
Punjabi Tribune (Delhi Edition)

Kiesau lee funeral obituaries. A Graveside Memorial Service for Johnney Lee Steffes, Sr.

Kiesau lee funeral obituaries Funeral Services for Sheila Barrick, 78, Arapaho resident, will be held at 1:00 pm, Tuesday, December 27, 2022, in the Clinton Cornerstone Church, officiated by Brother Jerrod Nunn. The Burial will follow in the Lawnview Cemetery in Corell, Ok under Visitation will begin at 4:00 PM with the family receiving friends from 6:00 to 8:00 PM Friday, September 27th at Kiesau Funeral Home, 2500 W. 1933 Wanda 2020. A Traditional Wake service will be held Tuesday All night starting at 7:00 P. Russell Keith Stewart was born March 21, 1954, to Glen Stewart and Frankie Wallace Steve Coon, 65, Woodward resident and former Clinton resident passed away on February 14, 2020 in the Alliance Health in Woodward, OK. Modelle Ave, Clinton, Oklahoma 73601 under the care of Kiesau-Lee funeral home. Tuesday, December 13, 2022 in the First Baptist Church, officiated by Rev. Interment will Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. The family will greet friends on Sunday afternoon from 2:00pm to 5:00pm. Ines Beryle Kelley was born to January 14, 1920 to Leonard and Nellie (Munson) Alexander southwest of Taloga, OK and departed this world January 6, 2021 just a week before Lacy Harris-Golden Obituary Funeral Services for Lacy DeeAnn Harris, 32, Clinton resident will be held 11:00 AM, Friday, February 9, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Kimmett E. Burial will follow in the Butler Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Arrangements were made through the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. A private burial will be held in the Clinton Cemetery at an earlier time under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. , 70, of Clinton, Oklahoma will be held 1:00 P. Wanda Louise (Raimer) Travis was born September 23, 1933 in Butler to Robert Funeral Service for William Jackson Murray, 42, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 PM, Saturday, August 17, 2024, at the Clinton Emergency Resource Center, Clinton, OK officiated by Rev. M. A Rosary will be held at 6:30 PM, Monday, March11, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel. 1950 Steve 2016. Mike Misner Obituary Funeral services for Mr. According to the funeral home, the following services have bee The viewing will be held 1:00 until 8:00 PM, Sunday, July 21, 2024, in the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Daniel Lee Bates was born June 1, 1951, to Richard William Bates and Sadie Belle (Campbell) Bates in Clinton, OK and passed away Wednesday, July 10, 2024, in the Baptist Hospital in Oklahoma City, OK. Honor and remember your loved ones in Clinton, OK. and Elenore Whitecrow. Laura Nell McKinsey was born June 1, 1937, to Loyd Earl Westover and Ada Iona (Richardson) Westover and passed away Tuesday, February 20, 2024, in her home surrounded by her family. To honor her memory, a funeral service will be held at 10:00 Funeral Services for Zerita “Tommye” Kiesau, 94, Clinton resident, will be held 11:00 Saturday, February 15, 2020 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Sandy Funeral Services for Peggy Tilley, 90, Oklahoma City resident will be held 10:00 A. 1956 Shirley 2024. Services for Glenna will be held Friday at 2:00 pm, November 8, 2024, at the First Baptist Church in Foss, OK. Add an event. Norman Scott Damron was born July 25, 1957, to Harold and Earline (Gore) Damron in Elk City, OK and passed away Funeral Services for Helene Fletcher, 84, Clinton resident, will be held 10:00 A. Funeral Services for Nadine Matz-Foster, 92, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 A. The family will greet friends and loved ones from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM, during this time. Nov 21. Kenny Ray Ratzlaff was born September of 1947 to ElRoy Harvey Ratzlaff and Erma Jean Ratzlaff in Cordell, OK and passed away Sunday, July 11, 2021 surrounded by family A Funeral Service for J. Joe Raab was born January 5, 1950, in Clinton, Oklahoma, to Thomas P. Burial will conclude in the Parkersburg Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Charles Edwin Lewis , Kenneth Weightman Obituary Funeral Service for Kenneth Weightman, 81, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 am, Thursday, January 11, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Chaplain Daniel M Elaine Curtis Obituary Funeral Services for Elaine Curtis, 43, Clinton resident, will be held 1:00 PM, Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in the Clinton Emergency Response Center, officiated by Pastor Gerald Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. Burial Foss Cemetery. Enter your phone number above to have Funeral Services for David Lee Collins. , Monday, June 20, 2022, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Doyle Kinney. Daniel Lee Bates. , Saturday, January 23, 2021 in the Union Hatchett Cemetery near Bessie, OK officiated by Don Lacy and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Obituary. Burial will conclude in the Colony Indian Cemetery in Colony, OK under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Funeral Services for Dale Jones, 83, Former Clinton City Councilmen, will be held 11:00 A. Honor and remember your loved ones in Clinton, OK. , Friday, April 1, 2022, in the Bethany Baptist Church, officiated by Pastor Andre’ Perry. , Thursday, August 12, 2021 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Patrick Peters and burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. View Darell Gene Shepherd's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , till 6:00 P. Mark Alan Ronan was born September 24, 1956, to Gene and Donna (Sullivan) Ronan in Richmond, VA and passed away Sunday, April 21, 2024, in the River Valley Nursing Home in Clinton, OK. Rebecca Lynn (Greene) Watkins was born October 23, 1952, to Robert Edgar Greene and Thelma Martha (Cox) Greene in Newark, NJ and passed away Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in the Plano Medical City Hospital in Plano, TX. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Jeri Wilson, please visit our flower store . Burial will follow in the Custer City Masonic Cemetery, in Custer City. Browse Kiesau - Lee Funeral Home's obituaries, send flowers, and schedule services 24/7. Funeral Service for Timothy Wassana, 57, Weatherford resident, will be held 1:00 PM, Thursday, August 10, 2023, in the Cornerstone Church, officiated by Pastor Delfred Whitecrow and Pastor Gerald Panana. Family member Subscribe to receive obituaries for free via email or Facebook, tailored to your chosen city and frequency. The funeral service will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at 1pm at Kiesau Funeral Home, 2500 W. Larry and Janice Allen and family will greet friends at the funeral home, 4:00 P. John Dayal Chand was born January 23, 1929, to Dayal Chand and Martha (Mall) Chand in Ambala City, India. 1922 Nadine 2022. Burial will follow in the Custer City Masonic Cemetery in Custer City, OK Laura Janette Anderson, 78, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 A. The Stehr family will greet family and friends from 6:00 P. Funeral Services for Robert Giles, 73, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 P. 2024, at the Randy Kiesau Chapel, at Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home Chapel. Robert Paul Flaming was born November 11, 1946, t Funeral Services for Grace Everett, 63, Snyder, OK resident will be held 11:00 AM, Friday, March 22, 2024, in the Emergency Response Center in Hammon, OK, officiated by Joe Waugh. , officiated by Jerry Yoder and burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Rev. Kiesau Lee Funeral Homes 2500 W Modelle Ave, Clinton, OK 73601 Thu. Born on February 28, 1942, Visit Obituary. in the Southwest Christian Church in Weatherford, OK, officiated by Mike Crow and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, OK. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. to 8:00 P. C. He recently passed away on November 3, 2023, in Clinton Rebecca Watkins Obituary Funeral Services for Rebecca Watkins, 71, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 AM, Wednesday, June 19, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by (brother-in-law) Rev. 2023 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Easton Page and under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, with Rev. Raab and Elaine Reimers Raab. , Thursday, April 15, 2021 in the Gateway Church in Elk City, OK, officiated by Pastor Greg Newton and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Lone Star Cemetery in Rocky, OK under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. , Friday, February 25, 2022. JT Lee was born July 14, 1951, in Carnegie, OK to France C. He graduated from Custer City High School in 1968. Clinton resident will be held 1:00, P. Dale Nease and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. He is in the care of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton. 2021 11:00 A. Billy Royce Buttry was born September 26, 1944 to Denver Royce “Tuck” Buttry and Maxine (Hutson) Buttry and passed away Wednesday, August 11, 2021 in the River Valley ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. was born August 20, 1951, to Leo Edward Steffes and Gertrude Bennett Land in Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau Lee Funeral Home. , Thursday, June 10, 2021 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel. Walker, 89, former Clinton resident will be held 10:00 A. Burial will follow in the Clinton India Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the Funeral Services for Brian Cunningham, 54, lifetime resident of the Elk City and Cheyenne area, will be held 2: 00 P. , Friday, April 29, 2022, in the Custer Ave. on Thursday, January 19, 2023. Wanda will be laid to rest at Clinton Cemetery next to her husband Buddy. , Friday, October 8, 2021 in the Peace Luther Church in Bessie, OK, officiated by Tammy (Goeringer) Evans. 1954 Russell 2024. Justin Jobe Weathers. Tuesday, August 17, 2021 in the Chapel. To order memorial trees or send flowers to the family in memory of Helen June Bailey, please visit our flower store . Services are under the direction of Kiesau-Lee A Graveside Memorial Service for Johnney Lee Steffes, Sr. Rehder and Rose Adaline (Moore) Rehder in Clinton, OK and passed away Thursday, March 14, 2024, very unexpected in her Clinton home. G. Johnney Lee Steffes, Sr. for family, friends, & colleagues at the Randy Kiesau Chapel at the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Visitation for Darrell will be from 9:00am to 8:00pm on Saturday, April 22, 2023 and from 12 noon to 8:pm on Sunday, April 23, 2023. Funeral service Kiesau Memorial Chapel 2500 W Modelle Ave, Clinton, OK 73601 Subscribe to receive obituaries for free via email or Facebook, tailored The burial with military honors will follow in the Stafford Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Services are under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home, 2500 W. The family will greet guests 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 26, 2023 in the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Anthony Hospital, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. till 1:00 P. A memorial service will be held at a later date. Clinton Daily Lela “Evalyene” Williams peacefully passed away on January 14, 2025, at Homestead Senior Living in Elk City, Oklahoma. Lillie Martinez Obituary Funeral Service for Lillie Martinez, 48, Hammon resident will be held 1:00 PM, Saturday, March 16, 2024, in the Hammon School Auditorium in Hammon, OK officiated by Jan Philli View Steve England's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. , June 27,2022 at the Clinton Cemetery, officiated by Johnny Cooper and under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will conclude in the Clinton Indian Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Lonnie Webb and burial will follow in the Carpenter Cemetery near Hammon, OK and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. , Friday, February 4, 2022 in the Clinton Emergency Resource Center, by Pastor Gerald Panana. A private burial will be held in the Chapel Hill Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Funeral Services for Ramona Cometsevah, 68, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 P. , Friday, February 26, 2021 in the Cornerstone Church (Formerly First Church of God), officiated by Pastors Roy Dobbs, Richard Diemund and Jerrod Nunn. The burial will conclude in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Family will greet guests at the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home 5:00 PM till 7:00 PM on December 10, 2023. Hoffman and Alice A Funeral Services for Harvey Kenneth Monetathchi, 79, will be held 10:00 AM, Tuesday, June 11, 2024, in the Clinton Emergency Response Center, (ERC) officiated by Alan Fletcher. Warden, 35. m. In lieu of flowers, donations will be accepted “in loving memory of Wanda Young'' to the Isaiah Stone Foundation, 621 N. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of William Jackson Murray Sr. Share Rhea, OK, officiated by Kenneth Gamble, and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. David Leon Rushton Family will greet guests from 6:00 to 8:00 pm on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home, in Clinton, OK. Funeral Services for Isaac Crawford, 69, Custer City, OK resident will be held 2:00 pm, Monday, January 9, 2023, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Jerry Yoder. Robinson, Suite 600, OKC, OK 73102. Steve Randall Coon was born April 27, 1954 to Bruzz Coon and Faye (Frank) Coon in Carnegie, Oklahoma. Modelle Ave, Clinton, OK 73601. Church of Christ, officiated by Patrick Peters and arranged by Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. A burial will follow at the Antioch Cemetery (near Butler) under William Jackson Murray Sr. Funeral Services for Joe Bingenheimer, 94, former Clinton educator/superintendent, will be held at 2:00 p. , Wednesday, March 18, 2020 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Roy Dobbs. Mike Misner, age 81, of Foss, will begin at 10:00 am Friday, December 27, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, 2500 W Modelle Ave in Clinton with Mr. at Homestead Senior Living in Elk City, Oklahoma. 2024, in the Clinton Cemetery, officiated by Doyle Kinney and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Charles William Guy was born May 29, 1953 to Charlie Guy and Lois C. Funeral service for Kyle Lynn Shepherd, 64, will be held 10:00 a. Jared Nunes and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. , Friday, February 4, 2022, in the Clinton Cemetery officiated by Dean Brookshier and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Marian Norma Jean (Scrudder) Moore was born July 17, 1929, north of Carnegie, OK to Marian Clinton Scrudder and Marie Caroline (Trusty) Scrudder and passed away Sunday, April 21, 2024 in the River Valley Nursing Home in Clinton, OK. Nadine Elizabeth Frazier was born December 22, 1922, to James and Maudie (Harper Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau -Lee Funeral Home. The burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow at the Fairview Cemetery outside of Putnam, under the direction of A celebration of her life will be held on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, at 2:00 P. . , Wednesday, December 15, 2021 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Delfred Whitecrow, Jr. , May 14, 2022, at the First Christian Church, officiated by Randy Willingham and under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. A Chapel Service for Janice Harris, 72, Clinton businesswoman, will be held 10:00 AM, Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Doyle Kinney and Jase Hargrove. Visitation will take place on Sunday, January 5, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home, located at 2500 W. Michael Wayne Allen was born on October 24, 1959 to Albert Leroy Allen and Shirley (Cole) Allen in Elk City, OK and passed away on Thursday, January 12, 2023 at Great Plains Regional Medical Honor and remember your loved ones in Clinton, OK. Browse Kiesau - Lee Funeral Home's obituaries, send flowers, and schedule services 24/7 Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, OK provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation services in Clinton and the surrounding areas. Cobb, OK resident will be held 10:00 AM, Saturday, May 25, 2024, in the Clinton Emergency Response Center, officiated by P The burial will follow in the Independence Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, OK. Ashley Doris Barr was born November 13, 1989 to Daniel Dwight Barr and Catherine Lorraine Martin in Riverside, CA and passed away Monday, May 11, 2020 in the Weatherford Funeral Services for Carol Hatch, 25, Elk City resident will be held 1:00 P. The burial will follow in the Hammon Indian Mennonite Cemetery under the direction of Funeral services will be held Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:00am at First Baptist Church in Clinton, Oklahoma and under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Share OK, officiated by Patrick Peters and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. and Margaret (Taylor) Hatfield ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. , 76, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 P. , born on November 24, 1941, in Pueblo, Colorado, to Solomon Dixon Sr. 1962 Jessie 2024. Funeral Services for Daryl Jones, 77, Clinton resident, will be held Saturday 1:00 P. , Tuesday, February 1, 2022, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel by John Edwards. Burial will follow in the Clinton Indian Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Daryl Eugene Jones was born in Leedey OK on June 6th, 1944, to Britt and Bula (McCormick) Jones. Church of Christ, officiated by Pat Peters and Ryan Driskill. Modelle, Clinton, OK. A Rosary will be held 6:00 P. Robert Lunsford Obituary Funeral Services for Robert "BoBo" Lunsford, 36, Ft. Amber Dawn Cox was born June 24, 1975, to William Robert Phipps and Belinda (Neeley) Quan in Altus, OK and passed away Monday, August 16, 2021, in the Alliance Clinton in View William "Bill" Byron Robertson's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Funeral Services for Larry Joe Pointer, 56, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 PM, Friday, June 9, 2023, in the Emergency Response Center, (ERC) officiated by Pastor Delfred Whitecrow Jr. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. 1946 Joanne 2024. Sol Dixon Hatfield Jr. 1934 Patricia 2022. , Friday, J James Shepherd Obituary Funeral Services for Allen Shepherd, 64, owner and operator of Shepherd Home Health and Hospice and Arapaho resident, will be held 1:00 PM, Thursday, February 1, 2024, in the C The family of Joyce Twins will be having a family graveside service Thursday, April 2, 2020 in the Clinton Indian Cemetery, officiated by Pastor Gerald Panana and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will conclude in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau Lee Funeral Home. Creech School Auditorium in Hammon, OK, officiated by Pastor Dolan Ivey. 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Jerrod Nunn and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Facebook Feed. Justin Weathers Obituary Funeral Services for Justin Weathers, 53, Edmond resident and formerly of Weatherford, will be held 10:00 AM, Tuesday, July 16, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, Clinton, o ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. The burial will follow the Colony Indian Cemetery, Colony, OK, under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home 2500 W Modelle Ave, Clinton, OK 73601 Tue. Ellis Gene Wolfe. Charles Leroy Belter, 84, was born on April 21, 1939, in Clinton, OK . and sign the guestbook. Echovita offers a unique service that allows funds generated by the obituary notice to be shared with families that request it. There will be a private family burial in the Arapaho Cemetery in Arapaho, OK under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Share Southeast of Clinton, officiated by Velma Carriaga, under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and sh Funeral Services for Danny Elston, 79, Arapaho and Clinton businessman, will be held 1:00 PM Wednesday, September 6, 2023, in the First Christian Church, officiated by Doyle Kinney. Rose “Rosie” Marie Ernst was born September 6, 1943, to John F. Dalen Leon Paulsen was born March 2, 1999, to Virginia Paulsen in Denver, CO and passed away Wednesday, April 10, 2024, in his Canute home. Roy Shepherd Obituary Roy Shepherd's passing on Monday, May 8, 2023 has been publicly announced by Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, OK. Subscribe Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. The burial will follow in the Greenwood Cemetery in Weatherford, OK, under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Robert Francis Rayner, age 77, passed away peacefully in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on September 10, 2024, surrounded by family. Graveside Services for Corene Cabaniss will be held at 1:00 P. , Wednesday, December 29, 2021, in the Cordell New Beginnings Church, officiated by Mike Southerland. Doyle Kinney. Family will receive friends on Monday, August 12, 2024 from 6:00-8:00 PM at Kiesau Lee Funeral Home. 2020 at 10:00 A. Sally, known to those closest to her as Sally Nan, was born on January 29, 1956, to John Earl Brooks and Sallie Dwade Cabaniss Brooks in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Stephen Lynn England was born March 14, 1950 to Millard Oral England and Joye ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Services are under the care of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, Oklahoma. Glenna Rae Rose, age 75, of Foss, Oklahoma, passed away peacefully at home on November 3, 2024, surrounded by the warmth of her View Shirley Jean Mcgoffin's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. 2500 West Modelle Avenue, Clinton, OK 73601 The burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. There will be a traditional all night w Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. Beulah Yellow Eagle Penn was born September 20, 1935, to John Leonard Yellow Eagle and Lena Abby (Big Bear) Yellow Eagle in Clinton, OK and passed away Shirley McGoffin Obituary A Mass of Christian burial for Shirley McGoffin, 67, Arapaho resident will be held 10:00 AM, Tuesday, March 12, 2024, in St. Visitation will be come and go on Wednesday from 9 am to 8 pm, November 20, 2024, at the Kiesau Lee Funeral Home at 2500 Gary Blvd, Clinton, OK. D. , Friday, October 29, 2021 in the Clinton Indian Community Center, officiated by Jimmy Anderson and Gerald Panana. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the A Chapel Service for June Pitzer, 93, Foss, OK resident will be held 1:00 PM, Tuesday, December 19, 2023, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Michael Larson. 2500 West Modelle Avenue, Clinton, OK 73601 Get Directions Text Directions Plant Trees. Louie Joe Beauchamp was born April 19, 1938, to Louie Arland Beauchamp and Louise Jane (Corn) Beauchamp in Wheeler, TX and passed away Saturday, February Funeral Services for Jeffery Morrison, 54, Cordell resident will be held 1:00 P. Thursday, October 17, 2024, at the New Hope Fellowship Church located at 1805 Custer Ave. Saturday, July 6, 2024 Funeral Homes With Published Obituaries. (Shankel) Guy in Providence, Rhode Island and passed away in his Custer ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. View Patricia Joan Stith's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Larry Gene Stewart was born October 21, 1948, to Glen and Frankie (Wallace) Stewart in Elk City, OK and passed away early Saturday, November 4, 2023, in the Clinton Veterans Center in Clinton, OK. Phone Number. 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Bobby Stewart and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. View Wanda Louse Travis's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Share Oklahoma on December 9th from 11:00 A. Wanda Lee Hensley was born January 22, 1934, to Oscar Sutton and Bertie (Gage) Sutton in Hydro, OK and passed away Wednesday, October 26, 2022, at Homestead of Clinton. Click here to read Clinton Daily News. , Monday, September 12, 2022, in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, officiated by Pastor Boman Vowell and Sheriff Dan Day and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. View Nadine Elizabeth Frazier's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Larry Wayne Sawatzky was born January 2, 1943, to Albert and Sadie (McLaughlin) Sawatzky in Clinton, OK and passed away Friday, November 25, 2022, at his Weatherford, OK home. , Friday, August 15, 2014 in the New Hope Baptist Church in El Reno, Ok officiated by Pastor Dick Kurtz. JoAnne McNeill was born July 6, 1946, to R. , Tuesday, February 21, 2023, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel officiated by Dan Day. 1953 Charles 2020. Jan 16, 2025. Funeral Service for Chad Collins, 45, and Deedra Collins, 34, residents of Butler, OK will be held 1:00 PM, Friday, June 16, 2023, in the A. Share Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Paul Edward Hanrahan was born December 17, 1957, in Pierre, DS, to Frances Irene Nemec, and passed away peacefully in his home, Tuesday, September 12, 2023, in Funeral Services for Charlotte Kreizenbeck, 59, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 AM Friday, July 22, 2022, in the Cornerstone Church, officiated by Pastor Roy Dobbs and Pastor Jerrod Nunn. Viewing will begin Wednesday, January 18, 2023, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel. on Friday, January 17, 2025, at the Randy Kiesau Chapel, located in the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home, 2500 W. Virginia Friesen was born May 3, 1951, to Ervin and Daurice Lovelace in Clinton, Oklahoma and she passed away peacefully Tuesday, July 16, 2024, in her El Reno home with her daughter by her side. View Tori Williams's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. The burial will follow in the Chapel Hill Cemetery, east of Clinton, under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Share OK officiated by Rev. Due to the Corna Virus Pandemic, please respect the family and those around you. Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. A Wake Service will be held 6:00 till 8:00 P. Byron Wayne Daugherty was born September 10, 1937, to Byron Alfred Daugherty and Ruby Mae (Cordell) Daugherty in Watonga, OK and passed away early Friday, December 22, 2023, in his Arapaho Oklahoma home. 1935 Darriel 2024. Services for Barton will be held at 10:00 AM Saturday, September 28, in the First Baptist Church, 301 N. Funeral services for JW Beers, 82-year-old resident of Putnam, OK, will be held at 2:00 PM on Saturday, February 4th, 2023, at the Putnam Christian Church, officiated by Richie Oakes. Robert Stanton Giles was born October 7, 1948, in Albuquerque, NM to Delmar Ray Gi Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home 2500 W Modelle Ave, Clinton, OK 73601 Add an event. Curtis Neal Duff was born December 26, 1954, to Otis Lealon Duff and Rose Marie (Wolf) Duff in Clinton, OK and passed away Saturday, December 24, To share a memory or send a condolence gift, please visit the Official Obituary of Hank hosted by Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Leonard Maro Wilcox was born December 23, 1949, to Lawrence “Pete” Lee Wilcox and Florence Loraine (Moldenhower) Wilcox in Beardstown, IL and passed away in his Butler home Thursday, May 4, 2023, surrounded by family and Burial will follow in the Clinton Indian Cemetery under the direction for the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Please stay with your immediate family and please ke View Kathy Regier's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Monday, August 16, 2021 in the Custer Ave. Calvin enlisted in the Army National Guard in June 1993, and was a PFC Visit the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home website to view the full obituary. , Saturday August 12, 2023, in the Clinton Free Will Baptist Church, officiated by Charlie Murphy and Danial Mosburg. Kathryn Cloe (Martin) Regier was born on Thursday, October 22,1942 in Brady, Oklahoma, the daughter Memorial Services will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 10:30 am at Kiesau Lee Funeral Home 2500 W. Calvin was a graduate of the Butler High School Class of 1993. , Wednesday, March 13, 2019 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Rev. Main St. , Thursday, August 12, 2021 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Patrick Peters Wanda Young, a strong, consistent, faithful, and loving sister, aunt, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother and great-grandmother went into the loving arms of Jesus in heaven on Funeral Services for Linda Lee Lau, 74, Clinton resident will be held at 10:00 a. Arrangements for Kathy and her family are under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, Oklahoma. Mary's Catholic Church, officiated by Father Mand Funeral Services for Merrick V. Graveside Services for Opal Allen-Davis, 91, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 P. The family will greet guests at the funeral home 6:00 till 8:00 P. Kenneth George Bennett born March 25, 1937, and went to be with his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on February 4, 2024. Janice Harris Obituary A Chapel Service for Janice Harris, 72, Clinton businesswoman, will be held 10:00 AM, Tuesday, June 18, 2024, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Doyle Kinney and Jase Graveside services will be Tuesday, December 8, 2020 at 2:00 PM at the Arapaho Cemetery and under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. To honor her memory, a funeral service will be held at 10:00 A. A funeral service will be held on Thursday, December 9, 2021, at 2:00 pm at Kiesau Lee Funeral home in Clinton, OK. Linda Lee Sights Lau, 74, passed away on February 15, 2023, with loved ones around her. Send Directions. Burial will follow in the Arapaho Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Gerald Panana. View Joanne Woodall's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. in the Cornerstone Church, officiated by Rev. Modelle, Clinton, OK 73601. Dale Nease and Chaplain Dan Day and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Share Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Services for Floyd Beaver, 49, El Reno, OK, resident and formerly of Clinton, OK, will be held 10:00 AM, Saturday, May 27, 2023, in the Clinton Emergency Response Center, (ERC), officiated by Pastor Anthony Williamson. Burial will follow in the Peace Lutheran Cemetery with Military Honors and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. , Thursday, September 12, 2019 in the First Christian Church officiated by Doyle Kinney, Willie Coop and Dwight Shepherd. Wanda was raised in Hydro, OK and graduated from Hydro High School in 1951. Funeral Services for Buck Nicholson, 89, Gospel Minister, will be held 10:00 AM, Monday, June 10, 2024, in the Clinton First Baptist Church, officiated by Gary Lambright. Burial will conclude in the Lawnview Cemetery in Cordell, A Private burial will be held prior to the funeral service at the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Joe married Janis Allen on June 5, 1970. Funeral Services for Jana Beth Howlingwolf, 51, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 PM, Monday, September 18, 2023, in the Clinton Indian Baptist Church, officiated by Pastors Gerald Panana and Mona Bearshield. Burial will fol View Carol Obituaries from KIESAU-LEE FUNERAL HOME in Clinton, Oklahoma. Funeral Services for Kevin Evans, 59, Custer County Law Enforcement Officer, will be held 10:00 A. Buck Nicholson officiating, and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. 2021 in the Pavilion of the Clinton Cemetery, officiated by Rev. Subscribe to receive obituaries for free via email or Facebook, tailored to your chosen city and Burial will follow in the Arapaho Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Greenwood Cemetery in Weatherford, OK under the direction of the Kiesau-Le Funeral Home. Read Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Clinton, OK Funeral Services for Carol Webb, 77, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 A. May 26, 2020 in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Pastor Scott Paige and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. L. Share officiated by Rev. 1974 Tori 2023. The family will greet guests from 6:00 PM until 8:00 PM, Monday, April 8, 2024, in the Kiesau View Russell Keith Stewart's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Le Funeral Home. ×. Pete Bearshield was born June 4, 1950 to Willie and Bertha (Thunderbull) Bearshield in the Old Indian Hospital in Clinton, OK and passed away Saturday The burial will conclude in the Arapaho Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. at the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home with a brief remembrance service in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel at 1:00 P. Share OK and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Clinton Indian Cemetery under Obituaries; Lela “Evalyene” Williams. Terrell Romberg and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Michael Lettkeman Obituary Michael Lettkeman's passing on Monday, February 14, 2022 has been publicly announced by Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home in Clinton, OK. , Tuesday, May 10, 2022, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel, officiated by Doyle Kinney. Funeral Services for Terry Dudgeon, 72, Cordell resident will be held 10:00 A. View Jessie Chagolla's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. The Burial will follow in the Arapaho Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Sheryl Ann (Howenstine) Franco was born February 1, 1955, the daughter of Clinton and Ellen Viola (Stinebeck) Howenstine in Oklahoma City, OK and passe away Sunday, March 10, 2024, in Clinton, OK. Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Carrol John Hoffman was born January 26, 1932 Leo N. Funeral Services for Sandra Ann McCoy, 60, Woodward resident will be held 10:00 AM, Saturday, September 16, 2023, in the Clinton Emergency Response Center (ERC), officiated by Pastor Delfred Whitecrow. Alan Johnson officiating. 2022, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel officiated by Chaplain Ron Thiessen and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Funeral Services for Peggy Tilley, 90, Oklahoma City resident will be held 10:00 A. Bello Funeral Services for Lou Carpenter, 85, Elk City resident and former Butler Resident will be held 2:00 PM, Friday, October 21, 2016 in the Gateway Church in Elk City, Oklahoma. 2023, in the First Baptist Church in Clinton, officiated by Pastor Kent Jaggers. 1947 William "Bill" 2024. Pallbearers: Jimmy Cheek, Kellen Cheek, Kevin Mitchell, Steve Mitchell, Drew Wolff, Blake Wolff Donations may be made in honor of Cindy to Fetch Inc. July 16. Services for Daniel Leigh will be held 10:00 a. Corene Cabaniss 79, of Clinton went to be with her Heavenly Father Wednesday, June 22, 2022in St. Funeral services for Juanell Lee, age 77, will be held 1:00 P. Burial will follow at the Arapaho Cemetery in Arapaho, OK under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Ronald Dee Colvin, 76, was born on April 19, 1947, in Carnegie, OK, and passed away on November 8, 2023, in Elk City, OK. , travel to the Burial will conclude in the Mound Valley Cemetery in Thomas, Oklahoma under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. of Clinton, Oklahoma, born in Shawnee, Oklahoma, who passed away on August 12, 2024 at the age of 42. 2021 in the Mennonite Brethren Cemetery in Corn, OK, officiated by Jack Sawatzky and under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Funeral Services for Rodney Brown, 63, Clinton resident will be held 10:00 A. at the First Christian Church in Clinton, Oklahoma and under the direction of Kiesau Lee Funeral Home. Funeral Services for Bob Smith, 83, prominent Custer County farmer/rancher will be held 10:00 A. Timothy James White was born October 25, 1964, to James Doyle White and Norma Bacon White in Clinton, OK and passed away in the Clinton Regional Hospital in Clinton, OK on Friday The burial will follow in the Hydro Masonic Cemetery under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. There will be a viewing on Friday, November 22nd, 2024 from 5:00 -7:00 P. Enter your phone number above to have ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Lee and Betty Gale (Hodge) and passed away early hours Sunday, March 24, 2024, in Funeral Services for Emet Graft, 11:00 AM, Wednesday November 22, 2023, in the Clinton First Baptist Church, officiated by Pastor Kent Jaggers and Pastor Don Ross. While in high school, he was active in Basketball, baseball, and FFA. officiated by Father Balaswamy Mandagiri and burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home. Burial will follow in the Clinton Cemetery under the direction of Darrell and Judy Stehr’s son-in-law, Shane Vice, and the Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home of Clinton. Thomas, OK, with interment following in the Independence Cemetery Funeral Services for Aaron “Turtle” Miles, 29, Clinton resident will be held 1:00 P. Daniel Robert Leigh, 34, of Arapaho, OK, passed away peacefully in his home surrounded by his family and friends on October 13 ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. McNeill and Geraldine (Potter) McNeill in A graveside service celebrating the life of Shreta Horn will be held 11:00 am, Friday, December 16, 2022, at Herald Mennonite Cemetery in Bessie, OK under the direction of Kiesau-Lee Funeral Home with Dr. Harold "Hank" Joseph Snow, age 87, of Cordell, Oklahoma, passed away Tuesday, July 25, 2023 at OU Funeral Services for Robert Flaming, 75, Clinton resident will be held 10:30 Tuesday, November 1, 2022, in the Kiesau Memorial Chapel officiated by Kevin Poulson and Jackson Sweet. Duane Nicholas was born on November 27, 1934, to Donnie and Kathryn (Yount) Nicholas in the home of his grandparents, Clyde, and Evylyn Yount at Independence, OK. There will not be a public viewing. in Clinton, OK. The visitation will be held on Friday, September 20th 5pm-8pm. Doyl ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Family member Solidarity program. , Wednesday, June 8, 2022, in the Indian Baptist Church of Clinton, officiated by Pastor Delfred Whitecrow.