate. Solr query conundrum. The QueryField. Sep 2, 2015 · I have solr documents with two fields, one is a string and one is an integer. 'NOW' can be used either if no explicit date or date math is specified, or it can be used if date math is specified without an explicit date. – x3mxray. Is there a function query that returns the length of a Jan 6, 2011 · solr query for not equal to text value and number greater than 0. 1 Jul 3, 2017 · As per Solr Wiki, About the row that query returns, The default value is "10", which is used if the parameter is not specified. Some Dec 27, 2012 · I am trying a Solr query which is like this +field1:* AND (field2:1 OR field2:10) NOT(field3:value1 OR field3:value2) But field3 part of the query is not making any impact. title:parks NOT title:marine Try this query + and - Jun 9, 2017 · Returns the numeric docValues or indexed value of the field with the specified name. Lucene (the search API that Solr is built on) is not capable of handling purely negative query clauses. The table below summarizes Solr’s common query parameters, which are supported by the Search RequestHandlers. Function queries are special queries that can be added like keywords to a query, but which match all documents and return their function calculation as the score, just as a traditional keyword would yield a relevancy score. So, you can certainly build up a query, e. The primary difference is that filtered queries do not affect relevance scores; the query functions purely as a filter (docset intersection, essentially). 4. 5. 2 with default settings. * The query passed in *must* be a negative query. This query will match text containing solr analytics, solr faceted analytics (edit distance 1), and analytics solr (edit distance 1). (type_id is a string field and content is text. May 30, 2019 · If you do not specify a field in a query, Solr searches only the default field. This is a query clause that consists ONLY of negative phrases, using the - notation or the "NOT" boolean operator. The following sections describe Solr’s common query parameters, which are supported by the Search RequestHandlers. It is case sensitive in Solr, but the Lucid query parser will permit it to be in any case. Is there any way which we can express not equals in Block Join Parent Query? For example, I want to find accountNo_s that is not equal to 123456 Currently, I am putting it in this way for it to work: &fq={!parent which="contentType_s:Header"}accountNo_s:* AND !accountNo_s:"123456" It does not work when I put it this way: Jun 17, 2021 · Several query parsers share supported query parameters. 0. Instead, all Solr regexes are anchored in the beginning with a ^ and in the end with a $ by default. The basic structure of a filter query is as follows: ExtraParams provides a way to add extra arbitrary parameters in the request query string. It also describes the syntax and features supported by the main query parsers included with Solr and describes some other parsers that may be useful Apr 28, 2016 · Because solr will tokenize the query using class solr. Below are a few ways that you could improve the update speed. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. It seems that you are missing that part. TextField type field, the other is a org. The symbol ! can be used in place of the word NOT. Http library. 1. Dec 10, 2018 · field Function. Is there any way which we can express not equals in Block Join Parent Query? For example, I want to find accountNo_s that is not equal to 123456 &fq={!parent which="contentType_s:Header"}accountNo_s:* AND !accountNo_s:"123456" &fq={!parent which="contentType_s:Header"}!accountNo_s :"123456" Nov 7, 2008 · before deleting please ensure that the ids that you are referring to is string and in no way would be formed by two terms combined . Dec 30, 2011 · solr query for not equal to text value and number greater than 0. It also describes the syntax and features supported by the main query parsers included with Solr and describes some other parsers that may be useful for particular situations. search. From the link referenced in the answer: "Notice that unlike Perl, there is no anchoring syntax (^ and $) in Solr. Sep 26, 2012 · The simplest form of Solr date is the keyword 'NOW' which refers to the current date and time. 0 in my testing. They are subtly different. xml. For example: Nov 16, 2021 · Differences between Lucene’s Classic Query Parser and Solr’s Standard Query Parser. The scoring factors tf, idf, index boost, and coord are not used. 3. Net like: Sep 23, 2013 · I'm using Solr and Conceptnet to try and find the relation between two concepts. , fq=(cat1:val1 OR cat2:val2 OR (cat3:(val3 AND val4))) or whatever. For example, my query took 1 second with 5 filter queries (no cache hit) and 147ms when I moved all "fq" conditions into the main query with "AND". Jul 17, 2012 · Probably the most important point to take away is that the AND, OR, and NOT operators are not the same as "traditional" boolean operators. Apr 11, 2019 · Solr Query 1: searchcontent_t_de:(*Trommelfilt*) Result: Solr query not equal. QueryOperator class doesn't contain anything like a NOT_EQUAL_TO constant so I can't see how that would help me. int pageSize = 100, rows = 10, currSize = 0; Criteria query = new Criteria("UserName"). . Usage of UNION and MINUS in SOLR. First, I delete everything in my index by query. A similar SQL query could be. The field should be populated by same loading process as the first field, but I want to validate that. My query looks like this: Functions in Solr allow you to dynamically compute values for each document instead of only dealing with the static values set for a field at index time. You need to escape your query since the dash is a special character in lucene queries. explainOther Parameter. Apr 24, 2014 · I need to find all the documents in my collection for which the length of a certain field exceeds a certain limit. Apr 6, 2022 · You probably need *:* in front of the first set before OR - as soon as you introduce the OR, the implicit set matched by *:* is no longer added to the query (at least that's how it was earlier), so the first set doesn't match any documents as currently written. solr. Oct 17, 2014 · The first is a org. Jun 10, 2015 · My query in sql server is like where isnull(id,'3') = 3 which would give me all null values as well as values equal to 3. In most cases, Solr uses the standard Lucene query syntax to perform searches. In case that your default operator is OR you can leave it out from the query. I am curious though as to why your updates are so slow. If this parameter is May 15, 2014 · I've tested this request directly on a fairly large index and it is not that expensive (with solr 4. If this parameter is Aug 14, 2020 · Several query parsers share supported query parameters. Negation in solr query. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The whole structure is analogous to a "local-params" query string. Lucene: filtering by a set of allowed values on a numeric stored field. Commented Apr 27, 2011 at 5:30. EQ(x, value), etc. But in this case I am getting all values with a zero too SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE column_name <> Apr 12, 2021 · Solr supports several query parsers, offering search application designers great flexibility in controlling how queries are parsed. In this case the result should be null, but I am still getting the whole document as json in my output. Apr 12, 2021 · Several query parsers share supported query parameters. SELECT Id, OwnerId, WhatId,Reminder_Date_Time__c, WhoId,Record_Type_Name__c, Task_Type__c, Assigned_Date__c, Task_Status__c, ActivityDate, Subject, Attended_By__c, Is_Assigned__c FROM Task WHERE Task_Status__c != 'Closed' AND Opportunity__r. In its simplest (single argument) form, this function can only be used on single valued fields, and can be called using the name of the field as a string, or for most conventional field names simply use the field name by itself without using the field(… Jun 21, 2013 · The NOT operator excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. Explore Teams Jul 30, 2015 · The old way this was configured was with <defaultSearchField> in schema. Feb 1, 2012 · I'm working with Solr and I'd like to know if it is possible to have a LIKE clause in the query. Differently from LocalParams which is an IDictionary, ExtraParams is an IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, string>> therefore it does not have an issue with repeated keys. Now the QueryParsers have been updated to handle this too. I tried this: -field_i:[* TO *] OR field_i:0 but it does not work. First go to your SOLR Admin and try executing the query: (ParentId:"Thread") OR (DataId:"Thread") If you get any result back and its not timing out, you can use the same string in Solr. In its simplest (single argument) form, this function can only be used on single valued fields, and can be called using the name of the field as a string, or for most conventional field names simply use the field name by itself with out using the field(… Jan 8, 2014 · Standard solr queries use the "q" parameter in a request. StandardTokenizer so # character will removed from query. SELECT * from TABLE where ColumnA <> ColumnB I am running Solr 4. Given that the question specifies comparing the full contents of two text (that is analyzed) fields, I believe that won't work well with function queries and the like, so two approaches: Nov 21, 2010 · I have a large solr index, and I have noticed some fields are not updated correctly (the index is dynamic). addFilterRawQuery("-myfield_string_mv:" + value); Thanks, Andy Feb 5, 2016 · In sum there should be 8. Update: I think this question has to do with solr syntax in general, and not Chef in particular. Here is a sample result for such a document when I search us Dec 10, 2018 · For backwards compatibility with older versions of Solr, debugQuery=true may instead be specified as an alternative way to indicate debug=all. which have null content. In addition, the calculated score can then be used to filter out documents, sort results, and append as a field for each document returned. Feb 5, 2020 · Solr query sdouble field for not null. We have found that the values NOT, OR, and AND can be supplied, which are passed directly onto solr (without any pre- For a detailed overview, including information about creating searchers that take advantage of functions, nested queries, boost factors, and more, see the official documentation for the query parser syntax. I have such a need if y=0, then y should be equal to x. Isnull equivalent in SOLR. For example: Sep 1, 2013 · I'm relatively new to Solr, and have been following the instructions given by the tutorial for using the default SimplePostTool to index my data from the command line. I indexed a few html and pdf documents using SolrNet. This has resulted in some fields having an empty "id" field. 1 May 29, 2017 · Solr converts top level negative query (-field:something) into q=+:-field:something. But SOLR gives 15383 results, simply ignores the effect of third query: Query: +((name:john) (-(name:{* TO *}))) //This is the query I was used. for me to use. id:3 OR -id:[* TO *] but it gave me no result whereas on -id:[* TO *] it gives me correct amount of results. 1 and Lucene 4. This alternate API can be preferable in some situations, where its increased readability and flexibility make it easier to use than the entirely query-parameter driven alternative. Example query: field1:abc OR -field2:def The problem is the query returns results for an AND operation instead of an OR, as if the query was: field1:abc AND -field2. I have fairly dodd requirements, which i found more difficult to implement with SolrNet and such. But you can get shorter than the example query you presented. Dismax/eDismax normal query syntax does not support :, but the alternative query syntax does. I guess my main question is this, is the POST param data equal to what the querystring looks like for the GET. Can you please check and give suggestion. At the moment I'm having to resort to. Part resulting in negative scores for matching documents might not always be true, as explained Apr 3, 2019 · Example: Field A cannot equal "Scheduled" whilst Field B Equals "PreliminaryScheduled" But I do want to see other records where Field A = "Scheduled" and Field B = "PreliminaryScheduled" I hope this makes sense, please see the script below, I have included a very basic temp table created with examples of what I am trying to achieve, I havea May 9, 2016 · Problem : I need filtering entities based on the value of a multiple-choice field. I'm currently using Solr 4. Jul 12, 2024 · Multiple filter queries can be added to the same base query, each is run in turn against the results of the previous query. In your case for field id_number change the filter class from solr. ) The value for the query parser property is a child block containing any relevant parameters as JSON properties. Apr 4, 2013 · How do I search within an array field? I am using solr 4. Exclude fields with null values in Nov 25, 2015 · both the counts will be equal when your deletebyQuery will not find anything to be deleted. This is required as the default query in Solarium is :. In SQL, this would be Differences between Lucene’s Classic Query Parser and Solr’s Standard Query Parser. As you can see when reading both documents, something like IN does not exist. I have tried these queries, but they didn't work: id:'' id:NULL id:null id:"" id: id:['' TO *] Is there a way to query empty fields? Thanks Feb 8, 2012 · As javanna answered, there is not any facility to update by query, as Solr also does not allow you update individual fields in a document stored in the index, so a re-submit is the only method of updating. If you want to tell Solr to return all possible results from the query without an upper bound, specify rows to be 10000000 or some other ridiculously large value that is higher than the possible number of rows that are expected. Selects the query parser to be used to process the query. Is this a bug of Solr or am I doing wrong in query? Merging two query results is an If you do not specify a field in a query, Solr searches only the default field. Is this possible? EDIT: MATAN pointed me to the answer here - solr search for documents where a field doesn't exist Apr 12, 2021 · A value of "0. Then I point the SimplePostTool to several directories and index tens of thousands of Nov 4, 2020 · Several query parsers share supported query parameters. The key advantage of the standard query parser is that it supports a robust and fairly intuitive syntax allowing you to create a variety of structured queries. Mar 27, 2018 · If you do not specify a field in a query, Solr searches only the default field. You may want to either use the df parameter in the query (or as the other answer says, add it as a default value), or if you're using the (e)dismax handler (which you probably are), use the qf parameter to indicate which fields to Jan 18, 2017 · solr query for not equal to text value and number greater than 0. So, let's say we want to check if Hamburg is a city. Apr 28, 2013 · For how to correctly query Solr on equality between two fields, please see Nicholas DiPiazza's answer. The explainOther parameter specifies a Lucene query in order to identify a set of documents. It is Solr setting, not c#. Net but I have used it for one project. I want to achieve the same in SOLR but not able to get it. class); while (resultCursor. g. For example: Now, when I use first and third query in a same query with OR operator, I expect to get (216888 + 15383) results. The following query searches for datasets that contain the word parks and don’t contain the word marine in their title. However I am not able to understand the correct behavior. I tried. you can change the tokenizer for field type definition. This is known as filter context and query context. 0" makes the query a pure "disjunction sum query" where it doesn’t matter what the maximum scoring sub query is, because the final score will be the sum of the subquery scores. Negative operator(NOT,- , !) in solr query string doesn't Dec 5, 2011 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. – Jun 8, 2020 · Solr’s default Query Parser is also known as the “lucene” parser. Your search query will not find the docs which are deleted (if they are deleted by the deleteByQuery). Returns the numeric docValues or indexed value of the field with the specified name. How do I make the query? Aug 13, 2018 · solr query for not equal to text value and number greater than 0. solr query for not equal to text value and For a filter query in Solr, I need to include all documents not of a certain type, plus any documents of that type which have a value in a certain field. Basic Solr query syntax. This allows you to have some pre-made filter queries that you can programmatically apply to the query as needed and they will all work in tandem. Mar 17, 2020 · The difference between the two is only that any query inside the filter clause will not be influencing the score of the document or in other words for the filter clause, the score is not calculated whereas for must, must_not and should the score will be calculated. It still brings record Solr supports an alternate request API which accepts requests composed in part or entirely of JSON objects. This is because Lucene's classic query parser is only partially reliant on boolean operations - specifically, whether a document should receive a score or not. schema. setRows(rows); // As i want to have fetch 10 records at a time Cursor<T> resultCusrsor = solrTemplate. I turned on the infostream, had a look at the log entries, also the Tomcat logs but did not find a clue. * on both sides of your regex. The largest disadvantage is that it’s very intolerant of syntax errors, as compared with something like the DisMax query May 30, 2019 · For backwards compatibility with older versions of Solr, debugQuery=true may instead be specified as an alternative way to indicate debug=all. Solr’s cursorMark feature for deep paging is not supported in SQL; use a SQL query without a LIMIT to stream large result sets through the /export handler instead. For this I have used dismax request handler and passed the qf param value through SOLRNET. In its simplest (single argument) form, this function can only be used on single valued fields, and can be called using the name of the field as a string, or for most conventional field names simply use the field name by itself without using the field(… Try this query. Negative operator(NOT,- , !) in solr query string doesn't work with parentheses. Also set the alternative query to :. NOT ( ! ) The NOT operator excludes datasets that contain the term after NOT. I tried this: fq=(-type_id:(A) OR content:(['' TO *])) But it is excluding documents of type_id B, C, etc. 8. apache. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. The canonical way is this: fieldName:[* TO *] Using a '' on the left side as Paige Cook suggested will probably work too but I don't trust it as much as I do the above. is("abc"); query. A value of "1. To specify a field, type the field name followed by a colon ":" and then the term you are searching for within the field. The field's type is string. WhiteSpaceTokenizer Feb 2, 2014 · I want to configure my Solr search engine so I get an exact match for the search term I enter. This is equivalent to a difference using sets. 13. queryForCursor(query, Entity. Is there a way for me to query where the date is not between 2015-09-23 to 2015-09-24? Solr-specific query syntax. vhaqjzbgitavtdkchkcglvzhnvsgoaiqjlpiipdodpyiask