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Rimworld destroy tainted items. But why not just sell all of them for those 0.

Rimworld destroy tainted items Nov 2, 2018 @ 9:38pm Or use 'mend and recycle' mod :) Last edited by You can adjust the slider and forbid tainted stuff. the fact that vanilla Rimworld doesn't let you FIX regular clothing (but we can build a spaceship) or even rip apart clothing to get some of the cloth back is frankly Several pawns can now destroy an item simultaneously; you can set the max allowed of cooperating pawns in the settings (default is 2) Slightly increased mood debuff to the colonist who destroys a corpse (from -4 to -5 in total) 491K subscribers in the RimWorld community. and one that requires some of the materials used to craft the item. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Or make a crematorium and set a bill to destroy all garbage items. Create a dumping stockpile for bio-coded items (and items below a certain quality). ) Haulers will even move items already in a stockpile that can be moved to a higher priority one. I thought that it should be okay to wear crowns of old kings. All Discussions Go to an Electric Smelter workbench, add a bill for Destroy Apparel, click Details. Oh! thanks. I've used that trick in reverse since I run the Hospitality mod. Make sure to click "allow tainted" and unchecked "normal" (i am sorry, I cant recall what the regular clothing is labeled). Designate one or multiple items for destruction with Architect > Order > Destroy Item tool. I also tell colonists to never wear clothes once they get to 51% durability because at 50% they get a mood debuff for tattered apparel. 1. If you are smelting and burning, minimize walking for the smelter and burner. Storage mod helps but is not necessary. Both options are faster than hauling the tainted items somewhere else and dealing with them any other way. A trader might pay a few silver worth for them, lets me buy more stuff off them without trading silver or something I actually have a use for, and if it's not worth selling when the trader comes through, I can always offer it to the faction as a gift. I'll set up one designed to only accept the junk items I don't want and make sure that visitors can come by and take what they want. I just want a way to completely hide the tainted cloths on the list so I don’t see them aka filter out The wiki page says shield belts and smokepop belts can't be burned, but I've never tried as those are never tainted. similar to getting rid of the tainted tag on clothing. Quote from: Canute on August 14, 2016, 06:16:10 AM Appearels you can burn at the furnace and weapons you can smelt at the electric smelter. At the moment I am focusing an outdoor zone for it all so it get moves out. #3. Yea fair. screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online. Then, go to your crafting table and create a bill to craft 0/1 (or more) of those items. Set high priority stockpiles next to smelter and crematorium for tainted, low quality and low durability gear, and smokeleaf joints. Your colonists will now take off then burn items under 51% health, and craft new ones. Then put smelt apparel, disallow clean. Bills to destroy items already give you full control of which items at which qualities and durabilities you want to destroy. You can help RimWorld Wiki by expanding it. That also fixed my smelt tainted apparel for some reason. As a bonus tip, set your tailoring bench to make until you have 1 of each piece of clothing and in the details set it to only count 52% or higher. for apparel you can set regulations that pawns are not allowed to wear stuff that is tainted or below a certain quality/durability threshold. Etc etc. I then promptly arrested my colonist, made an order of 13 RPGs from the mod project armory, arm the other 13 colonists in my base, order them to fire on Zuber, and Also, oh great, just now, I had a friggin' siege by hostile Settlers, who dropped a bunch'a frickin' hooch (and smokes) in my environs. coyo7e Dec 8 With low quality items you generally have three options. Destroying apparel and weapons with the electric smelter is Put a campfire outside and give it orders to destroy clothing that fits the parameters of the clothes you want to get rid of. Saves you having to burn each article of clothing individually. "Trash" stockpile used for destroying non-smeltable items. I think the tool you are looking for is called destroy make sure you do not use "destroy all", I accidentally clicked that once while trouble shooting and it locked up the game. TripleLeveragedPOS I also use mend&recycle mod to restore durability to full and get rid of tainted. One to destroy items under 50% durability, another to destroy items awful-poor. I could get past wearing a dead man's shirt, but if he'd decomposed in it that's another story. BUT: Linkmod: A rimworld of magic Keep the really good tainted stuff. Den Martin. Yeah I did destroy/smelt apparel bills at under 52, a rule to only wear clothing above 51, and bills to make new clothing when we ran out. onestar1528 • I know there's a mod that's let you destroy items, I don't know if it Interesting I was using destroy which is a single square. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Not without mods. That location is determined by two things: The body part groups it covers. I just need to get rid tbh - either destroy or I recommend one or a combination of the following mods: Apparel Tainted Only When Corpse Rots-- Does what it says on the packaging: clothes only become tainted on rotting dead bodies, so if you loot your corpses promptly you can avoid the taint. tainted gear I use for slaves when I have them since the mood debuff isn't a big deal and most of the gear is actually still good other than being tainted. A similar bill is also available for the electric crematorium and campfire. The "ingredients" section lets you control what type(s), quality(es), and hit point total(s) are eligible for destruction. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! even if I have the correct item in-range. They will automatically seek out new clothes when their old ones break down. Adjust the smelting bills to drop your resources on the floor. 0, I haven't found any one to take tainted as a gift or for sale. I have about 3 bills for Dismantle. Rimworld has dozens if not hundreds of ways you can lose. So I need to set up a bill that smelts that stuff and exclude those from the "destroy stuff". There are multiple mods that allow you to remove the tainted mechanic or ignore it though if that is your preference. Analysis [] Non-smeltable and unsellable items []. You want a bill that filters for all smeltable 'tainted' armor You want a bill that filters for all burnable 'tainted' armor & clothes You want a bill that filters for all smeltable 0 to 50% durability armor Flags apparel as tainted only when the wearer's corpse rots instead of the instant they die. All the easy to use features in Dwarf Fortress just don't exist in Rimword. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews use the two sliders at the top to determine the quality of the toggles items and the level of decay before they'll strip it off (unless you forced it on them). I typically tell it to destroy all tainted clothing and clothing that is 51% durability. You can use a smelting table to turn the weapon back into it's original material which can then be re-crafted into a new weapon or used for building something else. Kiwi. You can setup an dump/storage area outside, low priority for all the damaged or low quality items you don't want in the colony. Second is for every quality, from 0-52% Third is for quality from poor to normal, 0-100%. Put destroy apparel first, disallow smeltable and clean. If you want to end this penalty you can modify what clothes pawns can wear in the same tab as you would use to modify their food and drug policies, what sort of meds they can use and how It's a tie between clothing and drugs for me (though I've popped down drugs, yayo is an undisputed king of coin in my colonies). Set up a work bill at the smelter, probably "Do 1 Times" if it's only a specific individual item you want to be rid of, with the filters set to match the item's current status. Some extra bullet holes acquired along the way to being tainted also reduce it further. ; The layer or layers it occupies. HP-to-value equation ensures that items below 50% HP are all basically worthless as trade good. This works for smeltable and non-smeltable apparel alike, however no materials are returned. 55 2)Awful cloth apparel: The worst of this ones for me. Raiders come on in , one of my defenders sneaks out and 14 votes, 12 comments. If the clothing drops below 50% health it becomes tattered and angers the pawn (similar to how pawns hate wearing tainted clothes taken off of dead pawns). Destroy all tainted items. No pawn will move any tainted items to the stockpile. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! If it wasn't like that deconstructing tainted apparel from raiders would be so op (free hyperweave every raid? Reply reply More replies. Can't build a work item in the smelter for it. Or just press the relevant key ( X by default). If they're not smeltable, you can burn them at. All sculptures have a 1. The settings do Utility items are items that are not Armor, Clothing or Weapons, but are still equipped by pawns. Weapons require 60 ticks (1 sec) work to burn (modified by the general labor speed of the hauler), regardless of the item or material. See #Story Generation below for more details. Tainted items have 0 value and thus can't be sold. All Discussions This item requires all of the following other items. #11 < > Showing 1-11 of 11 comments . But why not just sell all of them for those 0. Otherwise, sell them or use a mod to destroy them. Subscribe. you should have smelter bills in place to scrap armor or destroy clothes that's tainted . mod名称:Recycle This,工坊可以搜到作用:在命令栏添加了两个按钮,分别是销毁和回收,如图所示其中销毁就是将标记的服装、武器等带到可以执行销毁工作的工作台(例如熔炼台)处销毁,回收按钮是将 I have a colony of 24 pawns at the moment and after each raid sorting through hundreds of apparel gets very tiring. 01 silver to caravans/ships/camps? Last edited by teravisor; May 7, 2018 @ 4:03pm #2. Although if you can tame a horse or two you'd be better off selling your used good at the nearest friendly settlement. Looks like a crematorium in green and is used to destroy any item possible. 01. They seem to take human corpses over to the dump zone just fine so idk. When butchering corpses any clothes on the corpse will be destroyed. RimWorld > General Discussions > Topic Details. Go to RimWorld r/RimWorld. I assume this is tainted clothing. Dismantle. There's a recycling mod that lets you disassemble them. You can also choose to remove the mending kit requirement if you want. Specifically, I have some items added by mods that are useless to me and won't break down (for example: flint). When I try to force haul a tainted item I get no Tailoring bench. Reply reply Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! beware of smelt/destroy normal and below bills too There's probably a mod that fixes is. Hit points and quality sliders - Set sliders to restrict items based on their hit points and/or quality. Dec 8, 2021 @ 2:50pm Set the smelter to destroy all tainted clothes and smelt all tainted armor. Yeah it's airdrop only. Only flammable melee weapons, and ranged weapons made from wood (pila, short bow / recurve bow / greatbow / flamebow), can be burned. Since this makes it much easier to obtain untainted apparel, the negative thoughts for actually wearing tainted apparel have been doubled in intensity, and the descriptions updated to reflect the fact that the apparel was taken from a rotting corpse. I wish there was Well, now that traps cost something to re-arm i thought of an alternative; now i use all those 'tainted' clothing as flamable material in wide Tunnel rooms leading into my base. The bill is set up as it should be, everything checked, with Guys I want to set my crematorium up to burn tainted apparel. That is the main explicit reason the tainted mechanic was added as explained by the developers at the time it was added. What I do not understand is: why if one of my NPC wearing an aiming headgear (can't recall the name) dies, that item that belonged to me is now tainted Wasn't my colonist death punishment enough? Imo that's dumb Fireplaces can destroy apparel & drugs. I read it's a bit of a problem later on in the game. A faster way to get rid of tainted clothes (and bodies) is creating a room in a mountain or with stone walls putting everything you want to get rid off inside and then throw a molotov. Posts: 12. I just simply forbid it and let it decompose if i can, if not I will melt it, and if I can't, destroy it. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online • Mend and recycle, it also allows you to mend tainted clothes to be used. You could also This mod will let you easily destroy unwanted items, and do it in a (more or less) balanced way. one thing to note: durability does not affect effectiveness. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Destroy clothing when butchering. while it might take a little while they will take them off by themselves and look for new stuff. but is there a way to delete items in A17? Sell them. And puzzle how it needs to be. Then they’ll go pick up fresh clothes. The thing is, apparel is worn out as soon If you stick all the tainted armor inside a transport pod and launch it at a settlement in range you will increase your faction with them. Make them climb over lines of trash stock piles. 2 - 1. It uses all vanilla values to calculate refund (around 25% of recipe) and job speed to make almost identical to vanilla bills (Smelt or burn weapons/apparel). Never had to micromanage anything aside from swapping the clothing rule to wear There are many vanilla reasons for it to show "need material" such as your items being outside the allowed area of the pawn trying to do the bill, the items being reserved by another pawn that is trying to haul or do something else with those items, the items being behind a locked door or obstacle the pawn can't path through, or adjusting the What about non-tainted but damaged (<100% condition) clothing? Surprised nobody answered this yet. The following table compares the four sculptures: The approach I take is set up my colonist's Outfit(s) so they'll only choose to wear clothing with 51%-100% durability. And a whole lot of extra bills to exclude apparel I want to wear but zone management in rimworld is a black magic art. I dump burnable things into a separate area under the mountain for possible infestations and fire treatment with any other corpses. Any way to destroy items? My colony is starting to get littered with clothes and weapons with crap quality and low durability. 3)Drugs: One of the first thins I do is change the drug policy to only do drugs once a day if they are below 33% humor. There is a mage-spell which removes the tainted buff. The new Ideology memes added with Anomaly 2. but outside of prioritising the task, which then causes them to starve they won't do it. RimWorld. One person can only wear one utility item, however no utility item conflicts with any other apparel, regardless of layer or coverage. But you can also set up When you make the bill: destroy apparel you can go into its settings and untick 'non-tainted' You can also do this with an outdoor stockpile and then chuck a Molotov on there when it gets full. 1x Sell Price Multiplier, making them sell for more when compared to other items of the same market value. Write better code with AI Code review. Can't reject it if there's no return adress, so go with that. So I probably overlooked something that allready exists. You have full control over what is smelted, the only thing you can't filter without mods is what material the item you are smelting is made out of it. And a fourth that's a Destroy bill with the same rules, with Smeltable disabled. 67 secs) of work (modified by the smelting speed of the crafter). As mentioned, it's a slider bar above the item names and stuff. Firstly, the method I recommend is smelting the item if it is a long range/close quarters weapon. Login Store Community About Support Change language Get the Steam Mobile App. Configure your storage to only allow items above a certain level (normal-legendary, for example) and exclude bio-coded weapons and armor. Things like wooden or 给大家推荐一个mod. Destroy apparel with the crematorium . I’ll have to look for clear. I have a high priority stockpile next to it that allows tainted. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Skip to main content. I'd make a save right before sending the caravan and then sending it there with tainted clothing to see. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online Found out that 1/3 of my wealth came from chinchilla fur vests so I went shopping: I like to hold on to low quality items I don't need. Set the minimum durability to 51% and disable tainted apparel. Go to RimWorld r/RimWorld • Like skawm says - this bill only works for items biocodrd AND tainted. Utility can't become tainted, but it also isn't technically "clean" and as such this bill, once the biocoded filters are fixed, will auto-destroy any utility items! 459K subscribers in the RimWorld community. Other options for disposal include making an area to dump them that you then set on fire with a molotov or incendiary launcher (or even chuck frag grenades at it to destroy the stuff, but make sure it doesn't hit walls if you do that) or picking up the items into a caravan, leaving the map, and Last leader died of old age, leaving a legendary gold crown tainted. Preferably something along the lines of a crematorium that would allow me to set up automatic work so that there was no need to manually enter the destruction of a certain object. I was searching for a mod. Your pawns will carry them there, you also have to forbid tainted clothing anywhere else. ; Apparel combinations are limited by layer and coverage - an item cannot be worn with another item that covers the same body parts and on the same layer. However, most of them boil down to a handful of broad categories: mood management, weather, food, defenses, single-point-of-failure colonies. #1. Very helpful when mass harvesting human meat from dead raiders. There are many reasons why colonists might not Hauling the tainted items to the smelter is a simple affair. But destroying a complex is very tedious. SPOILER. The clothes are not tainted but low quality or condition so can't be removed by unchecking the tainted key. Checkboxes at the top for Rotten vs Fresh, and within the Apparel menu for Clean vs Tainted. You can manage restrictions in apparels and have pawns only wear items above a certain % in this case 50%. Specifically, if it is not in a stock pile zone or on a shelf (just on the ground) Does it add to my item wealth? I have 12x12 zones of tainted clothing just outdoors slowly disappearing, as it takes a long time to load into caravans to drop on the map but my massive wealth makes me think this Each item of apparel or utility gear is worn on a specific location of the wearer's body. Don't allow tainted clothes/armor in any stockpiles. Destroying apparel and weapons with the So, I created a bill "Destroy apparel" in smelter and set it to non-burnable apparel. #2. So starting out I usually do 2 outfits, one for warm weather and one for cold. Use the dev tools to delete the tainted The most efficient way to get rid of unwanted apparel is to form a caravan with all the tattered stuff and dump it on the world map, then return the pawn. . - Designate one or multiple items for destruction with Architect > Order > Destroy Item tool. Harmony Created by. Then your colonists will grab each item that matches those criteria, take them to the fire, and hey presto, they're gone! There is a mod out there, that adds an acid bath to the game. There's a mod take a smelter, set a task for smelt appeal set forever (uncheck clean apparel so you don't' get your good gear) and run it forever. Violet_Ignition The other clothing items might be tainted (Removed from a corpse),or simply might not be in the list of allowed articles in the currently assigned outfitting rules. if there's a lack for an item of clothing, the pawns will make a new one. No pawn will burn any tainted items. Reply reply a_desperate_DM Looks like the issue is old clothing, get a fire or a furnace and make a bill to burn all non-smeltable apparel below 60%, a bill to burn all non-smeltable tainted apparel and a bill to burn all clean clothes of poor or lower quality. 30. Once it's tainted then it's tainted forever. I've tried setting up a bill in the campfire to burn tainted apparel, set up storage zones for tainted apparel (both in and outside of home zone) and set up scrap zones - nothing lets pawns pick up the tainted clothes I ignorantly brought into This mod will let you easily destroy unwanted items, and do it in a (more or less) balanced way. Is there a mod to burn them or some easy way to get rid of them other than micro managing storage for the item to move? and destroy the fire. Well, fiddle-de-dee. Or, if that's not fast enough, use some molotovs or an incendiary in the past I would let the gear decompose outside with the raider bodies, but now I take everything. This community has been set to private due negative people! If you want to be apart of this community and be POSITIVE then please request in!! For FabFitFun Subscribers to come talk about your items and what you love or don’t love about them!😍 Codes are not allowed on this subreddit, so if you can’t follow that rule you will be removed from the subreddit. The Rimworld Garbage Man™ can be summoned using the mod options menu to remove junk and clean your map: Remove Corpses (except from player faction) * All * Not storage site * Rotting * Light Mechs. I had a colonist named Zuber, which just so happened to be my own fucking custom character I paid for way back then, destroy 1200 components (I was using stack XXL) during a tantrum. You can allow visitors to purchase any item they come across in your stockrooms. And if u play modded rimworld you could even be more efficient and get the mending mod to remove the tainted mark and sell the items instead for a bigger profit since the tainted system is quite bullshit cause come on just wash that shit and im pretty sure it would still be usable Example: I want to get rid of tainted apparel but not the stuff that is recyclable. Since I’m an avid gifter I was figuring tainted is worthless which is why I never bother. Or just press the relevant key (`X` by default). Item list - Choose what items are allowed. Most stuff will be worth less than 1 silver. like "burn tainted/clean", "burnable /non burnable" "smeltable /non smeltable" Adjust the quality slider at the top to only include awful to normal for example if you want to keep your good tribalwear. Manage code changes RimWorld. Build a smelter next to the dumping stockpile and create bills: Smelt weapons, only bio-coded, awful-legendary, do forever I had the same problem, but I also couldn't smelt tainted apparel in the smelter. You could also do the same for a burn pit, though those are better for en-masse stuff like tainted clothing and the hit point setting will get in the way of disposing of those items. 459K subscribers in the RimWorld community. Can't haul it to the smelter. Wreath Item upvotes This isn't about tainted clothing or even low-quality weapons, it's about anything I wanna get rid of. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Go to RimWorld r/RimWorld • by destroy_musick. is there anyway to clean these of that trait? also, is it just me or does this not make sense a bit? striping the cloths off a body that has started to decay ya, ok, i can see some taint there. It looked simple enough, but it looks like I screwed up somewhere and I'm left with devilstrand and hyperweave tainted items. No clean apparel = nothing that is not tainted Allowed tainted apparel Thats it. Stuff gets done, but having 10 million jobs gets old. People were mentioning using workstations already but the smelter has a destroy apparel/weapon function. Eventually you get access to incendiaries Either at the campfire, smelter or crematorium with preference for smelter since it allows you to actually smelt items. 67K . Open Unable to destroy tainted clothing: "Cannot destroy apparel: Need material" Some items added by mods are sometimes not referenced properly and are therefore not considered It allows you to mend items that are tattered, or recycle them for cloth. but it's tricky and it might take some time. as vermillion said there is ways to destroy damaged equipment ingame. Go to temperature and build a fire somewhere, create a bill to destroy those same outfit items at 0-51% hitpoints. Being able to clean them would defeat the purpose of the system. If you don't want the thing, sell it and buy food or give it away to a trader All enemy corpses should be burned If so, how do you do it? Can't click on the vest and auto smelt it. As a test I've changed the percentage to 0-100%, and then the colonists only burn 100% items, ignoring those with less %. also if u want to make money on worn out clothing set the wear restriction to like 64% and your pawns will take off gear before they lose a crap ton of value when it dips I often move parts of my base around. I'd test it but I don't keep tainted clothing around. One's for quality, one's for remaining item condition. And now I just love how it comes to the tribe having to reach later medieval tech just to unlock that washing machine along with smart toilets in order to wash the damn crown Other | Destroy Item | Are you sick of having to deal with lots of unneeded items, such as tainted clothes and obsolete weapons? Has your warehouse turned into a junkyard? Mod «Destroy Item» for Rimworld (v1. Unfortunately nothing happens. benai Mar 30, 2020 @ 2:52pm and the second to destroy any tainted clothes. The third, and Destroy any sort of item: apparel, weapons, resources, corpses etc. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The easiest disposal method is to make an area of concrete or find a natural stone area and just pile the corpse and burn them with a molotov or blow them up with a grenade. Per page: 15 30 50. Remember you can make multiple bills, so you can have one bill that destroys everything below normal of certain items, and another bill that destroys everything below masterwork of another item. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online • Enaver . Technically the same as "buying faction rep" In 1. Once all of the tainted items are in place, simply equip a Molotov or Incendiary launcher and target the area, burning all of your problematic clothing away. Would like to know if there are any mods which remove the tedious process of hauling and burning heaps of clothing. Smelt all tainted gear Destroy all tainted gear (below smelt) Smelt all biocoded gear Destroy all biocoded gear (below smelt) Smelt all "weak" weapons (knives / revolvers / etc) from awful to normal quality Smelt all apparel of 0-49% HP Destroy all apparel of 0-49% HP And so on. Terripan. I realized raiders could only spawn on my tile from two directions and both were right next to where I built, huge ooof, and it just seemed more tedious to upend then gameplay to me personally. Or use it as a lazy speed bump for Raiders. I still can't burn in crematorium, but I can destroy tainted apparel in the smelter. 50% and below will give them the 'tattered apparel' debuff, so it's best to set it at 51% and up. Otherwise yes, sell/burn. May 7, 2018 @ 4:02pm RimWorld > General Discussions > Topic Details. Colonists with the Bloodlust trait are happy to wear tainted items though, so if you want to ignore the mechanic that is an option. There's also an option in the settings to remove the tainted tag from items that you repair. First is for only tainted clothing, 0-100%. Utility items also don't get tainted on death or give the tattered debuff under Having issues with 100+ pawns being butchered and the entire map being full of tainted clothes from them. Especially armor actually. etc. A few mods allow washing tainted clothes or disassembling items for resources so maybe you could break a lot down. Thank you. Think it was attempting to delete everything on the map. Gives you a small amount of fabric back works great for Just select all items you want to get rid of and pawns will do it. Damaged is fine. U can also set restriction like dont wear tainted apparel. I don't know about tainted. Hi, I didn't realise you could set a filer specify the quality of items in a store, how do I do it? I can't seem to find a filter for this operation. Medieval overhaul- how do I destroy tainted clothes and burn bodies, as well as how do I break down armor and weapons for their ingredients? Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online. Electric Smelter in rimworld Yes, those would be two separate bills. It will remove from new clothes and existing clothes. Remove Items * Tainted/Biocoded gear * Tattered apparel * Low value apparel (<$100) * Low value weapons (<$100) * Low market value (<$10) stacks So, often, i want these guys gear, but unless i knock them out and strip them before they die, there outfits are tainted. Thanks. If you leave an item on the ground until its durability goes to zero, it'll turn into a smudge of ash or rubble. I have the crematorium with a burn apparel order which allows tainted. So - I've done some looking but can't find a way, or a mod, to help with this. old clothes will be removed and stored elsewhere. Deleting a hospital with the God mode destroy is one tile at a time. Then step aside and watch the world burn. This is why you should probably destroy tainted clothes. it will come to you. Are there any mods to remove specific content from the game at the players discretion? Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online • a_desperate_DM Just accept if they die the gear is lost, annoying yes but really not that bad since armour would be tainted on death anyways. If they died while wearing it the item is permenantly tainted. I only want to smelt tainted apparel. It's also useful for other things you end up not caring about (bows, tainted clothing, children) and I always end up with a garbage stockpile sooner or later. Help (Vanilla) Prohibited Items in Housing upvotes Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Members Online. Crematorium is generally faster than a smelter, but the smelter allows smelting down metal items for resources. To burn clothes at a fire or crematorium, you set up a bill (like for crafting). They will now remove anything below 51%. I have the mod which breaks down work tasks but couldn't find anything Go to RimWorld r/RimWorld. Throwing them in a river outside deteriorates them pretty fast. Date Posted: May 7, 2018 @ 3:52pm. I would like a mod that allows me to destroy them. Subscribed. I'm running out of storage space in my main warehouse, so I set up a bill at the incinerator to burn the tainted clothes that are useless to me anyway. View desktop website RimWorld > General Discussions > Topic Details. Jan 16, 2019 @ 8:17pm I usually recycle them. Anytime a pawn gets tattered gear, they take it off Combine that with bills to destroy tainted, tattered or low quality clothing items and setting apparel rules up so that pawns don't wear low quality, tattered or tainted apparel, and the colony's clothing situation is usually in pretty good shape. If you have a river you can put it in deep water, if not it might warrant manual destruction. So if you sell stuff at 60% HP you get half of original items value RimWorld > General Discussions > Topic Details. The game really could have done a better job telling this. A tip for you, in case you didn't know it was a thing If you go into the Assign tab, then Manage Outfits, you can set the minimum durability of the clothes your colonists will choose to wear. But it's really irritating to get to that point where This section is a stub. Crematorium can destroy bodies, weapons, apparel, & drugs. (There are other ways too, just saying. Makes sense. There are only two things you can do with tainted clothes (apparel) in RimWorld: Sell it; Destroy it; If you are lucky, a trader will come over to your base and will accept your tainted apparel for a lowered price. Then I would still approach it the same way. Make something using them. Heister Offline See all 4193 collections (some may be hidden) 32,952 Removes tainted effect from clothes. Ninjabiscuit90. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! if quality is not met, the item will be flagged for deconstruction and they will continue to craft a new one until the ideal quality is met Discussion or crematorium to destroy clothing in a quality range—like “awful Go into the assign tab and change the "anything" outfit. err I think the crematorium, but if not a campfire for sure. com/index. Even if you don't end up wearing the repaired items you can still sell them to traders. I'll pop up a building or carve out a new room, fill it with shelves. iMatrix7 Apr 30, 2022 @ 9:57am Non Metal stuff you must destroy and there is no way to get any resources back from those unless you use mods. upvotes So I've got a bunch of tainted clothes. - Destroy any sort of item: apparel, weapons, resources, corpses etc. I was going to say it didn't work for that either, but i guess you have to have everything checked in addition to only allowing "tainted" apparel. Essentially you could haul ship and gift over 200 tainted items or gift 1 duster about for the same result You can set up stockpiles to refuse items if you don't want them. When it comes to weapons / equipment I like to store those on shelving. There should be a smelter bill for "destroy weapon", set the bill filters for "non smeltable materials" and your pawns should destroy them. I make a stockpile area outside, only allow tainted clothing and the items deteriorate over time. Pangaea. Give them to a caravan and drop them in a middle of nowhere. Just set it for tainted only and forever and you're set, my dude. Burn them. So turning heavily damaged things back in to Sounds like you have something wrong on the bill settings - you have all the items of clothing you want burned checked, as well as allow tainted, the sliders aren't set to specific qualities, and the % bar is 1-100? Retrieved from "https://rimworldwiki. Are you sick of having to deal with lots of unneeded items, such as Each item of apparel or utility gear is worn on a specific location of the wearer's body. Traders no longer accept "tainted" items at all. This mod allows you to recycle and destroy weapons and apparel through order icons, without creating annoying bills. Reason: Table of all Options, with DLC, Core tag, commonalities etc, better description of how rewards are selected (select main reward, fill with filler etc), how to selected/deselected goodwill and honor, how honor is awarded (pawn selection, how away missions required the honored pawn to participate etc). Remove Items * You can also create a stockpile near the edge of the map set to hold only Tainted Apparel, and just let it decay. Immortalits. 2023 20:04. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! I just have one stockpile in a warehouse where all the tainted items (where they aren't selected) are and one dump zone maybe 30 tiles away behind a hill with tainted items allowed. Multiple bills for destorying corpses, destorying poor apparel, destorying tainted apparell. php?title=Tainted&oldid=110719" Alternatively, droppod LQ stuff / tainted clothing on bases you want to make friends with. Sanguinius Jul 10, 2021 @ 6:52pm every apparel item in the game falls into all three of those categories and by removing both checks from one category you invalidate the bill. Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Also allows you to convert those useless eleventy bajillon tainted clothes items from the raids Randy throws at you into usable textiles. View community (which can include things like HP left on item, quality, tainted or not, etc) and they'll smelt em down. My colony basically destroyed itself because after 3 raids without sleep and disposing the 138 dead bodies my colony is littered with trash (apparel) I have 4 crematoriums set to burn apparel, tainted, <80%, and <good. Untick allow clean if you only want to destroy tainted tribalwear. Weapons can be destroyed after 400 ticks (6. Hi, I’m trying to introduce a friend to Rimworld but they have issues with a couple of specific items within the game (namely beer). It doesn't remove degradation you just have to set your colonists to not wear anything below a certain % and than set up mending at the workbench and your colonists will always Discussion, screenshots, and links, get all your RimWorld content here! Well i end up with a storage full of weapons i cant use, which increase my wealth and which i cant really destroy seperately. 4) +1 . r/RimWorld. If there's non-tainted attire that is below 50% durability, I normally just hang onto it and sell it to traders. Smelting is for metal objects and produces materials, use 'Destroy Apparel' instead. Edit: To make it more clear I’m playing with a mod called Infusions 2 which adds adjectives and makes the item name too long so I can’t see the (T) without individually inspecting each item. But I have a LOT of clothing and weapons that're unneeded - just taking up space in my bunker storeroom (it's what happens when you give baddies one entrance, equipped with a two-machinegun cqc killbox lol). There's just one problem with that approach: If you enter "awful to poor" and "below 54%" in the filter, you'll only recycle stuff that's both badly done and badly damaged. Then I set up tailoring bills to make 'Until 1' of each required item (with Tribalwear at the top of the list), only checking for items with 52%+ durability and excluding items made of human leather. Unsubscribe. They somehow appreciate all that dirty laundry. There should also be a “Manage” button or something similar where you can set the standards, like so they won’t wear anything less than 50% or tainted. Below that in your priority list Use hygiene mod washing machines, they remove taint from dead people clothes. didn't realize that. Apparel below half of their condition sharply lose trade value, while 51%-100% is more gradual of a decline. Can't put it into a stockpile set to auto feed the smelter. no, I believe you can right-click pick up medicine now, but I don't know if it extends to other items, also it's pretty much just pick up item and keep it in your inventory, not really for hauling (might need confirmation, I forget I have pick up and haul for a long time and never tested the new medicine on inventory feature from vanilla) For what I understand, tainted is a way to make gear unappealing otherwise you would benefit too much from negative events like a tribe attack. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews Use the dev tools to delete the tainted clothes, then spawn in identical but non-tainted clothes. They offer a variety of different capabilities. I play tribes. Burn unwanted drugs to completely destroy them. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. And some specific drugs (smokeleaf, beer, wine, etc). I know it's a DF knockoff and it defo satisfies the DF itch. Fastest way is to craft a 5x5 stone walled room with a stone door, put a "tainted clothing only" stockpile inside, and toss a molotov in whenever it fills up. Yet my pawns cant do any work as the crematorium says its missing either corspes or apparel? I am set to unlimited radius I even have a dump site right beside it with the corpses and apparel. You may for example want to not destroy smeltable tainted apparel and instead make a bill at the smelter to smelt Pages in category "Items" The following 10 pages are in this category, out of 10 total. However, many traders won’t even accept them. Smelt them. #18. for instance, one way to get rid of clothes is to set the filter on your main storage to say "items with 50-100% durability". Description. I want to set up a smelt/destroy all apparel bill from my smelting benches, where I destroy everything from poor to mastercraft quality with 0-100% apparel but I want to make sure that my pawns wear the things they want to wear before they Or maybe fire will destroy them too. The Recycle Apparel mod really helps with that little bit extra cash - making cowboy hats left and right out of the scraps we get from hapless raiders generous donations makes that little bit of difference towards getting our shiny components! Tainted + smeltable stockpile next to my electric smelter set to smelt those forever. the bodies I either butcher (if I have a psychopathic or desensitized colonist), or put How can i sort away the tainted stuff that i foolishly collected in the beginning of the game? Some of it has Excellent condition, so i can't burn it, that would burn my untainted excellent condition clothes as well. I'm just gonna use the dev console to destroy those, because destroying that stuff before the alchie can go nuts and leap off the wagon is something I absolutely would order, if I actually had the ability to order specific objects to be Force them to drop the item, then forbid the item. Coincidentally this is quite prone to abuse as most of this loss of value happens below 60%. Question about rimworld wealth wealth exactly. Burn drugs . All sculptures will have a name and story, like items of excellent or higher qualities. Tldr: I want to wipe out an area The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. striping it off an alive person and leaving them there to just die A straight to the point RimWorld guide that explains what to do with tainted apparel! This RimWorld Tutorial guide covers what tainted clothing is, which Rim Danger! Warning! Your burn apparel bill is set up in such a way that utility items will be destroyed. I was wondering why this didnt work since i started playing rimworld! Still a problem, will me selecting "destroy apparel" also destroy any non-tainted clothing I have? Reply reply More replies More replies More replies. zfl fhdq ziqsa ixjfv rzqpu hpzzhv djwf grukc gkc scohcj