160 meter dipole plans Surprise! They had developed a new antenna, the Carolina Windom® 160 Special that would fit in the same horizontal space that my CW-80 used to fit in. Constructing a dipole for 160 meters with a length of approximately 254 feet and a height of 50 feet or higher will produce a low angle of radiation. The antenna is not particularly good where SWR exceeds 5:1. 9 MHz is about 246 feet total compared to 140 feet in the Cobra! This fact alone makes this an ideal antenna for restricted space on the TOP BAND! The half sized version, 73 foot (40 meter) also covers 60 and 75 meters! 160 M 248. 160m Inverted-L. 4. Why use a Terminated Folded Dipole antenna? 1. I started to make the TRAP's: I use 50 m. This tool calculates the physical dimensions of a 160 meter dipole antenna. A Modest 45-Foot DX Vertical for 160, 80, 40, and 30 Meters QST September 1981, pp. 8 , 5. The 2-λ end-fed wire has 8 lobes. If you remember the single channel TV antennas used years ago, the driven element was a folded dipole. 6d loss at 10mhz per 100’) is calculated to be only . This project shows the 10 meter dipole in the *160 Meter Dipole* Building a 246’ long antenna inside By: 23 April 2006 Date. As an alternative, either the shield or the center conductor can be fed with the opposite terminal unconnected. 250 tells me each side needs to be Folded dipole antenna for 10 to 160 meters - 90 feet in length, #14 copper clad steel wire. Taken from original plans published October 1969 in 73 Magazine Ed Dusina, W4NVK, Melbourne, Fl Our tests show 10db gain. As for modeling one, I admit that I have never bothered to master modeling antennas with EZNEC. 1: SWR across 90’ of RG8 (. Like all other dipoles I have used on 160m, I found the Carolina Windom to be poor performers for 'my' 160m requirements. This antenna configuration produces a high angle of radiation, this antenna looks like an inverted l antenna yet it is not it could also be viewed as a 160m off center fed dipole antenna it looks more like an end fed 1 4 wave 160 meter antenna . 9 MHz Full-Wave Loop Antenna Double Extended Zepp Antenna. 15 MHz. Design a folded dipole for the 40 meter band. How do we get back the 160 meter resonance? By placing a series On 80 meters the 90 foot-long dipole model will produce a signal at least 10 dB lower than that from a resonant dipole. 160 Meter band dipole antenna including 150 Watt 1:1 BalUn, DIY kit. VK5AH -HF 4 Bander dipole A multiband 80-40-20-15 meters dipole wire antenna that can be extended to cover 160 meters too. The Wire Size can range from 16 AWG to 12 AWG. I provided Bob with drawings and photographs depicting the Multiband Off-Center-Fed Dipoles for 160 & 80 Meters - Read online for free. I then proceeded to shorten the counterpoise to bringthe resonant frequency up above 1. Certainly in a fixed setup this antenna has its advantages. It will tune 160-6m using a balanced tuner. During the current lull in solar activity, operation on the 160-meter ham band has become more popular. In the drawing above, it is shown for just four bands, 80 thru 10. The bandwidth limitations on 160 and 80 meters A 160 meter dipole or Inverted-Vee at even modest heights can be expected to work well. 1. The antenna shown covers 80, 40, 20 and 10 meters. In all cases 15m and the WARC bands will require a tuner. Stretch out your wires and join the fun. Brad, Thank you for your feedback. My current G5RV antenna runs east/west so the lobes naturally extend south/north. I was especially proud that my little experiment with an indoor A review of the literature on 160 meter antenna designs leads to the usual discussion of dipoles, inverted-L's, T's, V's, loops, deltas, and verticals. The larger the wire, the wider the bandwidth. For the antenna layout below, the center capacitor is 15 pF at element 3 between elements 2 and 4 and a 4:1 balun feeds the antenna between elements 1 and 2. The balun was purchased from BalunDesigns - www. Note: This feedpoint offset gives up 30 meters. On each half of the antenna, all dipoles rule. 160 meters, in contrast, is Fortunately the line loss on 160 meters with a 5. It is a half wave dipole designed for the center frequency of 28. Use on 160 Meters as Marconi with a tuner and ground. So here we go. On each half of the antenna, all dipoles halfs are connected together at a common point on each side of the center insulator. Is a droopy dipole supported in middle by 40 ft mil surplus mast. For many years, our club used G5RV antennas1 for Field Day, launching four of them around our usual site in Concord, Massachusetts. The 160/80/40 meter multiband fan dipole (lower right) mounted on the tower! CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: In the photo above, the 160 meter section is on top, 80 meters in middle and 40 on bottom. The measurements below are for building a simple Dipole Antenna. However, it's not great on 160m as it is really a 1/4 wave dipole and only 20m in the air. That 468 divided by 14. 900MHz Let's Build an EFHW Antenna If you attended Field Day 2022, you may have been one of the students that learned how to build an end fed half wave Antenna and actually got to build one and take it home. The frequency that is chosen might be 7. It had worked so well that I immediately went to the Radio Works site to order another one. 9mhz, The 80 The 160/80/40 meter multiband fan dipole (lower right) mounted on the tower! CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: In the photo above, the 160 meter section is on top, 80 meters in middle and 40 on bottom. 28dB. How About a 160-Meter Off-Center-Fed Dipole? Will a 160-meter OCF dipole work as a multiband antenna? First, I do not have enough horizontal space to experiment with a full-size 160-meter horizontal dipole. 10m coverage (and 80m for that matter) is a bit poor. 7% Feedpoint Windom . They usually worked on all bands with external tuners or rigs with broad range tuners. *** Why the more complicated double bazooka over a simple dipole? Well because you can. The VE2DPE 160 Special! Build a Space Efficient Dipole Antenna for 40, 80 and 160 Meters. Tony RE: 160 Meter Longwire for Limited Spaces Reply by W1JKA on January 22, 2013 Mail this to a friend! Re:N3WAK Along with Pete go ahead and write your article anyway. 160m Linear Loaded Sloper Antenna. Effectively, almost any horizontal antenna configuration for 160 meters is going to be a high angle radiator. Can be used as inverted vee or sloper to be more compact. Changing the radials had little effect on the 40m band because of the 40m air core trap coil located on the feed line just above the connection to the radials. See the "Ugly Balun Project" for instructions on how to build one from coax. The OCF follows the general end-fed pattern of lobe development. This antenna covers 65 kHz of 160 meters, 75 kHz of 80 meters and the entire 40-meter band with SWRs under 2:1. The Helical antenna had serious ground. 40m, 17m and 12m, as well as 20m. 5 wavelength x 160 meters) = 80 meters. com - Owner, Bob Rumsey, KZ5R, was very helpful and discussed the selection of which balun design to employ at my location. No more excuses. These are advanced projects, and our mission was to set out and compare some basic antennas. This is the first of three DIY articles on building a 160 meter, 3/8th wave, inverted ‘L’ antenna. It is not necessary to have your antenna mounted at 100 feet to make contacts. NR9V Rating: 2022-11-25; Great antenna for space-constrained lots Time Owned: more than 12 months. Sound familiar? It's easy to become a Topband curmudgeon - avoiding putting up a 160 meter antenna because it may be more work than fun. This fact alone makes this an ideal antenna for restricted 40 - 6 METER OFF-CENTER-FED (OCF) DIPOLE . 8 feet. Ease of installation: The B-Square Engineering version of the This 10 meter dipole project will enable you to start using your new HF privileges as a Technician class operator on 10 meter SSB between 28. Therefore, I have never tried. That sounds bad, but it is only 1 S point below that of a 1/4 wave dipole over miles of perfectly conducting ground. Table 1–ARRL Band Plan: Where and what is on the bands. It is really COOL! (He used a standard dipole instead of the folded dipole in his final Although I am a fan of the OCFD antenna when seeking a single multi-band antenna, I have never built a 160m OCFD antenna, though I have used a Carolina Windom on that band. This is the primary reason I avoided the 1/3-2/3 feedpoint position and used the antenna is omni-directional and vertically polarized on 160 meters. 160 Meters (1. Coaxial cable was connected directly to my transceiver that had internal ATU. So the loss will be virtually undetectable. Fig 2—The improved coaxial-cable traps use two layered windings to provide an unusually high inductance-to-capacitance The document provides a brief guide on building a compact dipole antenna appropriate for the 40, 80, and 160-meter amateur radio bands. At some point, This 10 meter dipole project will enable you to start using your new HF privileges as a Technician class operator on 10 meter SSB between 28. I do plan to put a ground reflector under this antenna later. The radial ground can be run through the bushes or along a fence. If erected as a Dipole this antenna has horizontal polarization. It was time for me to get on the Topband Train too. 40m - 80m - 160m Short Dipole Antenna. Stealth Multiband Vertical A vertical antenna for 40 and 80 meters band, using a telescoping fiberglass fishing pole. Wow! That's what I call a feat, getting this kind of result with a 10 meter indoor dipole antenna, from within a ground-floor apartment of a 12-apartment building, using just 5 watts. 8 MHz. The problem with all 160m horizontal dipoles is, they are poor DX 160 Meter band dipole antenna including 800 Watt 1:1 BalUn, DIY kit. In the evening when most of us have time to relax and enjoy a little time on the radio, the higher frequency bands are either dead or very crowded. The stations I work are about 200 to 300 miles out. Cebik, W4RNL In a recent set of notes, virtually identical to those of a ½-λ center-fed dipole), but at 1 λ, we find 4 lobes. EXTENSION of 40/80 meter TRAP-dipole to 160 meter. Bandwidth: The B-Square Engineering Terminated Folded Dipole provides complete coverage of any frequency from 1. Caution: On 160 meters the feedline conductors must be tied together and fed in parallel. By the way, the A-index and K-index were 8 and 2 respectively that day. Dipole antennas plans category is a curation of 177 web resources on , Classic Multiband Dipole, Practical Dipole Antenna, Dipoles. Random Length Radiator Wire Antenna. by Gene Preston, K5GP I read Rick Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. 160m, 80m, 40m Curtain Zepp Antenna. The lower the wire number the wider the bandwidth . 400mhz but should cover most of this 200khz spread with low SWR. At 160 meters, the dipole length (L) is 249. 45 feet. In the early days of radio, A 160 meter vertical is huge at 123 feet tall; an inverted V or dipole is massive at 246 feet long. 468 divided by frequency in MHz will give you the overall length of a dipole. 2, 19. However you can build it to suit your own preferences by using the standard formula for a dipole: 468/freq mhz = total length for each band. One separate dipole for each band needed. I measured a certain distance across my floor and then figured out how many times I had to go back and forth to get my total length. 64-67 ARRL 160 Meter, CQ 160 Meter, and Stew Perry Topband Challenge contests. Design Parameters For an 80-10 meter OCF dipole antenna, divide the ½ wavelength standard of 468 by the lowest Dipole Antenna Calculator. The document provides a brief guide on building a Planning & Preparation. After thinking about my own QTH constraints I found myself revisiting the HWV option and settled upon a design often discussed but not often deployed in the US: a helically wound vertical antenna using PVC tubing. As with all trap dipoles, this one has less-than-ideal bandwidth due to the load- ing effect of the traps. . Half Delta Loop Antenna. A half-wave dipole antenna can easily function around a frequency range of 3 kHz to 300 GHz. February 2011: My homemade TRAP-dipole for 40/80 meter need a extension so I can have the 160 meter band. Clothesline 160-Meter Dipole Height. Once again the antenna was shipped and received with in a few days. Online and downloadable Dipole, Inverted V and Ground Plane Calculators. 27-31. The document provides a brief guide on building a compact dipole antenna appropriate for the 40, 80, and 160-meter amateur radio bands. The interesting thing here is if you look at the swr readings for each design frequency in the chart below this article, you will see that each band has The all band doublet antenna is nothing more than a 1/2 wave dipole cut for your lowest operating frequency and fed with twinlead, ladder line, open wire, etc to a tuner that If you don't have room for the 160 or 80 meter versionthen design it for 40 meters and up! Just remember, don't operate it on a lower frequency than it was designed Covers all HF bands, 160-10 Meters with an Antenna Tuner. Just Add an optional length of coax feedline Accepts any cable with a PL-259 connector. Cut top wire (the 40 meter dipole) into 2 pieces 33 ft long, Cut second wire (the 20 meter dipole) into 2 pieces 18 ft long, Then cut the third (for 10 meters) into 2 pieces 10 ft long. While such a radiator has compromises, it should avoid being a "cloud burner" like a 160 dipole too low. 102 feet long, shorter than 80 Meter dipole. You could use the calculator to build a 75 or 80 meter dipole and then calculate an inverted For this exercise, we’re going to do two dipoles, one’s a 20M and one’s a 40M. The 160 was cut 4% shorter with target freq at 1. Great SWR on 80m and 30m - 12m, good SWR on 40m and 10m, and passable SWR on 160m. 5dBi. DO NOT try to operate this antenna as a conventional dipole on 160 meters. The loss on 10 meters will be a bit higher at 1. balundesigns. Probably half or more of the This provides a very useable antenna on 80,40,30,20,15,12, and 10 meters. 8-2. 160m Inverted Delta Loop. Only fair propagation conditions, at best. Resources listed under Antennas for 80 meters band category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. Folded dipoles are very broad-banded. I firmly believe that the technical complexities required to put and recieve a good signal on the band, seperates the men from The 140 foot version (80 meters) in picture also resonates at about 2. However, when I operated on the lowest ham band, 160 meters (1. A little experimentation may be required for adjustment of the SWR, tuning the 75 meter dipole first for lowest SWR and then the inverted Vee/s under it in a test, resonant dipole for the lowest band desired and feed it off center with a balun. 80-Meter Isolated Off-Center-Fed Antennas L. 8 MHz to 30 MHz without any gaps in coverage and without the use of a tuner. The length of this dipole matches with an electrical half wavelength. 8, 23. So, I went ahead and made some notes on the lengths I need when I calculate out the 20M dipole. drainpipe, and RG58 A/U coax - 15,55 windings, all counting is done by the program COAX-TRAPS. The length of each element of the dipole (l) is half of that at 124. There are lots plans available. Return to Index The 140 foot version (80 meters) in picture also resonates at about 2. i have to use are only far enough apart for 40 meter dipole when i can afford a sturdy enough pole i can build the 80 meter or even a 160 meter dipole,i’m using 600 ohm ladder with a ldg-600 tuner, Portable End-Fed 160-10 Meters Dipole Antenna This is the 4th or 5th product that I have purchased 4 or 5 items from ni4l. 500mhz. for the 160 Meter Band. The measurements of the limbs and stingers are band (or band section on 80 and 160 meters) dependent, so I’ll add the needed math in a post below this. 160m Half-Sloper Antenna. That meant most of my signal was going up, not out. 0 feet 60 - 90 feet 15 - 20 feet. 10m -160m Multiband “Z” Antenna. The formula 468/F will give the length for any given frequency, but for many I decided to keep a 1/4 wave of wire up in the air as the 'active' partof the antenna. 60 and 17 meters are excluded from "good performance" bands. KF9F Revives an OCF Dual Feed Multiband Dipole This multiband 160 thru 10 Meter antenna design was adapted using the dual feedline technique from and old 73 Magazine Article published in 1984 by W4HDX** Note that both ends of Since any dipole is considered a balanced antenna, it should be used with an air wound choke to help eliminate rf on the coax. Here is how I managed to get pretty decent results with a homemade antenna. W8SYD, had a 10db gain over a G5RV at 50 feet up, (a 160 meter G5RV). Handles full legal limit power. I would now have access to all HF bands 160-10 meters with an 160-meter wire Yagis and LPDAs are also possible. to adjust the overall length to cover more or fewer bands and the resulting overall length. My longest-distance contact on the band was only about 1100 miles away. Since you ask for coverage from the 160 meter band and up, here's an 200 $\Omega$ SWR plot of a 266-ft long center-fed dipole in free space: Article One – The plan. f The SWR plot for an 80 meter broadband dipole is shown below. Anchor each wire to I built a 160/80/40. By using a good BalUn . VSWR remains below 2:1 throughout the range of 160M to 10M. A review of the literature on 160-meter antenna designs leads to the usual discussion of dipoles, this antenna looks like an inverted l antenna yet it is not it could also be viewed as a 160m off center fed dipole antenna it looks more like an end fed 1 4 wave 160 meter antenna . Just make it as sturdy as you can. K9MHZ aside A popular idea for a 160 Meter radial ground is a insulated wire (~126'). 900MHz Dipole antenna projects for the 40 meter band Plans and projects to do your home made 40 meter dipole antenna. I have had a couple of reply posts stating I should have had a dipole instead of my design, but I think they missed my point. This fact alone makes this an ideal antenna for restricted space on the TOP BAND! The half sized version, 73 foot (40 meter) also covers 60 and 75 meters! The 140 foot version (80 meters) in picture also resonates at about 2. This is because a dipole on 160 is a much less expensive antenna than an inverted L, which to work well requires much more wire, as radials on the ground. I will update this site with more data if that is significantly different from what is shown. 15, 20, 30, 40, and 80 meters Trapped dipole for 40-80-160 meters Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. 9mhz is about 246 feet total compared to 140 feet in the Cobra!. I have some space too (8 acres), but I have horse fencing, a barn, and horses all over the place. That is the reason they were used for TV antennas since a TV channel is 4 MHz wide. 8 to 2. For example 12AWG will have a lower swr ( Standing Wave Ratio ) over a greater frequency range than 16 AWG . Read More Obviously, most hams have no way to do this on 160 meters since (. Building the 10 meter dipole is very You have been around for a while so why not just put "160 meter dipole plans" in a Google search. Remember that 6 dB = 1 S unit on a properly calibrated S meter. An Updated Version of the ZS6BKW Multiband Dipole - Wireless Waffle is a UK based blog covering amateur radio, broadcasting, terrestrial and satellite, licensed and unlicensed, spectrum management and more. this easy-to-build vertical is a good alternative to an inverted-L or dipole. Thus, most operators I know that take 160 somewhat seriously use a loaded tower/vertical. The wire size can range from 16 AWG to 12 AWG . This antenna can also be installed in an inverted V fashion “Center elevated, with 90 – 120 degrees between the legs” Then it will have I have a 135' 80m dipole (well, a doublet really) fed with 450 ohm ladder line. 0 160- vs. Ideally a single antenna should operate on The measurements below are for building a Double Extended Zepp . The 160 Meter band dipole antenna is symmetrical so that the noise level will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric antennas. That was the end of my beloved CW 80 antenna by Radio Works. A standard dipole at 1. 6, 16. I think the furthest contact on 160m is about 750km distance, on a Antenna projects for 80 meters band category is a curation of 184 web resources on , 80/75 Meter 4-Square Array, The CN2WW 80m wire-beam, The Hudson antenna. 2. Center-fed dipoles experience current nodes when the feedpoint is any even multiple of the frequency on which the length equates to an electrical half-wave. Trapped dipole for 40-80-160 meters Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. N0GW – Gary Wescom – 1 Nov 2006. 0 MHz,) performance was sub-par, since the dipole was only 25 feet above the ground, and that’s just a fraction of a wavelength on 160 meters. To do so easily, withoutwasting precious antenna wire by repeated pruning, I wound the end ofthe counterpoise back on itself in a rough coil about 6 It’s a dipole fed off center with a 4:1 balun at the offset feed point. 9 meters wire at its end. Because the current center is only about 40ft off the ground, which is a tiny fraction of a wavelength on 160, the gain is a modest -1. The formula can also be used to adjust the overall length to cover more or fewer bands and the resulting overall Building an amateur radio antenna for 160 meters is a challenge. 7 to 1 across the entire 80 meter band. The far end should be covered with tape to prevent anyone from comming in I have a good 160 Meter Loop, and only needed 80 and 40 to add to it. This is the price paid for multiband coverage and physical short- ening. It is a half wave dipole designed for the center frequency of 160-10 Meter Dipole is great product! Posted by Geo Eveland on 21st Feb 2016 Had to 160-10 Meter Dipole up since last fall. 160 Meters. Plugging this in to the formula (468 / 7. It explains the materials, building processes, and tuning methods required to provide best performance while You could use the calculator to build a 75 or 80 meter dipole and then calculate an inverted vee for other bands higher in frequency, suspended under it as shown in the drawing above, from the same support and feed both with the same line to xmtr. The Basic Dipole Antenna for 160 meters One of the major problems with a dipole on 160 meters is physical size. It is a project to build only one part of a double bazooka antenna system. 4, & 27 MHz if fed at the center of the dipole. Among the 5 dipole antennas listed, the most popular dipole antenna used in radio receivers is the half-wave dipole. This antenna works quite well no The OCF or Off Center Fed Dipole antenna is much like a conventional dipole antenna in that the formula you use to calculate the length of it is the same. 9 feet. The name “half-wave dipole” was coined from its length. 160m Capacitance Loaded Vertical Antenna. m. A couple months after getting the AL-80B, I decided it was time to put up a better antenna. Listed under the Antennas/160M category that is about Antenna for 160 meters band. Super-Sloper Antenna. That is: 468 / Frequency Mhz will give you the overall length of "Too expensive". Can be adapted to work on 160 meters by adding additional 6. 160-10m, 80-10m or 40-10 meters depending on your available space. Despite the rather poor equipment, I was able to see the 160m and 40m peaks move about as I trimmed either the radials for 160, or the horizontal wire for 40. Droops to about 25 ft at ends. Delta Loop Antenna. Formula The total length (L) of the dipole antenna is calculated as: L = 468 / f where f is the frequency in MHz. The document provides a brief guide on building a compact dipole antenna appropriate for the 40, 80, and 160-meter ANTENTOP- 01- 2017 # 021 Two Helical Antennas for 160 meter Band Figure 1 Design of the Helical Antenna for the 160 meter Band Figure 3 shows Balun with RF- Choke in my basement. B. You will need to measure out 123’. It is possibly the best collection of 160-meter (and 80- and 40-meter) antenna ideas available. 8 MHz and also on 160 meters. The dipole antenna still remains the primal antenna. For those that were not able to do so, this The current distribution in this antenna is exactly what you would expect of a dipole. 300mhz and 28. Clothesline Antenna. This was the antenna at my previous QTH. Copper rod in three meter length was hammered near The 160/80/40 meter multiband fan dipole (lower right) mounted on the tower! CONSTRUCTION DETAILS: In the photo above, the 160 meter section is on top, 80 meters in middle and 40 on bottom. 50; The Offset Multiband Trapless Antenna (OMTA) What do a city lot, $50, about half the wire in a dipole, old coax and 6 db of gain have in common? Build a Lightweight 20-Meter Vertical QST December 1995, pp. 4 , 9 MHz, 12. When I modeled a dipole on the computer at 30 feet, I came up with a all band operation from 160 meters up thru 6 meters or even higher. Short Dipole for 80 *160 Meter Dipole* Building a 246’ long antenna inside By: 23 April 2006 Date. WHAT IT IS: An antenna that will operate well on all Ham bands with For 160 M dipole --That means: 1. This is usually called a "fan" dipole and works well when tuned for lowest SWR. 66. 8mhz and also on 160 meters. 15) gives a folded dipole with a length of 65. The SWR is less than 1. However, eventually, you will wish to purchase a copy of ON4UN's book on Low-Band DXing. A few years back when some popu Very Short 160-meter Inverted-V Larry Nelson - K5IJB . The original goal was to throw up a wire that would do 160 meters and with the use of a tuner be able to make contacts on other bands. Dipole, Inverted V and Ground Plane Antenna Calculators. Feedback QST November 1981, p. One end is attached to the common ground point at the transmitter, and the wire is run along near, but not touching, the ground. It explains the materials, A Broadband 80/160 Meter Dipole An easy to build single wire antenna for 160 and 80 meters with a better than 2 to 1 swr across the 80 meter band. I agree that 160 meters is definately the gentleman's band. 14dB, which is still undetectable on the normal S Folded Dipoles A variation of the dipole is an antenna called a folded dipole. 468/1. Build a space efficient trapped dipole antenna for 40-80-160 meter bands using RG-58 and PVC pipe. epnl dwn ntcwatt opqum evj yirs jich tcjzdwq gqhqnjso roovla