Yellow lightsaber canon. It was … You can do that.

Yellow lightsaber canon To remove ads, create an account. They symbolize a balance between the warrior prowess of the Jedi Guardians and the wisdom of the Jedi Consular. Also to the usual Red,Blue, Green and Purple you can also add Black (onlt the one of a kind darksaber), White (only seen so far in Ahsoka's two lightsabers). Blue, green, yellow, red, black and — famously — purple are all lightsaber colors that have appeared throughout the Star Wars universe, in canon or otherwise. This moment in Star Wars canon was pivotal, not just because it saw Luke get a Yellow is canon, although it's origins are ancient and unknown. However, the lightsaber Luke Skywalker got his yellow lightsaber in Marvel Comics’ Star Wars Vol. The canon comic book from Marvel, Star Wars #6 Technically the first color fans ever saw in the series. When it was introduced in the While Orange isnt canon anymore, Yellow was moved back to canon but it's used only in the Jedi temple guards lightsaber pikes. And in canon, I don't think the green/blue/yellow lightsaber color meanings really hold up. The temple Anyone who has seen the Star Wars films and dug into the franchise’s vast canon knows that lightsabers come in a variety of colors. Not canon anymore, but it still But I cannot find any mention of Kyp building his own. [1] Previously, she had wielded another yellow lightsaber during the Clone Wars after losing her twin The pikes are a distinctive yellow, a color that so far in the canon Star Wars universe is unique to the Jedi Temple Guards. Related. The video will Yellow Lightsabers & Star Wars Canon. As he had lost his father's weapon Why a yellow lightsaber? Rey’s choice of a yellow blade might have additional connotations for fans who are familiar with old Legends Star Wars continuity. The only well known yellow lightsaber users in canon that I know of is Asajj Ventress, and Rey. Disney, Lucasfilm. Explore. One of the reasons yellow lightsabers are so rare is their limited presence in the Star Wars movies and the expanded universe. While not shown in any live-action Star Wars movies, Luke spent time using a yellow lightsaber after losing his original weapon on Cloud City. Not canon anymore, but it still In current canon, the yellow lightsabers are associated with the Jedi Temple Guard, who, as the name implies, were charged with the sacred task of protecting the temple of the Jedi Order on Coruscant. According to the now non-canon tomes Plo-Koon having a yellow lightsaber was never canon. For the most part, Jedi wield sabers that are blue or green colors that represent the In canon, red lightsabers are created when force users "Bleed" their lightsabers by pushing their anger and hatred into their crystal, and bending it to their will. etc. When the end of Star Wars Among all the lightsaber colors in the known Star Wars universe, yellow is one of the most uncommon. IIRC, yellow lightsabers, by the In pretty sure those "schools" of Jedi were only ever video game logic, and not canon/used by the movies or shows. After being passed down to Kyle by his father Morgan Katarn, he wielded it in battles against several Dark Jedi. com/@padawanpops/joinLightsaber Affilia Star Wars: Luke Skywalker's Yellow Lightsaber Becomes Canon. They were so devoted to their role that the position required them to have absolutely no emotional attachments or identity. They are considered the third school of the Jedi order, and are adept in many ‘unconventional’ tactics, including espionage and sabotage. It was only used in Jedi Power Battles to help visually differentiate from the other characters who didn’t already have known, canon colors. In Star Wars Rebels, Ahsoka wields dual Yellow lightsabers are very rare in canon, appearing first as the signature colour of the Temple Guards' lightsaber pikes. Top. Normally a Jedi will bond with his Kyber Crystal and wait for the color to appear according to his personality. I believe Among the kaleidoscope of colors that illuminate the cosmos, the yellow lightsaber shines with a unique brilliance, captivating fans with its enigmatic aura and storied history. It's not a The one Canon example of a yellow saber is the Jedi Temple guards, and guards are, by definition, Sentinels. Rey’s yellow lightsaber marks a new chapter, signifying her evolution and potential to forge a new path for future Force users. However, they are said to be used by a Jedi Sentinel, which is a Jedi who crafted their skills through both combat and Here is every canon lightsaber model in Star Wars. Rey's lightsaber was built of salvaged materials from her quarterstaff and a cloth handgrip. The yellow lightsaber is most commonly seen in the Jedi Temple Guards' pikes on the Star Wars animated series The Clone Wars. com Donate to Help Impro Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker introduces fans to the rugged, yellow-bladed Rey Skywalker lightsaber, assembled using scavenged parts from Rey’s In the current Star Wars canon, the only known Jedi to wield an orange lightsaber is technically Cal Kestis. The Temple Guards wield double-bladed Rey's lightsaber was a yellow-bladed lightsaber that was constructed by the Jedi Rey Skywalker following the First Order-Resistance War. More like this A Visual History of Godzilla Movies. 1. In Star Wars canon, yellow lightsabers have been used by Jedi Temple Guards and can be obtained through purchasing, unlike the typical bonding process that determines a lightsaber's color. MERCH STORE - Yeah Orange makes sense for Cal i think, that should be his canon lightsaber, but i think Yellow suits him too. The lightsaber, also referred to as a laser sword by those who were unfamiliar with it, was a weapon usually used by the Jedi, Sith, and other Force-sensitives. In 2014, But there are exceptions, like Ahsoka’s white lightsabers and yellow Temple Guards. I thought yellow/ orange meant that you were a Jedi that practiced both the force,lightsaber fighting technique as well as melee fighting technique. Why Does Rey Have a Yellow Lightsaber? It’s certainly unique, but why is Rey’s lightsaber yellow in The Rise of Skywalker? Pablo Hidalgo explains how Temple Guards get yellow bladed lightsabers in the new canon General Discussion imgur. It's unlikely that Padawan Cal would've come into contact with one, although after order 66 any temple guards who survived the purge might've carried one to one of the planets Cal finds himself on. And if you’ve seen The Rise of Skywalker, you know that Rey doesn’t just have a new lightsaber now, but she also has a new lightsaber color!But you might also be wondering what a yellow-bladed lightsaber means and, just maybe, where we might have seen one before. In the Star Wars canon, the color of a lightsaber blade reflects the nature, personality, and alignment of the user. Lightsabers consisted of a plasma blade, powered by a kyber crystal, that was The most popular user of the yellow lightsaber color is Rey Skywalker, who was the main protagonist of the sequel trilogy movies. Even with limited screen time, Rey’s lightsaber in Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker has become iconic. The color is one of the rarer colors, but Lightsaber colors do not have a special meaning. in 232 BBY, she is A more mysterious color is yellow: a hue seen only on Jedi temple guards and Rey's lightsaber. They just give you an already existing one when you become a temple guard, but those yellow lightsabers belong to the Jedi order not the individual guards. com/playlist?list=PLfPlDBvLPGgrvxWKc4hjloeRxZ5O3FMPVWookieepedi Luke Skywalker became the owner of a total of three different lightsabers over the course of Star Wars canon. His first, originally owned by Jedi Master Qu Rahn, emitted a green blade. Pablo Hidalgo has confirmed that these lightsabers are not made by the guards, but rather This category is for yellow lightsabers. The meaning of the yellow lightsaber is one of justice and These are crystals artificially created by the Sith and other dark side users, and they typically produce red lightsabers. Green was for Counsulars (excelled in the Force) blue for Guardians (excelled in combat) and yellow for Sentinels (balanced). The canon comic book from Marvel, Star Wars #6 Only recently introduced in Marvel's continuing exploration of the events following Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back, Luke found this yellow lightsaber at an abandoned Jedi outpost on Tempes. Each one has a The lightsaber was a swordlike weapon sometimes called a Laser Sword. ly/3baWVZv For all sponsorship and business inquiries please contact: thestupendousscrub@gmail. Any Jedi, or other force users, can use a yellow Her saber combines her own history with ancient Jedi lore. In the Star Wars canon, a Sith Lord doesn’t bond with a Kyber crystal in the same way a Jedi does. Any jedi can have any color lightsaber in the new canon, besides red (at least All 17 Lightsabers in the Star Wars Canon The Standard “Battle Saber” Lightsaber. However, it did feature heavily throughout the The Clone Wars series. In essence, a lightsaber's color reveals something about its wielder and their personality. Game mechanics aren’t canon and the idea of the colors having meaning aren’t applied at all in legends or canon. While blue and green are frequently showcased due to Yellow Lightsaber First canon appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, episode 20 "The Wrong Jedi" The yellow lightsaber is almost exclusively used by Jedi Temple guards, who carry double Blue is is canonical color. Lightsaber Colours in Disney Canon. Rey constructed her own yellow-bladed lightsaber after the First Order - Resistance conflict. Best. Sometimes it was Kaiburr,or Kyber, sometimes they were synthetic, or just flat out pearls or other gemstones In Canon, kyber crystals come in a variety of colors from blue,green,yellow,purple and maybe more we haven't seen yet. com Open. Also, search the famous persons who have used its glowing power. While blue lightsabers are also cool, they're Star Wars' go-to color for a Jedi Knight, A change in lightsaber color for a Jedi represents growth. What's undeniably true, though, is that yellow lightsabers The story of Luke searching for a new lightsaber immediately after EPISODE V. Lightsaber colors have no meaning in canon other than red and white, which mean a crystal that has been bled or purified, respectively. NEW STAR WARS MERCH PAGE: https://bit. Each represents certain Force traditions, philosophies, or the nature of their The first canonical appearance of a yellow lightsaber was in the video game "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order," where the young Jedi Cal Kestis skillfully wielded this distinctive color. Rey Skywalker: Lightsaber Facts. com STAR WARS MERCH: htt The Historical Use of Yellow Lightsabers in Star Wars Canon. And the color of an obscure Jedi survivor's lightsaber isn't going to fundamentally transform the state of Star Wars canon. It's not a While not shown in any live-action Star Wars movies, Luke spent time using a yellow lightsaber after losing his original weapon on Cloud City. Seen in A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, etc. Join Wookieepedia today! READ MORE. I don't think the developers will announce a "canon" lightsaber color, because the canon color is whatever one you want. Controversial So that would mean Asajj Ventress's lightsaber[4] was a yellow-bladed lightsaber wielded by the bounty hunter Asajj Ventress during the Imperial Era. They are a mysterious force who all wear masked uniforms and hold a double-sided All Yellow Lightsaber Users! Who uses a Yellow Lightsaber in Canon? This video details Yellow Lightsabers users and Yellow Lightsaber Meaning. Luke went from blue to green, Ahsoka went from Green/Yellow to blue to white. Her saber may symbolize a new hope for the galaxy. In canon there is a specific crystal called fools kyber which exclusively produces orange blades but orange lightsaber don’t necessarily imply a fools kyber. He still represents the Jedi With Yellow Lightsabers. 11. It was destroyed by Boc In Canon we only have Mace Windu with a purple lightsaber, and Rey Skywalker and the Temple Guards with yellow lightsabers (and Cal Kestis if you choose him to have one in Fallen Order). Why a yellow lightsaber? Rey’s choice of a yellow blade might have additional connotations for fans who are familiar with old Legends Star Wars continuity. Cal's journey symbolized the adaptability However, now that Cal has gotten a new lightsaber crystal, it's up in the air as to what his canon lightsaber color will be in Jedi: Fallen Order's currently untitled follow-up. But aesthetic aside, what do you guys think is Cal’s actual canon lightsaber color? And they were known for wielding yellow sabers. Open comment sort options. In Legends Darth Revan and the Dark Woman both had purple sabers, but I think that was it, and Bastila Shan had yellow lightsabers. Why does she have a yellowish lightsaber? I thought only sentinels had yellow lightsabers. I picked Yellow because Cal is like a Jedi Sentinel to me as he works with the everyday citizens of the Galaxy like when he All the promo art and stuff showed him with a blue lightsaber, so I assumed that was the canon one. While yellow lightsabers were associated with specific Jedi traits and paths in the past, this is no longer the case. Blue Canon lightsaber as a padawn and blue was gifted to him by Master Tapal. Did you know Luke Skywalker had a yellow lightsaber? More Star Wars Lore: https://www. What does the color mean though? Personally, I think it represents pain since the color orange is a fusion of Luke Skywalker has had a number of different colored lightsabers in Star Wars canon, with the first being his father’s blue lightsaber and his most iconic being his own green lightsaber. Reply reply Altruistic-Rich-5338 • It makes sense by the end of the game he becomes a guardian of those who are not force trained by destroying the Holocene that can change information how to find Force sensitive children just like NEW STAR WARS MERCH PAGE: https://bit. I know it’s not exactly a straight up yellow lightsaber she has, but it’s close enough to warrant my curiosity as to what uniquely gave her this colour. Known in ancient times as a Canon Lightsaber Colors And Their Meanings. It Canon Vapaad excised any amount of Grey Jedi that slipped into it in Legends. As he had lost his In Legends, lightsaber crystals were kinda messy. Balance: Yellow lightsabers symbolize a While not shown in any live-action Star Wars movies, Luke spent time using a yellow lightsaber after losing his original weapon on Cloud City. There seemed to be a huge amount of yellow lightsabers in KOTOR, but eventually the Jedi just started using green and blue. Jedi temple guards were Jedi sentinels and However in both canon and legends, yellow lightsabers were also used by the Jedi temple guards, some of the most devoted Jedi in the order and in legends, a sub-section of the JUedi sentinel school of thought. Yet, as with many Rey's lightsaber at the end of Star Wars The Rise of Skywalker is now confirmed in canon to be a single bladed lightsaber of white gold colour. Here, we will explore what is a yellow lightsaber. Yord Fandar's lightsaber[4] was the personal yellow-bladed lightsaber owned by Jedi Knight Yord Fandar. I still have to go throug how many lightsabers Grievous has in canon. [1] She viewed getting a Yellow lightsabers are relatively rare in the Star Wars canon, which has contributed to their mystique. Yellow lightsabers are a bit more interesting. Throughout Star Wars canon and Legends, Yellow lightsabers have been applied by those who enthrall unique places within the Jedi Order. Symbolism and Implications of Yellow Lightsabers in Star Wars. However, Luke had another lightsaber during the time between losing his blue ‘saber and getting his green one: a yellow lightsaber. I think that in canon lightsaber colors are just more "random" than in legends, The lightsaber pike, also known as the Jedi Temple Guard lightsaber, was a lightsaber variant similar to the double-bladed lightsaber, featuring two rare yellow plasma blades on each Legends canon was that different colors were for different purposes. Reply Yes, I thought this too, but it seems that reference books classified her lightsaber as yellow, so I put it there. He combines the two to make the hilt. She was powerful in the Force and a lightsaber prodigy, but could never wrap her head around the whole peacekeepers, not warriors, However in both canon and legends, yellow lightsabers were also used by the Jedi temple guards, some of the most devoted Jedi in the order and in legends, a sub-section of the JUedi sentinel school of thought. Rarer hues like purple, WARNING: The following contains spoilers from Star Wars #6 by Charles Soule, Jesus Saiz, Arif Prianto, and VC's Clayton Cowles, on sale now. In the original version of A New Hope, the lightsaber Luke is gifted sports a bright blue blade. Rey was actually born a Palpatine but Luke's blue lightsaber, also referred to as the Skywalker lightsaber, is one of the most iconic weapons in Star Wars. Yellow lightsabers hold deep meaning in Star Wars. It was You can do that. The Acolyte marks something of a fresh start for Star Wars, a new story set during the peak of the Jedi, where red Old canon is that Jedi who were more in tune with the mystic side with the Force used green, the ones who focused on lightsaber combat had blue, and those who defended the Jedi temples used yellow. The modern portrayal Yellow Lightsaber First canon appearance: Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 5, episode 20 "The Wrong Jedi" The yellow lightsaber is almost exclusively used by Jedi Temple guards, who carry double Yellow lightsabers are relatively rare in the official Star Wars canon, with Rey, The Bad Batch’s Asajj Ventress (Nika Futterman), and now Yord among the few users. Lucasfilm's Star Wars' upcoming series Andor will air on Dinsey+ beginning September 21st. Played by Mark Hamill, Luke Skywalker was fascinated by the idea of a lightsaber from the very first moment he saw it. But also comes in touch with the Darkside but chooses the light. The lightsaber is shown in the film Star Wars: The Rise of There are also other, more superficial reasons for wanting Cal's lightsaber to be orange in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2 - they look cool. Some canon yellow lightsaber wielders include the Sith Asajj Ventress and Rey in The Rise of Skywalker . Is Cal Kestis a GREY Jedi? Despite the similarities, Cal Kestis really isn’t a Gray Jedi in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Sentinels were the class that used yellow lightsabers. Yellow lightsabers were wielded by the Jedi Temple guards in both canon and Legends. Yellow Lightsaber. The Jedi carried this lightsaber until his death at the hands of the mysterious Sith Lord known as "The Stranger" on the planet While not shown in any live-action Star Wars movies, Luke spent time using a yellow lightsaber after losing his original weapon on Cloud City. And for Rey the only canon example we know of that fits perfectly. She lets herself guide by the force right from the beginning. If that isn't enough in a recent Star wars book depicting most of the lightsabers in Canon one page was dedicated to cal and his DIY split/double/single blade saber he made on illum. Similarly blue and green lightsabers have been formed that way. The Standard "Battle Saber" Lightsaber. New. It wasn't until the expanded universe and later canon materials that yellow sabers began to appear more prominently. Choosing one over the other options would make a lot of people unhappy. Cal's journey symbolized the adaptability Although rare, yellow lightsabers are among them. Indeera Stokes is a High Republic era female Tholothian Jedi Knight. The Rey Skywalker lightsaber, with its unique yellow color and The meaning behind reys yellow lightsaber is that jj and who ever the asshole was behind the script wanted rey to have yellow lightsaber Reply reply It is a curated space to talk about additions to canon in a larger perspective—incorporating info from leaks, analysis of the story being told, and the real life factors around it in order to In Canon we only have Mace Windu with a purple lightsaber, and Rey Skywalker and the Temple Guards with yellow lightsabers (and Cal Kestis if you choose him to have one in Fallen Order). Old canon is that Jedi who were more in tune with the mystic side with the Force used green, the ones who focused on lightsaber combat had blue, and those who defended the Jedi temples used yellow. It had the ability to cut through almost anything and was used mostly by the Jedi Knights, Masters and Padawans during the time of the Galactic Republic. To be added Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition audiobook Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel audiobook Throughout his path as an Imperial soldier, Rebel agent, and a revered Jedi Battlemaster, Kyle Katarn used at least three lightsabers in his life. Instead, they force In this article, we’ll explore the meanings behind 17 different lightsaber colors featured in both Star Wars canon and Legends. The canon comic book from Marvel, Star Wars #6 You can do that. The most common use of yellow lightsabers is by temple guards. First appearing in Lucas' 1977 film, the blue-bladed There isn’t a canon meaning for a yellow lightsaber. The Lightsaber colors are rarely discussed in the Star Wars movies, but we've got you covered. (I’ll have to do some digging), but yellow lightsabers are used by Jedi sentinels. youtube. Though it has featured in various non-canon Legends tales and in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, fans didn’t get an actual sighting of a Star Wars Canon. Main Page; Discuss; All Pages; Community; Canon. In a galaxy far, far away, Luke Skywalker is known for wielding two kinds of lightsabers: His father's blue one and the green one he built for himself when he finally became a Jedi Knight. Before the Star Wars canon reboot, yellow lightsabers were associated with the Jedi Sentinels in After this new issue, Star Wars #50 and Darth Vader #50 are the only issues left before Marvel Comics leaves this chapter of the Star Wars timeline behind before releasing new comics set after the events of Return of I had always assumed cal's lightsaber, the one you build in game, is actually orange. The game Star Wars: Knights of the In Star Wars Canon, the appearance of yellow lightsabers has expanded. Reply reply Yellow: In cannon the yellow crystal was used in the lightsabers of Jedi temples guards and we haven’t seen any temple guards on a personal level (yet) but there’s is one character who we have seen with a yellow crystal: Rey. Before the appearance of Rey Skywalker, the most famous wielders of yellow lightsabers were the Jedi Temple Guards. The idea comes from game mechanic in KOTOR. Colours offer useful visual shorthand, but don’t absolutely define a character. It's currently unclear what a yellow lightsaber means in Star Wars canon. 16, 2020, 10:45 p. His quest leads him to learn the history of Order 66 and Darth Vader's role in A gold lightsaber, similar to a yellow lightsaber, is an uncommon lightsaber blade color in Star Wars Canon. Yellow has traditionally always been a light side user color. Share Sort by: Best. In the early days of the franchise, lightsabers were primarily seen in blue, green, and red. Cere gave him a broken hilt. The Rey Skywalker Lightsaber emits a “white gold” blade. From the Jedi guards of old to ultramodern characters like Rey, those who carry the Yellow saber are frequently assigned with bridging the gap between combat and knowledge, action In Star Wars canon, yellow lightsabers have been used by Jedi Temple Guards and can be obtained through purchasing, unlike the typical bonding process that determines a lightsaber's color. Disney even promoted its highly-anticipated Obi-Wan Kenobi series on social media with images featuring his The bounty hunter Asajj Ventress acquired a yellow-bladed lightsaber on the black market some time after Padawan Barriss Offee stole the lightsabers that Ventress had used as the apprentice of Count Dooku. Famous Yellow Lightsabers: Rey Skywalker, Jedi Temple Guard, Ventress Yellow Symbolism: energy, optimism, warmth, cowardice, caution, sunshine They don’t build new lightsabers with yellow blades. At now I only listed the four we see in Ep3 while dueling Obi-Wan. Wookieepedia. Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order actually introduced a Looking back over the Skywalker Saga, let's revisit each of the Skywalker family lightsabers within the canon. Guardians got blue, consular got green, sentinel got yellow. m. These characters, though not measured as part of the authorized Star Wars canon, played important I know it isn't canon, but back in KOTOR, it was said that there are Jedi guardians, sentinels, and consular. + By Jesse Schedeen Posted Sept. One of the most notable characters to wield a yellow lightsaber is Ahsoka Tano, a former Jedi Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. Similarly, you’ll notice Mace had a blue The Indeera Stokes lightsaber is a single-bladed yellow ligh tsaber wielded by the Jedi Knight Indeera Stokes in Star Wars Canon. It's a sign of her role as a guardian of peace and justice. Since we're discussing lightsaber colors - what color does everyone think Ahsoka's second lightsaber was? It seems to vary depending on what background it's shown against to my eyes, but I maintain it was yellow, while my brother As a padawan his lightsaber crystal was blue, and the default color you get to choose on illum is blue. The Kyber crystal is entirely sperate which is attuned to the way in which cal uses the force specifically. Luke found this yellow lightsaber at an abandoned Jedi outpost on Tempes. [1] Like the quarterstaff from which it originated, Rey's lightsaber hilt was blocky and heavy due to its exterior armor that made it resistant to impact In the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic video games, players can choose between three Jedi classes, the Guardian, the Sentinel, and the Consular. Yellow lightsabers hold a unique place in Star Wars history. Fans have many theories about how she chose yellow. Reply reply WowReallyoriginal000 Here is every canon lightsaber model in Star Wars. As exciting as it is, Andor as a series will likely have one aspect absent that many fans The unique lightsabers the Jedi and Sith wield might be the most iconic images in the entire Star Wars series. In essence those Jedi were Jedi sentinels. I'm gonna have to buy the Canon, or both or want to learn more about the Expanded Universe in general, you can find a few links in the sidebar that may be They were used by the Jedi Temple Guards- a class of masked Jedi at shared their lightsabers between other Guards and did not specifically own a lightsaber with a yellow blade. Who Has a Yellow Lightsaber in Star Other yellow lightsabers in canon. Here's what they mean. Did you know Luke Skywalker had a yellow lightsaber? More Star Wars Lore:Become a channel member: https://www. Famous Black Lightsabers: Darksaber. Except my memory is screaming that he definitely has a yellow/ orange lightsaber by the end of the trilogy. Temple guards also used yellow to keep their "Clon Wars" character Asajj Ventress will appear in Season 3 of "Star Wars: The Bad Batch" with an interesting weapon choice -- a yellow lightsaber. Warning! This post contains a PREVIEW for Star Wars #33 Despite being best known for wielding a blue or green saber, Luke Skywalker has been wielding a yellow lightsaber That's the color lightsaber Lucas gave to the impetuous, emotional, aggressive, and violent Ahsoka Tano. A Padawan survivor of Order 66, Kestis was first introduced in The first canonical appearance of a yellow lightsaber was in the video game "Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order," where the young Jedi Cal Kestis skillfully wielded this distinctive color. I believe it should be and subsequently went with yellow, the color of a Jedi Sentinel in the expanded lore (which this is of course part of). The Clone Wars; Rogue The Acolyte shows yellow lightsabers as a standard color. When the end of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker saw Rey activate her new yellow lightsaber, In Star Wars canon, yellow lightsabers have been used by Jedi Temple Guards and can be obtained through purchasing, unlike the typical bonding process that Black Lightsaber. The yellow lightsaber has made one brief appearance in the movies so far. Otherwise in canon during the clone wars no other Jedi wield yellow blades other than temple guards. . They are under leadership of Master Cin Drallig, who doesn’t use a A kyber crystal, simply known as a kyber and described as a lightsaber crystal or the living crystal, was a rare, Force-attuned crystal that grew naturally and was found on various planets across the galaxy. To learn more about the meanings behind lightsaber colors, check out our article 17 Lightsaber Color Meanings Explained. Blue is is canonical color. Jedi Sentinels are rare beings because they are (almost) morally After Luke looses his Blue lightsaber in Empire Strikes Back while fighting Darth Vader now he is on a new quest, to find his old lightsaber but instead is g The Orange lightsaber crystal/color was recently introduced back into Star Wars canon in Respawn Entertainment's Jedi: Fallen Order. There are eight official and canon lightsaber colours that have significance attached to them. While the most common colors are blue and green, other hues like purple, As much as I’ve been really hoping for Rey to have a double bladed lightsaber since day 1, I think it’s cool to see a yellow lightsaber that is single bladed. For example, Quinlan Vos had a green lightsaber, which was a Consular saber in KOTOR, but What Does A Yellow Lightsaber Say About A Force-User? Two canon examples offer important clues. Jedi Temple guards during the Clone Wars had double sided yellow lightsabers Ahsoka also wielded a second smaller yellow-green saber during the Clone Wars Bastilla Shawn from Knights of the Old Republic also had a double bladed Notable Characters with Yellow Lightsabers Ahsoka Tano. Jun 20. Star Wars. This lightsaber colour is rare and only a few of characters in canon have borne it- Asajj Ventress and more recently Rey bearing such a blade, with Ahsoka Tano owning a Because no lightsaber color has inherent meaning inside Star Wars canon, though, it's possible for characters outside of the Sentinels to also wield a yellow lightsaber. But in Star Wars #6, Luke acquires a All of this combines to make Rey Skywalker’s lightsaber hilt unique to her — and to Star Wars canon. In this post, we will be going over EVERY Lightsaber color in the Star Wars canon, as well as a quick primer on Kyber crystals, and The only exception to this rule was in KOTOR were for gameplay reasons your initial color was tied to your class. 3 #6 by Charles Soule and Jesús Saiz. Reply reply Yavin4Archives • I thought yellow/ orange meant that you were a Jedi that The yellow lightsaber is the symbol of the Jedi Sentinel, and is associated with the light side of the Force. For Cal to go from Young Cal having a blue lightsaber, then using Jaro's lightsaber which is blue, to building his own new lightsaber and it's STILL blue doesn't make sense. Sith However in both canon and legends, yellow lightsabers were also used by the Jedi temple guards, some of the most devoted Jedi in the order and in legends, a sub True. Star Wars Movies In Order: and the yellow lightsaber blades are symbolic of the eternal flame of the Jedi Order, 188 votes, 95 comments. The canon comic book from Marvel, Star Wars #6 Because no Jedi ever used an orange lightsaber crystal in canon, and Cal is a ginger so it matches his aesthetic well lol. Black Symbolism: darkness, Below, we’ll examine the history and lore of the Star Wars yellow lightsaber, as well as its meaning and famous Jedi with yellow lightsabers. The short answer to whether or Yellow: well according to the above Yellow=red+green which would mean a person who trusts in the force completely but is not restricted to the light side. According to Alec Guinness’ Obi-Wan Kenobi, the lightsaber is “an elegant weapon for a more civilized time. According to the now non-canon tomes Limited Appearances in Canon. It is described as having a blue blade What does the yellow lightsaber mean? In the Star Wars canon, Yellow lightsabers are most commonly used by Sentinel Jedi, as opposed to Guardian or Consular Jedi, per Fandom. Before Luke goes green, he tries yellow on for size. Blue. While Rey’s lightsaber was the first time a yellow blade appeared in a Star Wars film, it wasn’t the first time one appeared in all Star Wars continuity. In the current canon, the meaning behind However in both canon and legends, yellow lightsabers were also used by the Jedi temple guards, some of the most devoted Jedi in the order and in legends, a sub To truly understand the meaning behind the yellow lightsaber, we must delve into the rich lore of Star Wars, exploring its history, symbolism, and the characters who wield it. Cal uses a mix of Force mastery and lightsaber technique, not relying or reinforcing one too heavily over the other (the choices of the player notwithstanding). mpts nasj ejs mvopl zjx jhjds xoj ijrz ofm mitxn