Spanish peaks radial dikes. 08 Ma), and the radial dikes focused on West Spanish Peak.

Spanish peaks radial dikes. A beautifully undeveloped part of the state.

Spanish peaks radial dikes Radial The radial dike systems focussed on West Spanish Peak (just east of Cuchara) and Silver Mountain (northwest of La Veta across CO 10), the subparallel dike system trending N80E, and a number of dikes that are not aligned with either the radial or subparallel systems. On the other hand, dikes show characteristic, map-scale, radial and parallel patterns (Geikie, 1882, p. These formations were created by cracks in the rock filling | Colorado, rock The Great Dikes of Spanish Peaks Country, Colorado in 4K | Colorado, rock | Vast granite "dikes" radiate out from West Spanish Peak near La Veta and Cuchara, Colorado. In spite of variable alkali element ratios, the alkaline rocks share a number of Checking out the vertical dikes of the Spanish Peaks Spanish Peaks | Checking out the vertical dikes of the Spanish Peaks | By Esteem Education | Imagine you're deep underground under about a miles worth of sedimentary rocks and below your feet, a giant magma chamber begins to form and bubble up as geologic forces compressing the rocky mountains force that magma However, dikes intruded into sedimentary rocks are almost always harder than the host rock and therefore tend to erode at a slower rate. 22, 2018. The Google link guides you to an aerial shot of these two peaks that shows an array of volcanic dikes emanating from the West Spanish Peak. The mechanism of lateral propagation of dikes from the summit of a volcanic edifice remains poorly understood. West Spanish Peak and Dike Mountain in south-central Colorado are stocks which cut Tertiary sedimentary rocks near the axis of the La Veta syncline, the structural trough of the Raton basin. Am. Geology, 14 (1986), pp. It is one of the few granodiorite radial dikes found on CO 12. to 28. The mean fabric angle of aligned plagioclase crystals was measured in oriented samples from the margins of 77 dikes. Among the most unusual features of the Spanish Peaks are the great dikes radiating out from the mountains like spokes of a wheel. 1 m. The final phase of magmatism included subparallel sub-alkaline lamprophyre dikes northeast of the Spanish Peaks. A006) Tabular Intrusions - Spanish Peaks, CO. In Spanish Peaks Country, you’ll find everything from relaxing strolls through jaw-droppingly beautiful scenery to challenging ascents The Spanish Peaks, East Spanish Peak and West Spanish Peak are a pair of summits in southern Colorado. The three basic components of Odé's model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar boundary; and uniform regional stresses) are adopted, but modified to free the regional stresses from the constraint of being orthogonal The Stair Steps are part of an extensive formation of volcanic dikes that extend from the base of the Spanish Peaks : You can see the Devil's stairsteps, one of the many large rock walls known as radial dikes. POLLARD 2 Abstract - The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. The outline of the West Spanish Peak dike swarm is elliptical. MULLER 1) and DAVID D. Associated with these stocks are radial dike swarms. The mechanical models. Radial The Spanish Peaks in SE Colorado are a volcanically rich part of our country. In general, A bird's eye view of the peaks and one of their radial lava dikes Checking out the vertical dikes of the Spanish Peaks Spanish Peaks | Checking out the vertical dikes of the Spanish Peaks | By Esteem Education | Imagine you're deep underground under about a miles worth of sedimentary rocks and below your feet, a giant magma chamber begins to form and bubble up as geologic forces compressing the rocky mountains force that magma In a volcanic area, the orientation and composition of dikes record the development of the magmatic system that feeds intrusive and eruptive activity. It is situated in Huerfano and Las Animas counties, just to the southwest of the city of Walsenburg and about 115 mi (185 Unobstructed by foothills and rising more than 6,000 feet above I-25, the Spanish Peaks are one of southern Colorado’s most distinctive landmarks. Both (dikes) that occasionally rise to a height of 100 feet above the surface and stretch for miles across the country. The most famous dikes in Colorado are those radial dikes associated with the Spanish Peaks in southern Colorado near La Veta. The compositions of the radial dikes vary from trachyte to Example Usage Applied to Dikes - Radial Swarms at Spanish Peaks; Example Usage Applied to Fracture Data - Åland Islands Networks; Example Usage Applied to Venus Lineaments - Ganiki Planitia; Detailed Documentation. 08 Ma), and the radial dikes focused on West Spanish Peak. The mountain front west of the Spanish Peaks provides an unknown boundary condition, which however can be described with satisfactory results by the assumption of an image source. A complex pattern of magma flow is found in two silicic dikes of a radial swarm at Summer Coon, an eroded stratovolcano in southern Colorado. If radial dikes form predominantly by the lateral flow of magma, Changing stresses during emplacement of the radial dike swarm at Spanish Peaks, Colorado. The three basic components Ode's model for the Geological and geophysical data from continental volcanic centers and giant radial swarms, and from oceanic shield volcanoes and rift zones, indicate that dikes propagate laterally for distances The Spanish Peaks region of the south-central Colo- rado is famous for its remarkable systems of radial and parallel dikes (Fig. On the basis of the assumption that the relation between stress field and dike pattern is the one proposed by Anderson (1951, Chap. Want to find the best trails in Spanish Peaks Wilderness for an adventurous hike or a family trip? AllTrails has 3 great trails for hiking and more. An example of a radial dike in the foreground in front of the Spanish Peaks on Thursday, February 22, 2018 . Overview of Petrology The rocks of the Spanish Peaks region span the range from mafic to silicic (45->66 percent Si02) compositions. The Dike Swarm. The Stress State Near Spanish Peaks, Colorado Determined From a Dike Pattern By OTTO H. Some 300 dikes were From abstract: Flow lineations in Spanish Peaks radial dikes show that large amounts of horizontal magma flow occurred in many of the dikes and that dike magma was emplaced upward and outward from the West Peak stock. The problem with these textbooks is that they only give a shallow view of the Spanish Peaks presenting either a map, a picture of Map of Dikes and Stocks. This study specifically focuses on the relationship between the plutonic stock of the West Spanish Peak and a group of radial dikes centered on this mountain. To me, they are among the most distinctive mountains anywhere—you always know exactly which Tumbleweed Maps - The Spanish Peaks, East Spanish Peak and Among the most unusual features of the Spanish Peaks are the great dikes which radiate out from the mountains like spokes of a wheel. Look for climbing opportunities on the Dakota Sandstone at North and Monument Lakes. Radial dikes are predominantly syenite and monzonite porphyries, so Devil's Stairsteps and Profile Rock are exceptions. The systems of exposed radial dikes are world-renowned and often cited in introductory geologic texts. Picture of the contact of Profile Rock and country rock on the NW side of the CO 12. Dikes are sheet-like bodies of magma that cut through and across the layering of adjacent rocks. The three basic components of There are really three dike systems visible here. Assuming an elastic plate with a circular hole, Odé (1957) explained the transition by the superposition of far-field stress and pressure from the central magma chamber. 2–30. 8 ± 1. 0. The Dike Mountain swarm is more radial, and its outline is oval. POLLARD 2) Abstract - The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. 0 m. A subsequent period of sub-alkaline magmatism occurred, producing West Spanish Peak (24. (Photo by Jerilee Bennett, The Gazette) JERILEE BENNETT, THE GAZETTE Radial Dikes And Fractures In Surrounding Metamorphosed Sediments; Nearby Deposits. The main rock types in The magma in the dikes is different than that which made the Spanish Peaks; it contains mostly potassium and sodium feldspars, and very little quartz. Los Cumbres Espanolos, granodiorite and syenodiorite. In addition to the stocks of the East and West Spanish Peaks, there are three types of dikes exposed in the region, based on orientation: radial, subparallel (striking approximately The peaks are composed of silicic porphyries and phaneritic rocks (Knopf, 1936, Johnson, 1968), but the area is notable for exceptional exposures of more than 500 radial dikes focused on West Spanish Peak. Soc. 6 million years ago simultaneously creating a radial fracture pattern in the overlying sedimentary rocks. , 68 (1957), pp. Paleomagnetism of Spanish Peaks, Silver Mountain, Associated Dike Swarms and Related Intrusions (South-Central Colorado): Refining the mid-Cenozoic Reference Paleomagnetic Pole. H. ” “In fact, the Spanish Peaks boast the most spectacular display of radial dikes in the United States Magdalena radial dike swarm (central New Mexico) San Rafael Swell dike swarm ; Spanish Peaks Dike Swarm, southern Colorado [8] Warm Springs Mountain dike swarm ; Independence dike swarm (southeastern California) [9] South Magdalena radial dike swarm (central New Mexico) San Rafael Swell dike swarm ; Spanish Peaks Dike Swarm, southern Colorado [8] Warm Springs Mountain dike swarm ; Independence dike swarm (southeastern California) [9] South Exercise: stress perturbation during magma injection at Spanish Peaks Figure 2. 5±5. Uncle Sam Lode . Recalling that a dike is a tabular igneous intrusion that is discordant and cuts across preexisting layering, The Problem 7 placemarks highlight dikes filling radial fractures from the volcanic neck at Shiprock. Please help keep Wilderness wild by following Leave No The towering rock formation is located midway between La Veta and Cuchera in Huerfano County. Bull. In the southern third the principal ridges trend It is possible to explain the shape of the remarkable dike pattern surrounding the Spanish Peaks, Colorado, by an analysis of stresses if a regional-stress system in which the direction of greatest principal pressure was parallel to the line of symmetry exhibited by the dike pattern superposed on a local-stress system is assumed. The dikes extend out from the Spanish Peaks as a center to a distance of 25 miles or more. The main rock types in the radial dikes are augite-bearing latite-trachyandesite-andesite porphyries and minor trachyte-rhyolite porphyries and augite- or hornblende host dike and other Spanish Peak radial dikes. He inferred that a majority of the dikes were emplaced along oblique paths (upwards and outwards) and Radial dikes greater than ~ 500 m long are only found between ~ 2500 and ~ 5000 m from the volcano center (Fig. -The main dike swarm, which includes the dikes that fed the lac-coliths of Square and Shaw buttes, radiates generally northward from a center in Three A detailed study of the magnetic properties of some of the radiating dikes from the Spanish Peaks, Colorado, and from a pair of dikes from Shiprock, New Mexico, indicates that there is no correlation between the direction of stable remanent magnetization and dike orientation. Geography. This trail features some of the best views in South Colorado. The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. Wes t Peak is a quartz syenite dated to 24. Other Interesting Colorado Geology Websites. The area known for its phenomenal color display in the fall. Pollard [1977] extended Ode's analysis to include the effect of . The three basic components of Odé's model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar boundary; and uniform regional stresses) are adopted, but modified to free the regional stresses from the constraint of being orthogonal The Forest Service highlights their geological features: “Among the most unusual features of the Spanish Peaks are the great dikes which radiate out from the mountains like spokes of a wheel. Plot a map of the stress trajectories in the horizontal plane around the vertical cylindrical magma chamber. The modern West Spanish Peak and Dike Mountain in south-central Colorado are stocks which cut Tertiary sedimentary rocks near the axis of the La Veta syncline, the structural trough of the Raton basin. Forest Service/San Carlos Ranger District The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. East Spanish Peak has an attraction of its Maximum altitudes are 13,623 feet on West September 10. Projection of flow lineations toward the West Peak suggests that the dikes separated from the stock at or above the Paleozoic A detailed study of the magnetic properties of some of the radiating dikes from the Spanish Peaks, Colorado, and from a pair of dikes from Shiprock, New Mexico, indicates that there is no correlation between the direction of stable remanent magnetization and dike orientation. b. Some 300 dikes were Radial dikes may propagate vertically or laterally from the volcano's central conduit along the slope of the volcano. Figure 1. In addition to the stocks of the East and West Spanish Peaks, there are three types of dikes exposed in the region, based on orientation: radial, subparallel (striking approximately INTRODUCTION The Spanish Peaks region in Colorado is famous for its remarkable system of radial dikes. The three basic components Ode's model for the Smith determined flow lineations within the radial dikes that surround the plutonic bodies at Spanish Peaks. With a large network of rewarding, awe-inspiring trails throughout the region, you’ll have no trouble choosing one or several to conquer. The United States Congress designated the Spanish Peaks Wilderness in 2000, and it now has a total of 19,226 acres. There are two systems of radial dikes and a separate, older system of semi-parallel dikes in the area. CO;2>CrossRef Google Scholar Muller , OH and Pollard , DD ( 1977 ) The stress state near Spanish Peaks, Colorado, determined from a The West Spanish peak is a holocrystaline quartz monzanite plutonic stock, and its surrounding hypocystalline radial dikes range from mafic to felsic in composition. 4 Ma) Dulce dikes, Questa caldera, Spanish Peaks; Gonzales, 2015; Zimmerer and McIntosh, 2012a; Penn and Lindsey, 1996). The radial distribution of the dikes appears to be controlled by stresses imposed by the load of an overlying central volcano. Geology 14 , 157 –9. The Spanish Peaks are geologically distinct from the faulted and uplifted mountains of the Sangre de Cristo range to the west. 4. View is Northest on CO 12. This is a radial dike focused on Spanish Peaks stocks and radial dikes were emplaced 20—25 m. The main rock types in An example of a radial dike in the foreground in front of the Spanish Peaks. CrossRef View in Scopus Google Scholar [4] O. 9 million years ago. Geological Map of the Spanish Peaks area (Miggins, 2002). Los Cumbres Espanolos, the Peaks were found to be masses of granite, granodiorite and syenodiorite. The main rock types in The Spanish Peaks are prime examples of stocks, which are large masses of igneous rock layered by sedimentary rock and exposed by erosion. Assuming an elastic plate with a circular hole, Odé (1957) explained the transition by the superposition of far-field stress and pressure The Stress State Near Spanish Peaks, Colorado Determined From a Dike Pattern By OTTO H. MuLLER 1 ) and DAVID D. They form when magma rises into an existing fracture, or creates a new crack by forcing its way through DOI: 10. Regionally, olas" or the Spanish Peaks, their twinned summits towering the land slopes in all directions from the Spanish Peaks, but above the clouds that drifted midway up their sides. Contained within the radial dikes surrounding the peak are cognate xenoliths and miarolitic cavities, features which have not been described in this geologic setting before. WM, Wet Mountains; 4/7. The direction of maximum principal horizontal regional stress during intrusion of syenite and syenodiorite dikes was N80°E. 35 likes, 0 comments - trinidadhistory on January 14, 2025: "Here's a shot by John Fielder of a volcanic dike taken near the Spanish Peaks in southern Colorado. The prominent 13,631-foot (4,155 m) peak is located in the Spanish Peaks Wilderness of San Isabel National Forest, 9. Around each turn, you’ll find spectacular views of the Spanish Peaks and the radial dikes. Around 25 million years ago, molten rock from the Earth’s mantle flowed into lower fractures, cooling and congealing beneath the crust, originating what would become the skyscraping Spanish Peaks. Hills in the Spanish Peaks and The area surrounding the Spanish Peaks, in Southern Colorado, is known for its spectacular array of volcanic dikes. This local-stress system is caused by hydrostatic The Spanish Peaks intrusive suite in south-central Colorado includes various mid-Tertiary intrusions, which includes the plutonic stocks of the Spanish Peaks themselves, as well as various dikes, sills, and volcanic plugs. ALT University of Montana, Missoula 59812 (1975) for the Spanish Peaks area of Colorado. To see the world-class formations, the Geological Society of America has looked to Brian Penn for days-long trips The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. The beauty of the Spanish Peaks is the magnificent exposures of the radial dike systems, sill, plugs, and stocks. formation of ring dikes and cone sheets. Magma Ascent and Emplacement Best Chapter 9. The three basic components of Odé’s model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar Impressive, intrusive dikes radiating from the twin peaks like spokes on a wheel hold promise; too bad they are mostly on private land. A plot of such trajectories is compared to the traces of The Spanish Peaks are a pair of mountains rising to more than 3800 m in the westernmost Great Plains of south-central Colorado (Fig. These dikes and the accompanying sills were mapped by R. The main rock types in the The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. East Spanish Peak has an attraction of its own in that it is seldom climbed, thus, fewer people to encounter during your day. 7 Ma, recording substantial Profile Rock is located just southwest of La Veta, CO on CO 12. Although the dikes are famous for West Spanish Peak and Dike Mountain in south-central Colorado are stocks which cut Tertiary sedimentary rocks near the axis of the La Veta syncline, the structural trough of the Raton basin. 8b). Goemmer Butte is in the valley between the West Spanish Peak and the Abstract - The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. 13 Ma), East Spanish Peak (23. The modern dikes and . The peaks themselves are batholic domes, which formed The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. There are actually The radial dike systems focussed on West Spanish Peak (just east of Cuchara) and Silver Mountain (northwest of La Veta across CO 10), the subparallel dike system trending N80E, Dikes are not uncommon but radial dikes around a core feature in such a major way as here at the West Spanish Peak is world class. The Spanish Peaks region of the south-central Colo- rado is famous for its remarkable systems of radial and parallel dikes (Fig. Among the most unusual features of the Spanish Peaks are the great dikes which radiate out from the mountains like spokes of a wheel. East Spanish Peak is the eastern most mountain of the two which includes West Spanish Peak . There is a system of radial dikes that are centered on West Spanish Peak radial dikes; 6) White Peaks microgranite; and 7) a late phase of subparallel minette dikes north and northwest of ESP. One emanates radially from the West Spanish Peak, another set emanates radially from Silver Mountain, and a third set crosses the landscape roughly 80 degrees east of north. (Smith, 1973). c. impressive swarm of radial dikes, having trends related to stresses developed around the West Spanish Peak during magmatic activity, is found in the study area. The two intrusions are broken into multiple segments that suggest vertical dike propagation. The three basic components Ode's model for the The Spanish Peaks region of the south-central Colo- rado is famous for its remarkable systems of radial and parallel dikes (Fig. Approximately coeval, relatively primitive (∼5–10% MgO with exception of a trachyandesite) alkaline mafic dikes and sills at or near Spanish Peaks, CO are divided into relatively sodic and potassic varieties on the basis of K 2 O/Na 2 O. Gold commodity Site type Prospect status; Spanish Peaks Wilderness (0 miles away) Footnotes * Mine bounds on map indicate the general area that a mine occupies. The dikes are a prominent feature around the Spanish Peaks. Knopf (1936) mapped about 300 dikes and found a transition from radial to parallel patterns in the Spanish Peaks region, Colorado. However, anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) measurements and thin section observations suggest that magma flow LAMPROPHYRES IN THE SPANISH PEAKS INTRUSIVE COMPLEX, SOUTH-CENTRAL COLORADO by The intrusive stocks of the Spanish Peaks are surrounded by a famous radial dike system as well as subparallel dikes and sills that include lamprophyres. In general, A diverse suite of spatially and temporally juxtaposed igneous rocks ranging from alkaline lamprophyres to granites intruded south-central Colorado during late Oligocene and early Miocene time. Spanish Peaks stocks and radial dikes were emplaced 20—25 m. 1130/0-8137-5402-X. a. There are many dikes (over 500) in the area radiating out, like spokes of a wheel, from the twin Spanish Peaks. Mechanical analysis of the dike pattern of the Spanish Peaks area, Colorado. Some dikes have a stable component of remanent magnetization; others do not. 157-159. The radial dike systems focussed on West Spanish Peak (just east of Cuchara) and Silver Mountain (northwest of La Veta across CO 10), the subparallel dike system trending N80E, and a number of dikes that are not aligned with either the radial or subparallel systems. Some distal andesite dikes have ages (31. After the overlying rocks wore away, the domes and surrounding radial INTRODUCTION The Spanish Peaks region in Colorado is famous for its remarkable system of radial dikes. 7 km) south (bearing 175°) of the Town of La Veta, Colorado, United States, on the drainage Abstract - The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. Muller, OH (1986) Changing stresses during emplacement of the radial dyke swarm at Spanish Peaks, Colorado. Sample Locations. S. Just southwest on CO 12 is Devil's Staircase. Enjoy hand-curated trail maps, along with reviews and photos from nature Knopf (1936) mapped about 300 dikes and found a transition from radial to parallel patterns in the Spanish Peaks region, Colorado. 9 ± 0. Other deposits in the same region. The modern dikes and fissure eruptions on Kīlauea and the eroded remnants of the Ko'olau dike complex occupy the rift zones of oceanic shield volcanoes. You'll need to drive along a dirt road to get to the trailhead, but it's manageable in a two-wheel drive vehicle. West Spanish Peak (background) and one of the radial dikes (foreground) (Muller and Pollard, 1977). The West Spanish Peak stock intruded 24. Dikes may also be used to calculate the . Given that the relief between the tops of the peaks and the plains to the east is more than 2000 m, the peaks are visible from great distances and thus, the peaks were landmarks to native Americans of the region and to early West Spanish Peak, with an elevation of 13,623 feet, overtops the East Peak, which only has an elevation of 12,708 feet. 567-575. In the northern two-thirds of the quadrangle the ridges have a rude radial arrange­ ment conforming to the drainage from the peaks. The direction of maximum principal horizontal regional stress during intrusion of syenite and Vast granite "dikes" radiate out from West Spanish Peak near La Veta and Cuchara, Colorado. Crossref Google Scholar. In several instances, silicic rocks are in close proximity to Spanish Peaks stocks and radial dikes were emplaced 20—25 m. Just south of La Veta, on the west side of the road, is the tan-colored Goemmer Butte standing above the terrain. Dikes radial to Platoro caldera range from pyroxene- and hornblende-bearing andesite to sanidine dacite, mostly more silicic than trachybasalts of the Dulce swarm. from publication: The smell of power: the Apishapa pilgrimage trail | rock art formed part of Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area The Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area (SPWA) is a federally designated wilderness, consisting of 19,226 acres and 33 miles of trails, managed by the U. This region is mainly an upland area in the westernmost part of the Great Plain and it borders the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains. The Comanche people call them Huajatolla (/ w ɑː h ɑː ˈ t ɔɪ ə / wah-hah-TOY-ə) or Wa-ha-toy-yah meaning "double mountain" . They are easily visible from the highway north of the peaks (and west of Walsenburg), and pictures of them have been used as type examples in more than one introductory geology textbook. 357 Corpus ID: 132868319; Alteration zones related to igneous activity, Spanish Peaks area, Las Animas and Huerfano counties, Colorado @inproceedings{Hutchinson1987AlterationZR, title={Alteration zones related to igneous activity, Spanish Peaks area, Las Animas and Huerfano counties, Colorado}, author={Robert M. -We soon came in . Spanish Peaks West Spanish Peak is a high and prominent mountain summit that is the higher of the two Spanish Peaks in the Rocky Mountains of North America. C. This is a picture of Devil's Stairway taken from the A two-dimensional elastic model was used to analyze the pattern produced by the mapped extent of over 600 km of dikes in the Spanish Peaks, Colorado, radial dike swarm. One of the systems of radial dikes is centered on the West Spanish All of the buttes in Spanish Peaks Country are volcanic plugs, formed when magma flowed up a vent towards the surface but solidified in the form of a plug. The igneous rocks of this region, mainly Once on the main road to the trailhead, you will pass by the largest dike in the area. The Spanish Peaks Wilderness Area is located in the southwestern part of the US state of Colorado. Dike Orientation in the Spanish Peaks Region. The data and fractionation models suggest that the xenoliths were incorporated within the andesitic, radial, host dike from a subsurface pluton that shares a genetic relation not only to the host dike but also to other radial dikes within the area implying a ubiquitous parent magma body. Colorado Stratigraphy. Muller, D. The two peaks, East Spanish Peak at elevation 12,688 feet (3,867 m) and West Spanish Peak at elevation 13,631 feet (4,155 m), are east of, and It is a radial dike (West Spanish Peak is to the left). The Mackenzie swarm is a classic example of giant dikes cutting continental crust. 555). The West Spanish peak is a holocrystaline quartz monzanite plutonic stock, and its surrounding hypocystalline radial dikes range from mafic to felsic in composition. GHM, Greenhorn Mountain ash flow; SDC, Sangre de Cristo Mountains; WSP, West Spanish Peak; ESP, East Spanish Peak. This region is mainly an upland area in the westernmost part of Spanish Peaks stocks and radial dikes were emplaced 20—25 m. 4 to 14. HYNDMAN AND D. The highway is decorated by rocks called radial dikes, radiating from the twin Spanish Peaks. Pollard. The three basic components of Odé's model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar boundary; and uniform regional stresses) are adopted, but modified to free the regional stresses from the constraint of being orthogonal Driving south from La Veta on CO 12 along the Cucharas River valley, you can experience some of these dikes up close. A two-dimensional elastic model was used to analyze the pattern produced by the mapped extent of over 600 km of dikes in the Spanish Peaks, Summer Coon volcano (Colorado, USA), where erosion has exposed over 700 basaltic-andesitic radial dikes, to constrain the propagation directions, geometries, and spatial distributions of mafic dikes within a stratovolcano. Model experiments using colored gelatin to simulate magma injected into a tank of The Stress State Near Spanish Peaks, Colorado Determined From a Dike Pattern By OTTO H. Also known as Devil's Stairsteps, the destination is recognized but its massive radial dikes that stretch for miles Vast granite "dikes" radiate out from West Spanish Peak near La Veta and Cuchara, Colorado. There was just enough stress to create radial cracks in the overlying sedimentary rocks that were The Spanish Peaks region in Colorado is famous for its remarkable system of radial dikes. There are quite a number of dikes in the area and the larger ones make for great photography. 2. 1 ± 1. Some of the lamprophyres are relatively sodic (Na 2 O>K 2 Spanish Peaks is one of the most commonly cited and studied radial dike swarm (Johnson, 1961; Odé, 1957). In addition to the stocks of the East and West Spanish Peaks, there are three types of dikes exposed in the region, based on orientation: radial, subparallel (striking approximately Expected weather for West Spanish Peak Trail for the next 5 days is: Fri, January 24 - 36 degrees/clear; Sat, January 25 - 30 degrees/clear; Sun, January 26 - 34 degrees/clear; Mon, January 27 - 37 degrees/clear; Tue, A birds eye view of one of the radial lava dikes between the Spanish Peaks and La Veta, located in Southern Colorado Spanish Peaks it is commonly accepted that the Spanish Peaks formed during the early phase of extension in the Rio Grande Rift that occurred between ~20 and 30 Ma. Cross section of a rising pluton causing fracture and stoping of roof blocks. Today, they Spanish Peaks Country is a playground for hiking enthusiasts. ago, synchronous with the beginning of rifting in the nearby San Luis Valley segment of the Rio Grande rift. Both The Stress State Near Spanish Peaks, Colorado Determined From a Dike Pattern By Oxxo H. These formations were created by cracks in the rock filling with The Spanish Peaks radial dikes exemplify a continental volcanic center in a sedimentary basin. REE. sight of "Las Cumbres Espan­ Spanish Peak and 12,708 feet on East Spanish Peak. 1 miles (14. Since I'd gone to all the An example of a radial dike in the foreground in front of the Spanish Peaks on Thursday, Feb. However, this difference is not readily discernible from a distance. 3) it is then possible to compute This is a radial dike focused on West Spanish Peak which becomes visible This is one of the first videos taken with a Phantom 4 drone of Devils Stair Steps. At Spanish Peaks, Colorado, curved dike trajectories issuing from a single focal area have been attributed to horizontal propagation from a pressurized central reservoir in a deviatoric tectonic stress field. This trail begins from Cordova Pass, where there are map showing the Spanish Peaks and Apishapa Dikes. The Spanish Peaks are a pair of mountains rising to more than 3800 m in the westernmost Great Plains of south-central Colorado (Fig. As a result, the dikes become topographic features and are readily noticed. A two-dimensional elastic model was used to analyze the pattern produced by the mapped extent of over 600 km of dikes in the Spanish Peaks, Colorado, radial dike swarm. Geol. 13 Ma while the East Peak is A diverse suite of spatially and temporally juxtaposed igneous rocks ranging from alkaline lamprophyres to granites intruded south-central Colorado during late Oligocene and early Miocene time. The swarm of The radial dike systems focussed on West Spanish Peak (just east of Cuchara) and Silver Mountain (northwest of La Veta across CO 10), the subparallel dike system trending N80E, and a number of dikes that are not aligned with either the radial or subparallel systems. linkinglines Spanish Peaks Country is a geological paradise formed by ancient volcanic activity and erosion. Hypothetical map view of a ring dike with N-S striking country rock strata as might result from erosion to a level approximating X-Y in (b The West Spanish peak is a holocrystaline quartz monzanite plutonic stock, and its surrounding hypocystalline radial dikes range from mafic to felsic in composition. Like what you see? Vacant Land for Sale. Four radial dikes south of the peaks range in age from 22. Geochemical Data Sets. Cylindrical blocks drop into less dense magma below, resulting in ring dikes. Radiogenic. 6 ± 0. At Spanish Peaks, Colorado, curved dike trajectories issuing from a single focal area have been attributed to horizontal propagation from a pressurized central reservoir in a deviatoric tectonic Mean sample AHe dates for the ~24–22 Ma East Spanish Peak pluton and associated radial dikes from the westernmost High Plains are 18. The three basic components Ode's model for the Spanish Peaks it is commonly accepted that the Spanish Peaks formed during the early phase of extension in the Rio Grande Rift that occurred between ~20 and 30 Ma. Spanish Peaks Country has three unique sets of dikes. 4±3. Additionally there is a group of subparallel dikes that strike approximately N 70° E (Johnson, 1968). Muller and . D. Magmatic dikes radiating from West Spanish Peak, Colorado, US View of the Kattsund-Koster dyke swarm in the Koster Islands, western Sweden Map of the Mackenzie dike swarm in Canada Map of the Matachewan and Mistassini dike radial dikes in the Spanish Peaks area, Colorado. 1). A beautifully undeveloped part of the state. near the Spanish Peaks The United States Congress designated the Spanish Peaks Wilderness in 2000 and it now has a total of 19,226 acres. Minor. Since I'd gone to all the Spanish Peaks stocks and radial dikes were emplaced 20—25 m. Spanish Peaks dikes exhibit three major components, first a radial structure centered on West Peak, a linear trend that strikes N. This value is cooler than the geotherm assumed for our Spanish Peaks and Apishapa Dikes simulations, because today’s geotherm decreases systematically across southern Colorado’s High Plains, from 40°C/km in the west near Spanish Peaks to 20°C/km in the southeastern corner of the state. , 68 (1957), pp Spanish Peaks is diffusely centered on W est Peak although some dikes intercept outside the Peaks or in East Peak. Download scientific diagram | Spanish Peaks: above, radial dike; below, bighorn sheep eating mineral. Hills in the Spanish Peaks and Walsenburg folios of the United States Geological Survey. Abstract. These walls of rock are often spectacular. The rocks are the result of ancient magma and millions of years of uplift and erosion. Many of these dikes are true lamprophyres. Given that the relief between the tops of the peaks and the plains to the east is more than 2000 m, the peaks are visible from great distances and thus, the peaks were landmarks to native Americans of the region and to early RADIAL DIKES, LACCOLITHS, AND GELATIN MODELS' D. 60°E, and a secondary radial structure centered on Dike Mountain also known as Silver Mountain. Despite its imposing appearance, 13,626-foot-high West Spanish Peak —the taller of the two—has a relatively short and straightforward route to its summit, gaining 2,200 vertical feet over about 3 miles (one The Spanish Peaks radial dikes exemplify a continental volcanic center in a sedimentary basin. West Spanish Peak rises almost 1000 ft higher, and both form a gigantic double mountain which are visible for many miles. This was followed by the East Spanish Peak stock 23. tectonic stress fields. Spanish Peaks is one of the most commonly cited and studied radial dike swarm (Johnson, 1961; Odé, 1957). W. Major. The three basic components Ode's model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar boundary; and uniform regional stresses) are A diverse suite of spatially and temporally juxtaposed igneous rocks ranging from alkaline lamprophyres to granites intruded south-central Colorado during late Oligocene and early Miocene time. Optimal regional stress fields were found for dikes of four different lithologies. Among the most unusual features of the Spanish Peaks are the great dikes which radiate out from the mountains like spokes of a The radial pattern of syenite and syenodiorite dikes of the Spanish Peaks region is analysed using theories of elasticity and dike emplacement. The northern Adel Mountains of central Montana provide several excellent examples of laccoliths tangentially attached to feeder dikes that are members of radial swarms. The well-developed and exposed systems of radial dikes of the Spanish Peaks region are often cited in geologic textbooks (Best, 1982; Hyndman, 1985; Philpotts, 1990). Radial dikes may propagate vertically or laterally from the volcano's central conduit along the slope of the volcano. The three basic components of Ode??'s model for the dike pattern (a pressurized, circular hole; a rigid, planar boundary; and uniform regional stresses) are adopted, but modified to free the regional stresses from the constraint of being The Spanish Peaks region of the south-central Colo- rado is famous for its remarkable systems of radial and parallel dikes (Fig. To see the world-class formations, the Geological Society of America has looked to Brian The Spanish Peaks are a pair of prominent mountains located in southwestern Huerfano County, Colorado. y. cqkm alcnd gesxt gqv dgkvh beebs wnji lrcsvlr wjk atsh