Why does thailand drive on the left. NZ 09 974 1598 Email us.

Why does thailand drive on the left Is It Safer to Drive on the Right or the Left? Many experts contend that driving on the left side of the road is safer. Why does Japan drive on the left? The practice of driving on the left in Japan can be traced back to the Edo period (1603-1868). Driving Rules in Thailand. 50am all traffic in Sweden stopped Founded in 1993 by a group of Myanmar journalists living in exile in Thailand, The Irrawaddy is a leading source of reliable news, information, and analysis on Burma/Myanmar and the Southeast Asian region. But around 76 countries and territories use left-hand traffic. I’ve Why do Brits drive on the left-hand side of the road? Around 35 per cent of the world’s population drive on the left-hand side of the road – including Britain. UK territory so they drive on the left. Thailand drives on the left because of its history with the British. To legally drive in Thailand, you need to meet certain For those of you who aren't über history nerds, here's a fun fact — 46 years ago today, on December 6, 1970, Myanmar made the super radical change from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right side. S. Most of its high-traffic borders just use a traffic light to alternate the flow of vehicles Since there were no proper seats, riders would often sit on the left, using their right arms to more easily control the horses. In Thailand, just like in the UK, vehicles navigate on the left side Most of the countries of the world drive on the right-hand side of the road. This practice is a result of the influence of the British. Historians and archaeologists (see box right) have uncovered plenty of evidence to show It has always been a mystery why the world seemed to be divided when it comes to the location of their car's steering wheel. Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia drive on the left. This unique tradition continues to shape the country's identity and daily life. Not sure the context why they are on the left. Historical evidence suggests that left-hand driving was mostly the result of the opposition to British rule. And what’s more, around 90% of the total length of roads that exist on this Earth are used for right-hand traffic! So basically, most people drive on the right side of the road. Hence, they would ride on the left-hand side so they could better attack their enemies. In Thailand, traffic drives on the left-hand side of the road, similar to other former British colonies. Why does England drive on the left and America on the right? The reason why England drives on the left can be traced back to traffic congestion in 18th century London. Does Thailand drive on the left? No, Thailand does not drive on the left. But South Korea – another right-hand drive country – is attracting increasing numbers of Singaporeans for driving holidays. 3. People in earlier days used donkeys as their primary transport. Skip to content. The most Samurai Culture Played An Important Role. Many countries that drive on the left side of the road are, or were, part of the commonwealth. The great French emperor It is not only the British who drive on the left, but also the Japanese, Australians, New Zealanders and others. And 2, will they ever switch? Driving on the Left in Ancient Times. Even though Thailand was never a British colony, the British did have a significant presence and influence in the country from the mid-1800s. Why do the Japanese drive on the left? According to many people Why do Thailand drive on the left? Read More » Thailand adopted driving on the left hand side apparently when the Japanese occupied the country during the Second World War. That’s the theory. And the more Why does the UK drive on the left, whereas the rest of Europe drives on the right? Archived post. The right side is the wrong way hence why Americans get Have you ever thought about why some countries drive on the left side of the road while others drive on the right? The answer is tied to history, culture, and even a bit of science. As a result, Thailand adopted the left-hand driving system similar to other Keep left when driving in Thailand. While Thailand was never a British colony, the British have had a significant influence in the Thai people have no manners when it comes to driving. It is important to exchange insurance information with the other driver and contact the local police to file a report. A common reason why countries may drive on the left of the road is through historical ties and interactions with the UK. Controversial. Each country says whether vehicles will drive on the right-hand or left-hand side of the road. 2. Just gotta watch for the motorbikes, food carts, kids, dogs and Let’s dive into the key rules of driving in Thailand that are essential to know. People in Thailand prefer to drive on the left rather than the right side of the road. This system was established in the early 1900s when the first car was gifted to the King of Thailand and The first rule of driving in Thailand is to drive on the left-hand side of the road. Although Thailand was never a British colony or part of the British Why does Thailand use the Left-hand traffic pattern? The reason why Thailand is familiar with the right-handed steering wheel and keeps to the left while driving is because Thailand has had diplomatic relations with Britain Because the first car in Thailand was a gift from the English Queen to the King of Thailand. In Thailand, drivers drive on the left side of the road. Driving on the Left. This orientation is particularly important to remember, especially for those coming from countries where driving is on Which is why countries like Thailand drive on the left, or why Indonesia and Suriname stayed on the left long after the Netherlands switched to the right despite British rule having only occurred briefly in Java during the BANGKOK: -- The Thai government is proposing a change from driving on the left side of the road to driving on the right side of the road, the department of public roads has For those planning to drive, it's crucial to remember that Thailand drives on the left side of the road. Thailand’s driving East Timor started driving on the left in 1976 under Indonesian rule and continues to do so today. Do they drive on the left in Hong Kong? Hong Kong drives on the left; mainland China drives on the right. Rules of the Road . In Australia we drive on the left and walk on the left : ) Bangkok/Middle Share Sort by: Best. The map below illustrates the countries that drive on the left (orange) and the ones that drive on the right (green): IMAGE: World Standards. Countries like Ireland, Malta, and India, which were once under British rule, still drive on the left. This makes sense from a feudal standpoint of knights, swords, and jousting: it keeps your sword hand on the side where you'd meet your opponent, or if you were jousting then that's the side that you want your lance to be on. it may seem like driving on the left The first and most crucial requirement for driving. In Thailand, vehicles drive on the left-hand side of the road. Heavy traffic, confusing streets, and a sea of motorbikes zooming in and out of traffic Why does the UK drive on the left-hand side? Interestingly, the reasons for this go way back before cars even existed and have more to do with fighting than the Highway Code. Examples of the former with cars Driving on the Left Side. The influence for this practice can be traced back to the British, even though Thailand was never a British colony. Key Tips: Practice Before You A couple of things to note about the driving over here in Thailand. Use these tips to have a safe and stress-free holiday driving on the left-hand side of the road. This rule was later incorporated into the Highway Act of 1835 and was They drive on the left side in the U. Although the country's road networks are relatively well developed compared to other countries in Asia, you can still Countries That Still Drive on the Left Car driving in the left lane in India. In Thailand You Drive on the Left Hand side. It would certainly seem like we’re in the minority - but is that the case - and who else I use the acronym: TIM Left like Tim Left the house. In the UK they also happen to drive at the wrong side of the road. As some of you will likely know theory and practice don’t always The wagons did not usually have a central driver’s seat and the driver would sit atop one of the horses, on the left side, which would allow him to control the other horses with For example, Thailand is one of the countries that drive on the left, but neighbouring Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar all drive on the right. This knowledge is particularly important for navigating the often busy and hectic traffic, especially in major cities like Bangkok and Chiang Mai. However, there are some countries, notably some Caribbean Islands Have you ever thought about why some countries drive on the left side of the road while others drive on the right? The answer is tied to history, culture, and even a bit of science. Why Does Japan Drive On The Left? The reason Japan drives on the left is all to do with its historical association with the British, despite Japan never being part of the British empire. Does Canada drive on the left? No, like most of the world, Canadians drive on the right-hand side of the road. Thailand has always been known for its chaotic traffic. In time, traffic naturally shifted to the right to allow Is Thailand left or right-hand drive? Thailand drives on the left side of the road, a practice influenced by British customs. Here is a full list of countries Overtaking is always on the left, and oncoming traffic also comes toward you on the left. Thailand was never colonized but also drives on the left. The law dates back to 1722, when a ‘keep left’ rule was instated on London Bridge to control the Left-driving Thailand is one; three of its neighbors, Cambodia, Laos, and Myanmar, drive on the right. This is because the driver sat on the rear left horse (because this gave him easiest control over the carriage when right handed) and wanted to be at the center of the road himself so he could have it easier to avoid incoming traffic and he could Adjusting to Right-hand Drive. Share Sort by: Best. Roads may be poorly lit, and wildlife may be present on the roadways. According to estimates, currently 163 nations and territories are driving on the right-hand side, while 76 countries and territories are using left hand traffic. Overview: Thailand follows left-hand driving, with the steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle. I think that going from Right Lane driving to Left Lane driving is easier, as I think it is easier to drive on the Left[ Australia Britain etc] Most peoples dominant hand the right is on the steering wheel, the most Hello! can someone explain,the reason,why thailand has left traffic,when it was never coloneized,by another country? for me ,is always diffucult to change in my mind,sometime exident happens,because of this! I do know that you're right and that there is a real reason why it's better to drive on the left. The British drive on the left side of the road while we, in In Europe, Pope Boniface VIII instructed pilgrims to keep to the left in the year 1300. The very first thing you need to know is that driving in Thailand follows the left-hand driving rule of the road. Explore the reasons and history behind left-lane driving. The driving side of a road is the side where vehicles must drive. Motorists in Germany drive on the right-hand side of the road and overtake on the left. Green coloured countries The split highways are great. Some smaller island countries have switched one way or another. From its Why do some countries drive on the left side of the road? Most of the world drives on the right side of the road. DrTuner. Understanding Japan's Left-Side Driving. Channel Islands (including Guernsey and Jersey) Cyprus Interestingly enough, countries that weren’t touched by colonial powers but had dealings with the British, like Japan and Thailand, decided to keep the right-hand drive. A sign on Australia's Great Ocean Road reminding foreign drivers to keep left. This result of lasting British influence puts the One of the most fundamental aspects of driving in Thailand is the left lane perspective, which permeates every aspect of road usage and driving etiquette in the country. Today, Japan also drives on the left-hand To start things up, let’s define the meaning of these two motoring terms first. Out of 241 countries around the globe, Knights would mount their horse from the left side and use their right hand to wield their sword. Driving on the left side of the road. Australia adopted left-hand traffic because it was a British colony up until it became a federation in 1901. As you can see, most of the world 1: Why does Myanmar drive on the right? Nearly all the vehicles in the country are RHD (which drive on the left) , plus 3/5 of your neighbors also use it (no direct border crossing with Bangladesh but you get the point). Or Thailand may have copied the British Since the vast majority of people in this world are right handed and since Bangkok has many walkovers, SkyTrain steps, Mall flights and other pedestrian ups and downs, all of which offer helping handrails, it is a lot more Why does Britain drive on the left? According to the National Motor Museum, reasons for driving on the left stem as far back as Roman times, long before cars even existed. Being respectful of other drivers, Japan's practice of driving on the left side of the road is a blend of historical, practical, cultural, and modern factors. Nowadays, it's known as "right-hand driving", Why are we on the left in the UK? (Picture: Getty) We’re passionate about many things here in the UK: The price of a pint, the correct composition of a fry-up, and weirdly the fact Take extra caution when driving at night or in rural areas. The samurai wore their swords A yield or give way sign indicates that merging drivers must prepare to stop if necessary to let a driver on another approach proceed. Posted October 11, 2012 Following Japan’s defeat during World War II, the Japanese prefecture of Okinawa came under American rule, which meant that the island was required to drive on the right. In 1978 once the area was returned to Driving rules and penalties in Thailand General road rules in Thailand. Basically, right-hand driving is when the car has its steering wheel on the right, therefore the In England, and countries that were former British colonies, people do the opposite: they drive on the left side of the road and sit on the right side of the car to drive. According to Statista, 76 countries around the world have a leftward orientation when it comes to roads and All the yellow coloured countries drive on the right side and all the blue coloured countries drive on the left side. For travelers who plan to rent a car or drive Former Dutch colonies, like Indonesia and Guyana, didn’t follow suit. It seems odd that cars, which weren't mass produced until the mid-20th century, and With the reins in the right hand, it was easier to ride the horse on the left side of the road. American Spec When cars were invented, Henry Ford was a big influence in American driving customs as he built his Model T with the driver on the left side of the car, meaning drivers would have to drive on the right side of the road so In Thailand, drivers drive on the left-hand side of the road, although this is sometimes not adhered to. The origin of this varies based on the time period and country, but primarily throughout history people used the “keep-left” rule. Driving in Thailand can be an adventure for expats, but for inexperienced or timid drivers Thai roads are very daunting. Give It is perfectly legal to drive a left-hand-drive car (LHD) in the UK, but it is a bit more challenging – not to mention that you are always on the wrong side for toll booths and drive What is the excuse of Suriname, Mozambique, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan to drive on the left side? (taxis, live in) User Name: Remember Me: Password : Please In reality the left side is the correct way to drive. OI! I'll have you Driving on the left in Thailand is more than a practical consideration; it’s a cultural and historical legacy that connects you to the heart of the nation. Although Thailand was never a British colony, the British have had a significant impact on the country since the mid-1800s. New. The steering wheel is also on the left. List of all left- & right-driving countries around the world. General facts about countries that drive on the left. Then there’s Thailand, which drives on the left for no apparent reason. NZ 09 974 1598 Email us. Add a Comment. Here are a The remainder drive on the right. According to many people in Japan, the origin of driving on the left would simply find its origin and history with the samurai. In Thailand, most cars are designed for RHD so the indicator is on the right. Later, class distinction in France meant that aristocrats drove their carriages on the left side of the road forcing everybody else over to the centre or to the Why does Thailand drive on the left? The people in Thailand drive on the left side of the road because of the influence of the British. Samoa switched to driving on the left a few years ago, since most of their cars come from NZ anyway. Q&A. Since the The first important thing you need to know is in Thailand cars drive on the left side of the road. The most noticeable difference for some Here’s a guide on what to expect and how to stay safe when driving on Thailand’s left-hand side. Those two countries To know more, you can also read our posts on why England drives on the left, why German cars are so unreliable, and why America drives on the right. " Why do americans drive on the right? Why does Thailand drive on the left side of the road? Why did people in the early Americas not use the wheel? Why are there stars on the American flag? Why does the U. Driving on the left appears to be man's preferred driving side. If you're from the United Kingdom, New Zealand, South Africa, or Singapore, driving on the left-hand side is Ever wondered why some countries require driving on the left side of the road instead of the right? Only about 70 nations stick to the left these days—accounting for around 30% of the world population—but that wasn't This may also be why Suriname, a former Dutch colony in South America, drives on the left: its neighbour is the ex-British, left-driving country of Guyana. The last European country Here in the UK we drive on the left but most of our European neighbours drive on the right. Historians believe it has started with the idea that It will be convenient if you keep your right hand free to greet someone or to draw a sword if someone General facts about countries that drive on the left. In order to reduce collisions, a law was passed to make all traffic on London Bridge keep to the left. Although Thailand was never a British colony or part of the British Empire, the British have had an influence in Thailand since In LHT, traffic keeps left and cars usually have the Answer and Explanation: The people in Thailand drive on the left side of the road because of the influence of the British. So right-hand-drive on right-hand road. No, Germany does not drive on the left. Open comment sort options. They were trained to move to the left and pass other donkeys. Twitter user Renaud Egreteau uncovered a Guardian article from the Then you get interesting places like Palau which drives on the right (was a former USA territory after WWII) but imports cars from Japan where they drive on the left. For instance, at the Thailand-Laos border, a bridge crossing includes a special lane shift. Throughout history, places where many people and vehicles converge have required rules and regulations for obvious practical reasons. It While driving in left-hand driving countries in Africa, it is crucial to keep in mind the potential differences in road conditions, driving behaviors, and the prevalence of local transportation modes. This world map shows which side of the road traffic drives on. The British influence in Thailand since the mid-1800s has resulted in left-hand Cambodia (which drives on the right) banned all right-hand-drive vehicles in January 2001 in order to control imports of stolen and smuggled vehicles from Thailand. Driving on the other side isn’t the worst part about driving in Thailand. The law dates back to 1722, when a ‘keep left’ rule was instated on London Bridge to Most of the countries that drive on the left were previously British colonies. Although Thailand was never a British colony or part of the British Empire, the British have had an influence in Thailand since the mid-1800s. Macau and Hong Kong, unlike Mainland China, drive on the left. Remember that you are Here's our ultimate guide to countries that drive on the left and right sides of the road, including their historical reasons for doing so. Tips for Driving on the Left Side of the Road Driving on the “wrong” side of the road is intimidating. flag have 13 stripes? Why was the American flag made? Why are there two U. But import cars from St. As automobiles became more and more popular worldwide, more and more nations began to adopt official laws about driving. Best. Yet, Why does Thailand drive on the left? Thailand drives on the left side of the road, which is a result of British influence. Drive on the left side. Top. Manage booking Check-in Sign An automobile with left hand drive, helped make the idea of right side driving popular. Japan's left-side driving tradition has deep roots in history, culture, and practicality. However, this is just a small segment of the countries with a road orientation that puts drivers on the left. Market Street in That was the year when Japan’s first railway was introduced, built with technical aid from the British. Some Americans call that the wrong side, but I just look at it as something different. Thus, the country drives on the left side like the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Hong Kong and Japan. The reason why Thailand is familiar with the right-handed steering wheel and keeps to the left while driving is because Thailand has had diplomatic relations with Britain since 1826 by using Thailand as a shortcut to trade with Discover the historical and practical reasons why some countries drive on the left side of the road, while others drive on the right. Why do they drive on the left in Thailand? In Thailand, people drive on the left side of the road. The top five most popular destinations for Singaporeans are Malaysia, Indonesia, China, Thailand and Hong Kong. Click here if you want to find out the history behind driving on the left or right. The majority of left hand driving nations drive cars with the driving seat on the right. Explanation. European Road Casualty Per Million Population “Visitors are informed that in I assume you come from the UK where cars are RHD but because they are European designed the indicator stalk is on the left. Switching from one to the other takes some adjustment but, as Sandeep can attest from his Indian driving Why Do Some Countries Drive on the Left? From the previous list, you now know all the countries that drive on the left side of the road, but why? As mentioned earlier, it has During the 20th century, there was a movement in Europe to standardize the rules of the road which meant everyone had to drive on the right. That includes India, Australia, New Zealand and former British colonies in Africa and the Caribbean. This is due to long-standing traditions, the cost and Actually carriages and wagons were the only thing that rode on the right instead of the left, especially if they had multiple horses. Although Thailand was never part of the British Empire, the history of driving on the left side of the road is closely related to Thailand's southern neighbour, Malaysia. This is a significant adjustment for drivers from countries that drive on the right. The people in Thailand drive on the left side of the road, influenced by the British even though Thailand was never a British colony. Historical Context and Legal Framework. Conclusion. If you Here's a tutorial on how to drive on the left side of the road for those of you traveling to countries like Thailand, UK, Japan, New Zealand, etc where pe Cities like London were designed to accommodate left handed driving, so switching would be no simple tweak. It allows you to visit beautiful destinations and beaches without relying on public transport. Thailand follows the left-hand driving system, with the steering wheel on the right side of the vehicle. Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Australia, New Zealand and Cyprus. This might require a period of adjustment if you’re accustomed to And as everybody knows of English drive on the left! So the Japanese followed. For travelers coming from countries that drive on the right, this may require some time to adjust. Why Indian Vehicles steering is on Left Side while few Foreign countries in right side - Left side driving is followed by the British and the habit dates back to the period when people used to ride on a horse. Still, it took another half century till in 1924 left-side driving was clearly written in a law. A driver who stops or slows down to let another vehicle through has yielded the right of way to that vehicle. Does Australia drive on the left? Yes, Australia drives on the left, just like the United Kingdom. Make sure you have your English driver’s license if you’re a tourist. If enough vehicles (or horse These wagons had no driver seat, but rather a bench, and the driver usually held the reins from the left side of the bench to keep his right hand free for whipping. Exceptions are Japan, Indonesia and Thailand. But you might be surprised at how quickly you adjust to it when you’re in a country where they drive on the left. If driving from Cambodia to Thailand, you Over 70 countries drive on the left side of the road. Conversely, right-hand driving nations position the driver’s While some countries drive on the left, others drive on the right, and the reasons behind these practices may vary. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The border The last Europeans to change from left to right were the Swedes who bravely made the change overnight on Dagen H (H Day), September 3rd 1967. Is it a good idea to rent a car in Thailand? Yes, renting a car in Thailand is a good idea as it provides freedom and flexibility to explore the country. Adjusting to Left-Hand Driving. Finally, while the overall trend has been for countries to switch from driving on the left to driving on the right, Samoa did the opposite in 2009 and went from being a right driving country to a left. It’s one of the most obvious differences between the former British colony and its estranged motherland. As far back as the 1960s Sweden and Iceland moved from driving on the left to driving on the right as recently as 2009, the Samoan government switched the rules from driving on the right to driving on the left. In all countries with left-hand traffic, these conditions are the opposite. European countries that drive on the left. These documents include an 10 likes, 3 comments - iamericfate on September 9, 2022: "Why do they drive on the left in Thailand? The reason why Thailand drives on the left side of the road is that the first car in Thailand" Why do they drive on the left in Thailand? British cars are designed with the driver’s seat on the right, allowing drivers to better navigate left-side roads. First and foremost, it’s key to remember that Thailand, like the UK, drives on the left side of the road. Be patient and courteous on the road. Changing the rules of the road is a very complex and expensive thing to do. Anguilla was the opposite. They drive on the left side of the road. As you navigate its roads, embrace patience, respect for local Left-hand driving can have an impact on travelers in Thailand, particularly those who are not used to driving on the left-hand side of the road. Old. Some facts about Left Hand Drive vs Right Hand Drive. Apply for a license if you live in Thailand. Why do Thai people drive on the left hand side but walk on the right hand side of footpaths and stairs. If it was normal, no switch would be required for driving in Thailand/India. If you’re new to Thailand, the idea of driving in the country can be daunting to say the least. Driving on the left in a horse carriage? Fight British people have been driving on the left-hand side of the road since the 18th century. Martin where they drive on the right. It wasn’t a British or Dutch colony, and there doesn’t seem to be any explanation out there as to Thailand drives on the left side of the road because of the influence of the British. Samurai, who were often right-handed, would carry their swords on the left side of their bodies. The countries that follow the left-hand drive rule are 7 Tips for Driving on Holiday in Thailand 1. eu, about 35% of the world population drives on the left, and the countries that do are mostly old British colonies while the majority of the others drive on the right lane. It has Stephen Laing, curator of the British Motor Museum in Warwickshire, explains why people in the UK drive on the left. Drivers on each side are smoothly redirected to the appropriate driving orientation, avoiding the need for sudden or Answer and Explanation: The people in Thailand drive on the left side of the road because of the influence of the British. Exercises – Customs and Traditions; Important Note: Besides understanding the road signs, visitors must have essential documents when driving legally in foreign countries. However, it isn’t just because of its Through the late 1700s everyone drove their carriages on the left side of the road and walked to pass people so that they are on your right. Open comment sort options Thailand drives on the left it has 3 borders with countries that drive on the right If you study who drives on the left and who drives on the right you will notice that is it mostly islands that drive on the left. Why does everyone else drive on the right? If you know reasons for driving on the left (or on the right), send an e-mail, please. Thailand; Much like our suggestion in the driving in Europe section, we would always advise you double check before setting off. One reason given for Japan’s driving on the left is due to the way that Samurai (who occupied an important place in the social Which countries drive on the left? Countries that drive on the left like the UK tend to be those that were part of the British Empire in the past. In the late 19th century, the British Empire began to establish control over various parts of Southeast Asia, including One challenge Americans face when visiting the United Kingdom is learning to drive on the “wrong” side of the road. Driving on the That’s why driving in Thailand is done on the left side of the road. Since most of the population is right-handed, when a driver operates a right With AFS bi-xenon headlights, it was already possible, a decade ago, to switch the luminous flux to right/left-hand drive via a simple user change directly in the trip computer thanks to the headlamps’ modern design. They'll make a lane of they can and will some will walk wherever they can. The So far, adapting to this new style has kept us safe and able to explore places in Northern Thailand on our motorbike. Why do some countries drive on the right and some on the left? Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Today I found out why some countries drive on the right and some countries drive on the left. Japan is a country that is known for its profound cultural heritage. . Great Britain – Customs and Traditions; Exercises. At 4. Throughout history, places where many people and vehicles converge have required rules and regulations for obvious Citing worldstandards. Why do Thailand drive on the left? Thailand drives on the left side of the road due to the influence of the British. This is different from other neighboring Southeast Asian countries like Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam But consider this: The UK, which drives on the left, has consistently fewer road accidents and casualties than the rest of right-driving Europe. Thai people do Asia: India, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Sri Lanka; For this piece on why the British drive on the left, Aaron The UK and most former British colonies are used to sitting on the right side and driving on the left side of the road. Get tips to adapt & understand the impact on safety and culture. Gradually, a massive network of railways and tram tracks was built, and of course all trains and trams drove on the left-hand side. Of these, only China drives on the right. Approximately 35% of the world’s population drives on the left. Virgin Islands because of the donkeys. One difference from other parts of the world is that in Thailand, like in the United Kingdom, you drive on the left side of the road, and the driver's seat is on the right, so if you're visiting from the United States British people have been driving on the left-hand side of the road since the 18th century. Not only did it simplify 1. I don't include Singapore or Japan because they are easily recognized for language, but it's a good way to remember Laos, Philly, etc are right side drive. flags? Why was the automobile invented? Why did Gottlieb Why does Scotland drive on the left? Do they drive on the left in Thailand? No, in Thailand, motorists drive on the left-hand side of the road. The first car in Thailand was a gift from the British Royal Family, and the country’s road infrastructure was Left to right driving. Back in Roman times, chariot riders would Why does Thailand drive on the left? Thailand drives on the left side of the road due to historical British influence. Requirements for Driving in Thailand.