Unraid smb password windows 10 I've tried the following combination for username - TOWER\user \user user Version: 6. I've mounted sub-sub-sub directories inside shares to docker containers using this method. xx. Jun 7, 2022 · ok, so if anyone is interested, while I still can't find a reason, and while all but 5 showed up before doing anything, I did remove NFS, as well as my mapped SMB drive, copied all the files to my Windows PC, deleted the folder from UnRaid, created it with SMB from the Windows PC, and then copied everything in. I can create folders via explorer to the share, Aug 12, 2020 · Bonsoir à tous, Je me permet de vous soumettre mon problème, qui est a priori très courant, mais malgré tous mes efforts et mes nombreuses lectures de sujets (principalement en anglais), je bloque complètement. Aug 27, 2018 · My windows 10 pro machine, the one the could not access my unraid server, had the AllowInsecureGuestAuth set to 0. My motherboard has two lan ports, 2. Nov 9, 2019 · I have most of my SMB shares set to Private or Secure, and I access them generally from my Windows 10 machine with a login that is also a corresponding unraid user. These Feb 16, 2020 · Recently rebuilt my Windows 10 (1909) desktop and I’ve been unable to get to my UNRAID shares. enable SMB2 on unraid smb settings 3. 2. g. SMB Permissions are set for the share, and I've tried using both the Unraid user credentials as well as my windows credentials (which are actually the same, save capitalization). It seems to hang in a similar way as Map Network Drive does. Der UNRAID-Server wurde danach neu gestartet. 5G Realtek and 1G Intel, everything go Dec 2, 2016 · Apparently there is another round of problems with Windows 10 computers (which have updated recently) having difficulties connecting to an unRAID server using SMB. I tried and read every single tutorial Apr 2, 2023 · Not quite sure how you mean this. I just updated to 6. I've just done a quick test of a 160GB file copy from Unraid 6. Restarted the SMB service in unraid. Thanks for your time and any assistance. Thanks Oct 21, 2022 · I have random errors when it comes to Windows 10 and SMB security shares. 1" Then enter the username / password you want. Thanks Digs attached just in case. Private Share settings: SMB settings: Dec 2, 2016 · With Win10 Pro the only solution that works to allow File Manager access to my unraid server (either with server name or with IP address) is to create a User/Password combo on Unraid that matches my Win10 system, and then manually create those credentials in Windows Credential Manager. 3 and windows 10 1903 or 1908 I can’t remember. I cannot access any shares from any windows pc or my iPhone. Something that nobody should be doing due to the insecurities involved in it. Additionally, if you run docker on that server, you should never run the new permissions took as it will odds on mess up the apps. Jan 21, 2016 · I go to "Add SMB/NFS Share", I choose "SMB' from the dropdown and it can see the PC in question, but it can't see any of the shares on the machine. 11-beta and had 110MB/s copy rate for 25 minutes without any slow downs or other hiccups. It works great. This config works for both the built-in SMB provider in the Files app, and for the FE File Explorer Pro app. Feb 26, 2022 · For the last week or so I've been unable to connect to my unRAID SMB shares from VMs or my laptop. I can still get in via a web browser. unraid-diagnostics-20230518-1703. 4. Aside from downgrading to 6. user has read/write access and when I enter the username and password it refuses to let me in. Jan 9, 2022 · Zum Abschluss Habe ich noch über SMB ( Benutzer: lanuser) den Subordner SMB mit der Word-Datei: "SMB-Rechte. Samba is accessible and fine with my credentials i have setup but randomly when i write data to the array via smb the connection drops and smb stops responding, Unraid still responds to ping from the computer though so it's a not a Feb 5, 2024 · # 3. change WORKGROUP to workgroup in network unraid 6. 7 and Windows 10, the Tower was automatically detected in Windows File Explorer and all shares were accessible all the time using the ROOT credentials (entered when initially set up, and never re-prompted). ) 2. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Ich habe in UNRAID einen neuen User angelegt. Will not accept user/password for private shares - won't load even public shares. My normal User is my email address with @-Char and . Configure and Install the VM 1. The new Windows 11 computer is asking for network credentials for my unraid server. I also tried using root, no dice just get no permissions to access from my win 10 laptop. Edited March 13 by eshchar Today I reinstalled Windows 10, and created a local user with the same username and password as I have on my unRAID. Jump to content First of all, I am not super computer savvy but I am learning. (Users - > Add User. Feb 21, 2017 · Confused by SMB on unRaid. I know the username/password is correct (triple checked it) Verified that SMB 2/3 are enabled on the Win11 machine On unRaid I have set in the SMB Extra's min protocol = SMB2 Jul 21, 2019 · Furthermore the usernames and passwords of those Windows 10 PCs matched the usernames and passwords defined in Unraid (I know not best practice, but easy for the family). 10 and everything works as it should. I have tried to add the remote SMB share on unraid without success. Hat jemand eine Idee? Aug 26, 2015 · On Windows 10, use local account instead of a Microsoft account. As the titles says, I'm having issues accessing unraid shares via SMB. This share has 6 folders. Delete and adding on windows credential manager user/pas 4. com Dec 7, 2015 · Can someone explain in complete Noob terms how SMB is supposed to function? Previously, with unRaid v4. I looked at the share on Unraid and saw that despite being mounted, it was not accessible anymore. Sep 24, 2019 · Nevermind, I found the cause for my problem. Dec 30, 2022 · Just thought I should update the status of this issue - it seems that saved Windows credentials were causing the issue. I setup an Unraid machine a while ago and at the time, I set up my 3 laptops and desktop to share on the File Explorer menu un the Network tab. Die Arbeitsgruppe in UNRAID unter "Einstellungen > Netzwerkdienste > SMB" wurde identisch gesetzt wie bei Windows. 125. (click me) 1. The SMB settings are as they have been since before the fail, and Enable SMB is: Yes (Workgroup). in the password until we get things working. zip Aug 25, 2022 · I have created a share in Unraid. conf file. Also am besten niemals den selben Namen auf einem NAS hinterlegen, wie auch der Windows-Name. Ist dies richtig? Oct 5, 2022 · 2. I've rebooted and verified that the get-smbserverconfiguration enableSMB2protocol is TRUE and the enableSMB1protocol is false. We have been playing Windows 10 “Whack-a-Mole” too long in attempting to run the Unraid SMB network with the absolute minimum of protection. 0-RC6 I'm unable to authenticate in the Unraid box via Samba. # If the value set here during the first execution is to be changed, Jan 16, 2017 · I am running 2 unraid boxes connected to a windows 8. Dieses SMB Verhalten lässt sich nicht abstellen. That shouldn't be a problem if you are using a local account, but given how Microsoft has been forcefully pushing their Microsoft accounts, if you made the mistake of going with a Microsoft account for login in to Windows, you can also Mar 11, 2022 · ich bin gerade dabei verschiedene User auf meinem Unraid Server anzulegen. Never seen an issue like this, and couldn't find anything similar in search. shouldnt need a password so that (afaik) isnt the issue. Jul 20, 2017 · Both in the same workgroup, both with the same Windows username and password, but both have different computer names. Nov 29, 2021 · Hab das auf 9000 gesetzt, ebenso die eth0-Schnittstelle im Unraid gleich auf 9000. 30 or //MSSDATASERVER. You might want to look here fro a possible solution. The combination never was a problem before Can I change anything so that my normal user & password will work again? Dec 1, 2016 · I am having a strange issue. On the windows side of things I made sure that SMB has been enabled. I can read okay, just not write. I've been having sporadic issues with windows file manager (windows 10) complaining that I don't have rights to a directory. I noticed that any changes I make to files from my windows machine changes ownership to "johnsanc:users" instead of keeping it as "n Aug 30, 2018 · Hi All, I am new to unraid and was trying to make an SMB share. 11 with SMB2. But this I can't manage for some reason. . Yet, I can't access the server from this PC. I'm not certain, but I suspect the different keys could be linked to one being Home and the other Pro. 10rc2 around the same time, but I had to rollback as my VM Jan 16, 2024 · I've been trying to access a couple of SMB shares with a new Windows 11 machine and have had no luck for a week now. Jan 24, 2021 · Das geht trotzdem nicht. username: user, password: 1234 Laptop (W10 as well, same version) prompts for password when accessing \tower and is able to read/write in all directories (including UserFiles) Aug 17, 2023 · Support issues related to MacOS/SMB Integration go here. The password has characters, numbers and a ". Jan 28, 2022 · (For reference: `SMB3_02` is Windows 8. but I can’t get it to work. Attempting to access the share from a Windows 10 client. Es geht um Zugriff auf meinen Share "appdata". Dec 15, 2017 · I have a windows 10 Pro PC and a Windows 10 Pro PC w/Fall Creator Updates (v1709 Build 16299. 178. 1. For the USB, I have multiple different ones crash or corrupt over the year. Komisch ist halt nur das ich von Linux auf den Unraid Server zugreifen kann. I want to connect to "Windows Share", which is shared via SMB with public security option, but cannot be seen for some reason from the Win10 VM. I have changed my appdata folder to be private, added a new user called 'user' and set a password. Dec 2, 2016 · 'steve' (read/write access setup in SMB settings for the share) - has password set 'guest' (read only access setup in SMB setting for the share) - no password set/blank Both these logins fail. 0. I can see and access 5 out of 6 of those folders in Windows 10 Pro. y ) then try this. Dec 28, 2024 · I had to set up a new computer and took my Windows 10 computer out (computer could not be upgraded to Windows 11). On Windows PC 1, I can read/write and create directories in Unraid. I can access it by web browser, but I need SMB access for my Windows 11 media player. If you cannot mount SMB share to windows 10 use NFS share client in Windows. I have created unRAID user scott and granted him Read/Write permissions on the share. Now whenever you browse \\unraidserver\yourshare\ it will use the value provided for name "unraidserver" in the windows credentials vault Dec 2, 2016 · Thanks mate, got the message. Mar 13, 2024 · I can't access my SMB shares since updating to 6. fixed my issues. Go to Windows Control Panel-Credential Manager and delete Unraid credentials so it will renegotiate. Aug 19, 2022 · Ich kann die Diagnose und Fehlerbehebung ausführen, laut Windows liegt das am Server, nicht an Windows. Trying to connect to the share, windows apparently sends that username to unraid and because unraid found a user with this name, it wanted to get the corresponding password. Dec 18, 2019 · Now, after above, you click on a Private share where the only unRaid user with access is "curly". Dec 6, 2020 · 1. Mich nervt das selbst, aber das ist der Kompromiss den ich eingehen muss. Sep 4, 2023 · I deleted my Windows Credential and rebooted my PC. please post unraid diagnositc. Settings > VM Manager > aktuellstes "Default Windows VirtIO driver ISO" auswählen und herunterladen Optional: Wer eine Grafikkarte durchschleifen möchte (nicht iGPU!): T Jun 11, 2019 · Unraid SMB performance is very slow compared to SMB performance of a Windows Server VM running on the same Unraid hardware. Click Network and all my computers would show up and I could then access their files, drag and drop, etc. It does this on windows 10 as well the first time you try to access the server, as I mounted the shares on both my desktop and laptop. Last week or so I can no longer connect to Unraid from my desktop via the Explorer. zip Oct 9, 2024 · 1. works for days without issues Then boom. By dialog windows I mean stuff like the "save as"pop up window in Photoshop and other p Apr 23, 2018 · I have tried resetting the permissions with "Docker Safe New Perfs" and I've enabled Samba 1 and 2 on both PCs and theyre both Windows 10, so NTLMv2 should be on on both. Windows tells me I have no permission. I can access the web gui from the browser and everything looks as it was before the update. My Mac laptop, all my VMs and Windows 7 machine can see it and access the drive no issue. edited for grammar and clarity New to unraid, and I'm a bit of a beginner when it comes to networking, so bear with me! As the title suggests, I cannot access my SMB shares from Windows Explorer in Windows 11 if I enable secure or private security on any share. 720) Unraid version 6. Amateur unRaid user here learning Recently I learned how to switch my server from using the onboard 1gig port to the 10gig port after realizing I set it all up using the 1gig port. if you are Using a Mac, Linux, or something else, my original example is probably not relevant. Jun 5, 2021 · Ich komme auch von Windows 10 über Netzwerk nicht auf den UNRAID-Server. Is it that hard to maintain Windows 10 compatiblity? I think many users are using Windows and SMB Shares is an essential Unraid feature in my oppinion. 2. Ive had a few problems with dockers but found great help here, I hope you can help me once again At first all windows machines in the network were able to connect to the SMB Server via Explorer -> Network. I've attached an image of what is happening. Another option is in the same other location tab, the bottom right of the window should have a box with a drop down arrow. 15063). I let UNRAID take over as Master Browser. smb share "Time Machine Folder" = visible in macOS Finder but = invisible in Time Machine settings (to select to be used for back ups) May 16, 2022 · Die Kette Unraid <--> Nextcloud <--> SMB/Windows habe ich nie zu meiner Zufriedenheit aufbrechen können. SMB 1. I tried to move files today on Rsync and was told the directory didn't exist. After a windows update when I try to access my SMB shares on the box I get a username and password box. I have my share in unraid set to private and my user has read/write permissions, then I go to file explorer and see my unraid server called “Hemmaserver“ but when I click on it Nov 16, 2016 · As the title says I cant access the tower shares from my windows machine. I have the firewall Mar 14, 2020 · Windows 10 Pro x64 Version 1909 (OS Build 18363. I tried and read every single tutorial Sep 26, 2015 · I have a SMB share which is set to Security:Secure, and I have matching accounts for my users on Unraid and Windows 10. I've checked and double check to make sure that I have a user set up and that I didn't mix up the password. Samba will see the request to the share as user "larry" and tell Windows that the connection is unauthorized (because larry is not in the list of users for the Private share). I was able to set up a wireguard connection between two unraid servers and then get a remote SMB share mounted on my local unraid server. everything was working fine prior to the upgrade. Never asks for credentials or anything. 0-U8. I assume that this is because windows defaults to using the same username/password? In my previous install, I had a Microsoft account instead. Je détaille mon problème : Mon NAS tout beau tout neuf est installé, selon les différe Sep 25, 2018 · And I'm stuck too trying to transfer ISOs to unraid in order to install windows on VM. Now that you are in the editor for the file, add a line like the following for every user you want to map. I0ve the issues both with 6. I stupidly typed in "root" during one attempt to access, and now Windows has kept that and asks fo Feb 27, 2019 · I created a share called NAS for all my machines to access and back up to. Click on the browse button on the share (in unRAID shares page) to get the mount path name, then highlight and copy/paste. Network sharing and discovery is enabled, but I cannot see the Network at \\192. I can actually access the shares on my unRaid server, but I have to enter credentials each time I reboot the Windows PC. I've only been able to see the shares once from my windows machine to which it asked for a Oct 1, 2022 · Now I have access and can read &write, when I use this user & password. Reply reply Popcompeton Jan 21, 2016 · One laptop has windows 10 pro, the other windows 10 home. Activate in Unraid under Settings -> Management Access -> Use ssh # 4. Die SMB Einstellungen sind wie folgt: Being able to login to my NAS without a password would make me a bit nervous. I can still manage UNRAID with the root and password I’ve always used so it has to be something with my freshly imaged computer. When I connected to the smb shares, I don't have to use any credentials. Repair permissions didn't work either. Instead you shou I use windows 11 on my laptop and don't have an issue. I am guessi I have tried opening the SMB in other programs that explore files (such as FreeFileSync). 1, I encountered a strange issue: From my Windows 10 client, every SMB connection attempt was refused with "wrong username / password". Try running the "docker safe New permissions" tool (under tools menu) and see if that fixes it After that, check what username you're using is correct, and that windows is trying to authenticate using a local account, not a windows/Microsoft online account Apr 2, 2021 · I have lost the ability to access my Unraid shares in windows 10 file explorer. Sobald ein SMB Nutzer mit dem selben Namen vorhanden ist, wird sich Windows mit seinem Namen anmelden. I set up no users on the unraid box and left it standard as installed. I had no issues seeing the server within Windows 10 from my Gaming PC, was able to map folders to my PC from unRaid. Da alle Clients per Windows 10 zugreifen, habe ich die User in Unraid mit deren Windows 10 Usernamen und Passwort angelegt. click add windows credential type the name or hostname address you are using to access your unraid server: example "unraidserver" or "192. I need help figuring something out. 7. If that's there click it and it'll ask for yyour user and password. Oct 23, 2024 · If you are using a Microsoft account, it may be better to just create a new Unraid account with a simple username and set a password, then in Windows go to Control Panel - Credential Manager - Windows credentials - Add a Windows Credential and add the correct Unraid server name and credentials: Dec 19, 2024 · use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. Update 3: It kind of works to make the user shell /usr/bin/smbpasswd - this lets them set their windows share password, but it does not update their unraid/linux passwords, so if they connect again, they need to give their old/temp pasword to login. And even though I deleted windows Credentials, it doesn't ask me for the password just show this screen and the diagnose but dose not solve the problem. I do not know about Win 11, but this is the same for Win Server, Win XP, etc. " This seems to be a problem for Unraid 6. Test methodology and results are here: Unsure if this is a windows issue, or an unRAID, so posting here first. Gebe ich im Windows Explorer die IP ein, also "\\192. Every couple of days, I find that the share has been disconnected from windows, and while it does let me remap with no issues, is there a way to stop this from happening at all? Jan 15, 2019 · Hello, I'm new to unRAID, can list the folders in the root of my SMB share but cannot click into them. However, when I used WIndows7 PC 2 and try to enter the same share and try to create a directory, it immediately says "You need permission to perform this action". If you cannot access your unRaid shares via DNS name ( \\\\tower ) and/or via ip address ( \\\\192. That can only be done on the Unraid server by the administrator (root)! May 18, 2023 · This was what windows quick diag said "the remote device or resource won't accept the connection" and "The device or resource (UNRAID) is not set up to accept connections on port "The File and printer sharing (SMB)". x. Even if I use my root login / created user the password is not accepted by the server ( using the windows explorer with //ip of the server/ ) it is stating t Feb 16, 2023 · On my Unraid Backup Server works the SMB Access by Name/IP. I tested using 6. Thought I would drop my diag. Nov 20, 2024 · So I configured several SMB shares on my newly built Unraid server, but the only time I can get them to show up in Windows 10 is when I enable NetBIOS on Unraid and re-enable SMBv1/CIFS on Windows 10. I can access everything if all my shares are set to public, but as soon as I set any one share to either Secure or Private, I get an "Enter Network Sep 25, 2022 · Cannot access shares from windows vm and windows machines on lan or through my vpn. The laptop with window 10 home can see the other's disk. Didn't have time to dig into it but adding a password on the share fixed that box up again. Jan 7, 2022 · Hi all, Diagnostics below. SMB V1 is I've been looking online for quite a while (possibly four hours) on how to make Windows 10 work with Unraid's SMB Shares. falsch mache. Now I get prompted for my username and password whenever I attempt to access the share, but I get an Access Denied message. After investgating i came accross the most strange issue. I cleared the remembered credentials on windows 10 I went back to the UnRaid share on the windows 10 device and put in the new username and password made earlier and clicked remember username and password then it works and I should never see it again. My Windows 10 machine for some asks for credentials to open the folder. After a little more digging I found out how to provide a username password (the unraid share creds) open cmd and type the following net use \\server\share < <password> > /USER:< <USERNAME> > Aug 25, 2017 · Indeed, you need to enable guest access. I can now access all unraid shares from windows and my iPhone as before. 1 implementation, while `SMB3_11` is Windows 10 (not 11). I've been connecting to the array over SMB from a Windows 10 machine to do this. Mit meinem Androiden komme ich Problemlos auf die Freigaben, die auch für den Androiden freigegeben sind, auf die anderen logischerweise nicht wo der Androiduser nicht reinschauen kann bzg keine Rechte für hat. Is there a configuration somewhere that specifies user access levels for directories by s Click that and it should show windows network and/or your unraid servers name with (file sharing) next to it. These folders should be public. 3 Still nothing, any ideas? I just redid my Windows PC and have been having the same issue. I'm not sure if this is the root cause but the problems might have started after I tried to upgrade to 6. Stop array and enable everytime i made changes 7. I am also running the Local Master plugin, and the server is the local master. I feel like SMB shares have been pretty squirly since I upgraded unraid to 5. Sep 24, 2022 · Plex is working so no one is complaining except blue iris as it can't move files. enable NFS in your unRAID server follow this tutorial on your Windows 10 (only Pro and Enterprise versions) computer 2. 3, I don't know what else I can possibly do for this. I have added a user with the same username and password and my share is set in SMB as export:yes and with security:public. In Can’t access private SMB on windows 11 machine Hi guys, I have been trying to troubleshoot for hours, searching Google, YouTube, etc. I encode/move a lot of media around, I use windows 10 VM from UnRaid as well as my actual Windows 11 gaming machine to manipulate the files. I can access the s Jan 20, 2024 · Das dubiose ist, das tritt nur bei meinem Windows 10 PC auf, (haben hier sonst keinen anderen ) . SMB password change e. I have followed the guide to a tee, but still get the failures shown in the accompanying attachments. Vorteil ist, dass sich die User in Windows dann die Shares nicht einbinden müssen, sondern über "Netzwerk" auf die Shares zugreifen können. 6. I had an issue to where even a public share is asking me a password. But I'm still having issues with Windows 10 PRO Creators Update 1703 (10. Edit: ntlm auth = Yes. My original example was for Windows 10 but it is relatively the same for most Windows versions. Im Windows Explorer sehe ich den Share und kann do Jan 27, 2019 · - Open "Control Panel" > "Credential Manager" on the computer you are trying to access the unRAID server shares - Click "Windows Credentials" > "Add a Windows credential" - Enter the network name of the unRaid server for "Internet or network address (example: \\THETOWER) - Enter "username" & "password" of the user on the unRAID server. I get better transfers using my reverse proxy online. 168. pdf you recommended, but I still cannot access this Unraid server via SMB. reboot pc and unraid Those old thread might work with WIN 10, but i am opening this thread for Windows 11 users with Dec 2, 2016 · (My experience has been that these Control Panel items tend to affect Windows-to-Windows connectivity rather than Windows to Unraid. And my Windows box is in Workgroup. Apr 19, 2019 · Many Unraid users have been trying to run Unraid SMB with a absolute minimum of security and that has become a whack-a-mole situation as MS continues to increase SMB security. A while back after some windows updates and moving to a newer version of unraid i then had the issue where my share access was asking for a username and password. # # Configuration # # SMB minimum password length when changed by user. No tweaks on any of the other machines and that Win10 box connected first time to Unraid shares over SMB. I would blame windows, but really I am not so sure. (Standard Settings Frame Rate MTU ist im Switch 1522) Jetzt meine grundsätzliche Frage zum Traffic-Speed mit SMB: Kopiere ich von einer SSD von Windows auf das NAS (auf die Cache M2), liefert es "nur" eine Übertragungsrate von 80MB/s bis 115MB/s. 0RC3 which I had to rebuild the hardware but now the server is up and going and raid set valid with parity check complete. Jan 15, 2024 · Hi zusammen, ich hab nun schon etliche Beiträge gelesen bin mir aber nicht sicher was ich tun soll bzw. The Unraid Server appears in Windows Network Explorer, but does not allow me to explore it. Been running my server for a good 5+ years now. Here is solution that worked for me: Make new unraid user (the one you will access share(s) with) and add that user to a share. Edit: you need to select more options and it should allow you to use a different username and password, then you use a username you set up in the unRAID Oct 12, 2020 · Windows only allows one login between computers. I've set the SMB2 configuration successfully via the windows powershell. Nach nunmehr 14 Jahren mit Unraid habe ich diesen Kompromiss für mich gefunden. Also, my laptop (running Win 11) runs fine with Explorer. 10. It should not ask you for the credentials again, but if it does, you can go to the windows credential manager and save those credentials and it should stop asking. Dec 3, 2016 · Through file explorer, Windows VM can see and access both Music and Movies, but prompts for password for UserFiles to which it then fails (access denied). I did put together a paper about Windows SMB access issues in which the premise is not to try to bypass Win10 security features. I deleted these using Control Panel / Credential Manager / Windows Credentials (Windows 10) and at the top, where server credentials are listed, simply clicked on the UNRAID server concerned and selected 'Remove' Sep 28, 2016 · Hi Guys I am sure this is a simple thing. enable smb1 on windows 5. I worked out that it had to be the same account that the windows PC logged in with had to be in the unraid user list. (I seem Apr 16, 2022 · Currently using TrueNAS-12. However, due to the unreliable nature of copying/moving files through windows file explorer I want to connect an smb share of my PC's drive to Unraid and use rclone or binhex-krusader. See Windows Issues thread pinned near the top of this same subforum for more. Af Aug 11, 2021 · VM erstellen Windows Home / Pro ISO über das Media Creation Tool oder die Windows Enterprise ISO über UUP Dump erstellen. Sep 4, 2022 · Hi, I have not had this problem before but suddenly today when my sync job to an unraid share on my windows 10 machine was going to run i got errors that i didn't have access to the share. all shares are dropped in all windows machines across the network and to access those shares, all windows instanceswants user name and password. Nov 9, 2020 · almost all of my shares are public except for 1 share that is set to private with only a user read/write. 1 PC. 0/CIFS File sharing support -> Uncheck Dec 27, 2021 · Remember, the user you want to map to your Windows user has to already exist in Unraid or it has to be created first in the Unraid GUI. ) Sep 11, 2023 · Imma give this a look tonight and see if i can solve it this way. Remember the credtials. When testing with another device (my Windows 10 work labtop w/ no workgroup defined & non matching user/pass) I AM prompted for a password. Oct 29, 2024 · windows 10/111 changed oauth and other smb security settings. My settings - from when it was working HAD SMB exports, Security of public. Nothing works - all of these options say the same permission denied or server doesn't exist. If I use the non-admin account, it doesn't work. Edit: I got the abbreviations wrong I meant SMB like others have said not SNMP. Jan 27, 2019 · Tons of posts related to Windows 10 and SMB as the root cause of the inability to connect to unRaid that were fruitless so I'm recording this easy fix for my future self. And on 7tb of media files there aren't that many files. I have created a local user on the windows 10 pro laptop, and shared with full permission the disk. - Click ok. zunraid-diagnostics-20221112-1833. Alternativ alle User entfernen, die den selben Namen wie die Windows User haben. Edit 2: so it basically happens after windows does an update that install Jul 15, 2022 · There have been several reports of slow SMB copies and issues with copying very large files on Unraid 6. 12. 3. All users (except root, of course) were gone, and I recreated them with the same name/password. dirty_ratio=0 to remove the RAM cache from the testing and my SMB transfer speed tanked to about 5 MB/s. If you are talking about using the Windows client login name and password for the Unraid user name and password, be aware that the user/client can change the password for the Windows client login but not on the Unraid SMB client login. Also I can access Jul 11, 2015 · Kind of a newbie, so apologize if this is something "simple", or a Windows 10 thing instead of a unRAID/KVM thing I am using Bridged networking in my VM config, Windows 10 Pro (10166) with Private Network setup on Windows. Restart Unraid # 5. I Have a rootshare set up so i can browse my Unraid shares from my PC. Jul 12, 2022 · And I have a Win 11 Pro notebook, that when I attempt to connect to a share on my unRaid system, says that the AD username/password is invalid. It’s been driving me crazy as nothing with my servers or network has changed. It is not consistent and may work for a while then not. If your Windows 10 local account name and password matches that of your unRAID username and password, then pass-through authentication is perform and you would not need to perform a login to access SMB shares. If I use my account in the administrator group in Windows, it works. Jan 23, 2015 · I was able to repro that on two boxes, so I'm curious to see if you repro it on yours if you upgrade. Feb 5, 2023 · I have followed the Unraid & Windows 10 SMB Setup. Jan 27, 2019 · Recently a week or so ago I shared a folder on Windows 10 and mounted it as a share on Unraid so I could move files from my PC to the Unraid server. Th Feb 10, 2021 · I've been trying to find a solution to this problem since I've started using UNRAID, I've tried transferring files to and from the server from my drives, my cache, etc. Ich habe einen Nutzer mit read/write rechten für diesen Share in unraid angelegt. I've set the share to export: yes, security: yes, then gave the user read write access. Jun 25, 2016 · New permissions doesn't take long to run if there aren't that many files. Dec 28, 2020 · Doesn't work! I enabled unsecure guest login in gpedit but still doesn't work (but I think this is not even needed, cause I use user and password for the share). Or maybe im just not entering my user/pass correctly. 10 to Unraid 6. Rolled back to 6. Download a Windows 10 ISO 18 from the official Microsoft Windows 10 Media Creation Tool. If the server wasn't there, why would Windows recognize that it is there in the first place? I know this is not specifically an Unraid issue, but thought others might have had a chance of encountering the same problem and have a solution, but I have a few shares with no password and am not able to access them on a Windows 11 machine because it forces you to enter a username and password and does not allow the old guest option. Why can I not see the 6th folder? I was able to see and access it for some time, but then it just disappeared. Can I install the newer SMB in unraid so I don’t have to do it in windows? I’m using unraid 6. 3\" passiert gar nichts. I rebooted the unraid machine and was asked to create a password for root (I took the same as before). Where I am stuck is mapping that share as a network drive in Windows. It all used to work fine, but access has gone completely for private shares. Made an Unraid user with same login name and password as my work laptop Made an Unraid user with completely different name/password as work laptop (and tried accessing via checking "Use different credentials" Enabled insecure logins in Windows Cleared all Windows Credentials for TOWER multiple times May 22, 2021 · My current home network is a mix of Win10, Unraid, Pi, TV boxes, HiFi, Printers all bickering over that same SMB network. 5 and 6. Not even a prompt to enter my password. On that note i need to change all my network permissions as my children each have a computer on the network and could potentially get my unraid box encrypted by ransomware etc, since they currently have full access on network shares. Oct 12, 2018 · -Disable SMB1 on Windows, though Unraid still works with SMB1 it's very unsafe to use and Unraid has no problem with SMB3, so unless there's a very good reason to keep it disable SMB1: Programs and Features -> Turn Windows features on or off -> SMB 1. Jan 7, 2020 · Set up unraid. Download and transfer the software to the Unraid server. " Downgrading and connection resumes as expected. 42 tower to the host file, checked for and deleted any references to unraid in Windows credentials, ensured Unraid is the local master and even renamed the Unraid server. Apr 12, 2023 · So after digging through the Windows service event logs I found out that Windows Explorer was continuing to try to login as an "unauthorized guest user". I've worked through the famous pdf document, set up Windows Credentials, changed the SMB settings, set the network settings as instructed, etc. Jan 27, 2019 · All that SMB security stuff that we have turning off in Windows 10, LimeTech is going to be turning-on in Unraid (and in a lot more other areas of Unraid besides SMB)! Let’s admit it. Den Windows-Namen und Windows-Passwort würde ich auch nie auf einem NAS hinterlegen. If you cannot access your unRaid shares via DNS name ( \\tower ) and/or via ip address ( \\192. docx" angelegt, diese Datei wurde samt Subordner über den Nc-Windows-Client mit dem Desktop synchronisiert, Die Word-Datei dort bearbeitet und dann wieder über den Client mit dem Server synchronisiert. 1. Dec 15, 2023 · The Windows 10 computer doesn't connect at all. They all have the same permissions, etc. I'm using a fresh installation with activated SMB I created a private share. Add a new user with password to Unraid. Oct 9, 2016 · Hey guys, I've set up unraid and it was all running pretty good for about 3 days now. May 24, 2012 · Hi guys, I have a small server running unRAID 5. Jan 27, 2019 · But to be CRYSTAL CLEAR the system was fully functional with SMB and stopped with NO changes being made by me. ) Heißt ein Unraid User zufällig genauso wie dein Windows User? Wenn ja, dann muss ein Passwort eingestellt sein (Public geht nicht) und der User muss das selbe Passwort wie dein Windows User haben. I have my main share mapped as a network drive on my main pc (Windows 11). The issue: Been doing some cleanup of files on my main share. ) One more request, you will get much better advice if you have a Windows SMB issue if you open your own thread in the General Support forum. I can see "Tower" listed as a computer on the n Dec 2, 2016 · I have issues with SMB on my Unraid install, both windows 2012 r2 and windows 10 pro are behaving the same. zip I have an issue with a new install of Windows 10. Apr 29, 2023 · Hi all, i'm quite new to Unraid. i am able to enter credentials on solidexplorer using my android and it works fine but on windows i cant seem to login when it asks for a username and password. loki-diagnostics-20180915-1509. It's most likely related to the limitation of SMB on Windows. If your unRAID folders are public, use 'guest' as username and '1234' as the password and tick the 'remember my credentials'. Set up shares as public accessible. (Although, it seems clear that none of that was the issue in this case, since the Mac can't connect either). I have 2 unraid boxes running on V6 and both have been running well. The owner and group of the folders in the share is Sep 24, 2020 · @mgutt Great write up! For #7, you mentioned "or disable the write cache", have you tested disabling the write cache? If so, how do you do it properly? I ask because I was trying to diagnose slow SMB performance on my Unraid box and in the process set vm. Dec 2, 2016 · Both worked for me in resolving my issue with unRAID shared folders mapped in Windows 10. Might have to get rid of the UPS connection to the network and see if that helps the local master situation. 4 from 6. Setting this to 1 appears to have fixed my problem. Already turned the SMB Windows features On. Windows sees this and presents you with a username/password dialog box. The login prompt is showi Mar 3, 2024 · I shutdown the unraid machine, took the usb stick to another machine and deleted the four files from the /config folder. 8. From the VM, I am able to Ping the IP/Hostname of my unRAID server and able to access via WebAdmin. There are no Windows credentials for me to delete. On the Windows PC go to "Windows Credentials Manager" and make sure, that you have the login credentials of that user stored for the login to your Unraid-server. Can anyone help? Jan 27, 2019 · - Open "Control Panel" > "Credential Manager" on the computer you are trying to access the unRAID server shares - Click "Windows Credentials" > "Add a Windows credential" - Enter the network name of the unRaid server for "Internet or network address (example: \\THETOWER) - Enter "username" & "password" of the user on the unRAID server. Unraid(Linux) user on the left, Microsoft Account user on the right: user = [email protected] Sep 15, 2018 · So I'd really like some form of guide on how to setup smb shares correctly cause I'm sure im doing something wonky somewhere. Hey smart people! I am on version 6. ) The `client ipc min protocol` does not matter, so you can leave it on `SMB3_11` and it will not make a difference. Dec 18, 2019 · This was extremely frustrating since the SMB shares were working fine for almost a month, then suddenly I could not connect to them with the very account I used to set the permissions with! I had used a domain admin account to set the permissions on the shares and granted full access to "domain admins", and less access to a couple user groups Oct 20, 2024 · Hoping someone can help. 7. My password is correct, and the user has Read/Write privileges on all shares. 3 Tower is not accessible. -Char. Is your username on the Windows box the same as your unraid username? Do you have a password on that account? If you answered yes to both, and especially if your windows and unraid passwords are different, that's going to be the problem. 0/CiFS on my I use my windows machine to connect to SMB shares on unraid, it prompts me for credentials, and then it works - completely different username/password than my windows account. Jan 27, 2019 · I'm making a new unraid box so I encountered smb share issue with Windows 10 Pro. I believe you need at least Windows 10 PRO. Transfer the Windows 10 ISO to your isos share on Unraid. Once it has already established credentials it won't use others even if it asks you to login. I have the share(s) set to "everyone" so i shouldn't need username/password but even if I enter that info (same info I log into that Windows machine with) no shares display. I am always asked for a username and password when trying to navigate to the server shares (both disk and user) through a dialog window even though I have no samba security set up. But, if you cannot or do not want, with Windows 10, you need to have the same username and password created on unraid. Jan 23, 2015 · To solve it currently I made a user on UnRaid with username and password. Dec 2, 2016 · I've read many threads on here and tried their various solutions: enable SMB v1, enable guest access in SMB v2, add 192. dirty_background_ratio=0 and vm. There are quite a few post and there is a gpu/registry fix as default windows msb now disables guest no passowrd for accessing shares if your unable to hit the shares at \\unraid ip address then theres a deeper problem. No custom smb. I set export to yes and security yes as well as a user set up for read and write access. I currently have machines with Windows 10 Enterprise that were not able to communicate with Unraid's Shares setup (one is my daily driver, and the other one is a brand new install). I was getting asked for the credentials on my main machine, because its windows username was equal to a user created in unraid. Attempts to connect via PS " Code: Jan 5, 2018 · That is all i could think of then maybe to hide the user on windows 10, or to edit my username on windows 10. Access to that with Windows 10 Explorer is fine when using the hostname and user:pass But when i accessing the share only with the IP address, it is not working. from Windows with "ssh servername -l username", password see below. I just actually saw the same issue on my win7 box too.