Anakin general fanfiction. BarriAnakin content included.
Anakin general fanfiction Palpatine, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,628 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 42 - Updated: 8/25/2020 - Published: 8/15/2020 - id: 13672533 "Anakin. General Kenobi, protecting him from a dangerous blast that could have killed his life. It starts on the day the Chancellor is captured and goes on to describe your fall or your adherence to the light side in the face of temptation. " Owen brushed her shoulder-length hair softly, tucking it behind her ear. It also will turn the attention away from people that are planning to harm you in a range of fifteen feet, there are a lot more uses, but in general, it will protect you and your friends. , Darth Maul, Ahsoka T. Please PM me with recs. Palpatine's face had begun to morph, until he looked undead. "YOU! Move away from him or I will move you!" "Father this is-" "The Emperor's Hand! I Anakin looked around and saw Watto smiling at him from a distance as well as Beru as well as Kitster and Wald two of Anakin's childhood friends. The Jedi ask Anakin to discover who the Sith Lord in the Senate is. "Welcome aboard Lord Vader. "Not too far off the mark, Obi-Wan. Soleil’s cheerful chatter and seemingly endless energy feel out of place in the chaos of battle, yet her expertise proves invaluable when the 501st encounters dangerous and unpredictable artifacts. The last time he ever saw Obi-Wan was when he struck down the Jedi with absolutely not emotion during that fight. "How do you know the ways of the force?" Anakin asked. " This was my first time writing my first part of my first fan fiction. ) 2. Vader time travel! Rated: Fiction T We have SW gift request forms for General, Anakin-Clones Luke and Leia both stand up when Anakin gets up when suddenly Anakin appears more solid. He thinks his name is Skyguy (courtesy of Ahsoka), and that Ahsoka's name is Snips (courtesy of Kaiweri Fisto is a Jedi Healer sent to the front lines as Anakin Skywalker's Lieutenant General. " Palpatine said. Reserved where he once was free-spirited. We cannot fulfill anything if we act rashly. " Anakin says. At all costs, protect Ahsoka and all of you get to Coruscant. ' "Skywalker," Luminara placed a hand on his shoulder and turned to look him in the eye. You saved me. Senator Padme, Jedi Anakin, Luke & Leia born or about to be). "Troopers I really, really don't think this is necessary. When he first boarded the Leveler, the Acclamator on which the remnants of the shattered legion were stationed, he was welcomed by cheers. The Council's given us a mission. Anakin could tell that he had basic saber skills, but the man in black was clearly superior in skill, and he was backing the boy into a dead end Since Anakin came home from the war, she noticed a connection with Anakin she never felt before. An example of my favorite such story is a two story series by an author on Fanfiction named LizzieXX. The Jedi discovered the location of General Grevious and sent Obi Wan to defeat him. "Unhand me you tall headed alien freak!" Obi Wan struggled against Ki-Adi Mundi's and Kit Fisto's firm grasp. "Do you have a last name to go with that?" he asked, hoping for something, anything other than the name his mind had plugged in almost automatically. "Rex we need to go. " "Oh Force! That's fabulous! What should we name them?" "I already thought of names. After the massive battle of Geonosis, Anakin was given command of the rather depleted 501st Legion. Anakin, Padme and Ahsoka all went to the Council Meeting. "Just a few days and you and I will have twins. "Even you can't save everyone. Anakin had restored peace to the Galaxy, and he had paid the ultimate price for it. Anakin shouted in fury, broke free, and rushed into First of 'Attack of the Clones AU series,' Just before his mission to protect Padme, Anakin, driven mad by the visions of Shmi, digs into the Forcewhat he discovers is horrific. However, Anakin's capture left the Republic in a similar situation, their shining star General unable to mop up the pieces left by Grievous' departure from the battlefield. " replies Anakin as he pulls Luke and Leia into a tight embrace. " 0-0-0-0-0-0. Anakin began to moan as he twisted her curls into his fingers. " That sent Grievous into a long coughing fit. I should hide my powers right now. "AnakinHow strangeYou look like you did all those years ago!" FanFiction | unleash The 501st and their quite idiotic General Anakin Skywalker were goofing off on Kamino, and accidentally turned Anakin five! Now Ahsoka, the clones and Obi-Wan have to figure out how to turn him back, while also trying to contain the chaos that is five year old Anakin. Padmé couldnt wait any longer. "Formality is not like you Anakin, is there something we need to discuss?" Obi-Wan inquired respectfully. Anakin Skywalker is only allowed to lead the 501st. Some bring Vader to the light, others show a child of Skywalker fall to darkness. Then we worry about other things. "Cody, this is General Kenobi, Dooku's ship looks to be heading for Theed, we're gonna need some transport to come pick us up. " Anakin turned around and froze. I will honor your trust in me. Similarly, the 501st should be placed on standby if Anakin Skywalker is not available to lead them. An Anakin Skywalker rewrite from the prequel era. Anakin leads the Younglings through the dangers of the Jedi attack and more Clones come their way firing at them. The one to bring the 501 back together. That is a load off my back, I keep forgetting I have a whole organization working with me and the girls, Captain Panaka is General Panaka now, our shipyards keep on expanding in size, they even took the initiative to remodel the droids, there is no reason to put all the vital functions at the top, or make them look humanoid. Big thanks to littlekaracan for helping with some aspect of the fic. "I'll see what I can find about Echo," Anakin offers Anakin could see her on the balcony watching the traffic fly by in the Coruscant evening light. They still continued the kiss and Barriss moaned into the kiss, and she started to get chills running down to her spine. Though my absolute favorite Star wars stories are those that explore a different relationship for Anakin and of course stories that have suit Vader literally curb stomping everyone with the power of CHAD Besides the point. 1 . " "I can try," he growled. Anakin, for nearly a millennium, the Dark Side has been hiding, slowly pushing inward toward the light, to smother it without those who basked in its light realizing it. "Obi-Wan is gonna kill me. Plot: It's been ten years since Anakin Skywalker was rejected by the Jedi Council and adopted by Chancellor Palpatine. Luke and Leia both stand up when Anakin gets up when suddenly Anakin appears more solid. After his execution Anakin is brought back by the Force With no memory of his past. "I wouldn't say unaware, as much as uninformed," Qezza interjects, revealing the general perception of Anakin in the region. Anakin and Barriss have crashed landed on Abafar: Planet Void and need to find a way on how to get out. "We start with the chips. Anakin insisted, "I heard you the The battle continues raging, Anakin moving almost methodically through everything. " Anakin smirked, glancing back at his new plaything as she was scooped up over the clone's shoulder. He could only watch. Her job? Keep Anakin Skywalker alive. Anakin, Dooku, and Obi-Wan headed for the command center of the ship, hoping to catch General Grievous. "YOU!" Kix's face grew cold. Anakin would have gone back out and wiped the Tuskens out without any mercy when he saw the state of her back. The Anakin they rescued was a far cry from the Anakin they all knew and loved. Rex did comply, but Anakin could see how stiff he was in his movements. "So you're a girl now," she sighed, allowing him to enter her room. General Kenobi nods at him supportingly as Padmes proceeds to comfort Anakin. "Hello Kit" Kitster didn't take Anakin's hand but gave him a hug instead. a. "I love you too, Father. A slim smile crossed over Anakin's lips as he nodded to the other Jedi. And then We deal with Sidious. Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Drama/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 25 - Words: Anakin walked into Luke and Leia's room to find Luke still asleep and Leia lying in her crib staring at the ceiling then turned her attention to the newcomer in the room. Mandalore is or was on the brink of civil war. It is best to wear them on your skin to get the best results. Completed stories only. He knew Ahsoka had almost died when the Jedi Council had refused to give into General Grievous' demands. Any other regiment that had him as a general has gone earther insane from his outlandish tactics or has organised a massif boycott and demanded another general. " After there was still nothing, Luke whispered to himself, "Don't make me say it. They would enjoy each other and she would seduce Anakin. "I'll consider it, sir. Rated: Fiction T - English - Adventure/Family Aayla Secura "General Secura! There are more battle droids southwest from here!" Commander Halfway through his journey Anakin had reigned in his emotions. Only through me can you achieve a power greater than any Jedi. Still loyal to a Republic that doesn't exists, they have to forge The premise of this chapter, if you want to jump right in, is that Anakin has temporary amnesia. " General Solo stood up. Having been raised a Sith, Anakin holds zero regard for the Jedi who abandoned him. Good quality stories involving Anakin Skywalker a. "She should be back to normal in a few hours, General. " Xxxxx The Masters guided Padme and me to the Jedi Council, the naffers must have learned something, two chairs were waiting for us with a small table in between with an assortment of drinks. Anakin is the lightest there ever was. It still was far from a comfortable ride but still, it was a far cry from before. You're shorter than I expected," Anakin said. Padmé then walked of the office with Clovis, leaving Anakin alone as Ferus went next to his brother-in-law. 'Thank you. "Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, General of the Grand Army of the Republic out witted and caught by a clan of five women" Tanika sneered "Pathetic, but worth a Padme refused to trade Anakin for General Grievous, Palpatine finds a way to use this to his advantage. The stories are primarily about this event, and the backstory is reasonably close to canon (i. Last time she checked, Anakin didn't have breasts, or curves like that in general. "Don't listen to him Anakin," Mace replied, forcing the lightning back. Disclaimer: Mister G, it is your playpen, your Anakin, with J. "We don't know when Palpatine plans on issuing the kill order, but it could be any moment now. "Seizing as many ships and messenger-ravens as you did has slowed the spreading of news. " Palpatine offers Anakin the position of Supreme Commander and Anakin leaves the Jedi Order. " "Thank you for coming. "Follow me!" "Apologies, General Skywalker," the voice over the loudhailer said with uncertainty. FanFiction | unleash Focus: General All Categories, Since: 06-17-12. Ahsoka gave him a lopsided grin, her eyes half-lidded. With Anakin looked around and saw Watto smiling at him from a distance as well as Beru as well as Kitster and Wald two of Anakin's childhood friends. "It sounds like a good plan," Anakin replied. Leia's first encounter with Anakin was nothing like the fairy tales say it should be. There were still things he had to learn, but his strength amazed many Jedi. "Your ears are bleeding, General. But it was definitely Anakin Skywalker, from the gloved right hand to the scarred eye. "Clovis said. Anakin had to block the shot which gave Ahsoka a second to land a kick to his chest and it knocked him off balance. Anakin responded with a formal and sarcastic tone. Anakin remembered his mother telling him the old Tattooine legend about the beautiful widow who, when her town was besieged by an enemy general, pretended to defect to his side and went out to his camp, so that when he tried to seduce her, she got him drunk and chopped his head off as he slept, and went home with his head in her food bag, praising the After a devastating loss on Mygeeto, General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano have been reprimanded by the Jedi High Council and reassigned to Koru Neimoidia to route out Ruune Haako with Jedi Master B'dard Tone and his Padawan Codi Ty. Old memories flooded his mind. Rated: Fiction K - English - Angst/Drama - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K. As Anakin consolidates power and pieces the puzzle together, how does this change the galaxy as we know it. Their circumstances are starting to wear on him, too. Obi Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Anuri walk down the ramp of Anakin's ship and are greeted by Dutches Satine. I don't own the rights to Star wars or characters. We all know that," Obi-Wan said with a smile. Anakin glanced from one to the other, as he FanFiction | unleash Anakin is seriously injured during a mission when he tries to save Obi-Wan. She hesitated before answering, forcing her voice to remain steady. Continuing his testimony on Anakin's behalf, "Something I never told the Council was that during the Battle of Aargonar, when Skywalker and I were alone after my padawan died of his injuries, I complimented Anakin by saying that he would have made a good Tusken, not knowing of what had transpired just before the war. , Yoda, M. We'll cover their retreat as they escape the moon. Thy have become so accustomed He could feel Anakin's pain screaming out into the Force, lighting up their bond like a shock of lightning. Without further protest, the convoy changed directions, forming up on Anakin's airspeeder. Do you love me?" Anakin: "Of course I do Barriss, I love you too. The low hum of the distant Speeder-lanes rumbles through the cracks of the balcony doors, slightly ajar as the hot air of the Coruscant morning seeps into the darkened, purple bedroom, the slumbering knight turns beneath the silken sheets as the scorching sun pours through the gaps in the blinds, illuminating the room in long, bright stripes. "You don't have to talk about it of you don't want to" Luke said. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Supernatural/Sci-Fi - Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker, E. Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight and General in the Grand Army of the Republic, strides across the hangar bay of his Venator-class flagship, his eyes locked on the dark Katarn armor of the team of clone commandoes prepping their gear beside a battered G-9 Rigger freighter that reminds him of his recently lost ship "Twilight". "My mentor taught everything about the force. " "It is well-placed, Anakin. Anakin, Fives, and Jesse take off – Hardcase was desperate to come, but considering his piloting skills nearly leveled the hangar, Anakin turns it down – into the space battle above. When a princess meets her long-lost father for the first time, you see, there are hugs and tears of joy, and promises of "I'll never leave you again," and "I love you. Anakin's words are like an anchor for me to hold on to. Anakin was a bit young to be a Padawan even now, but Qui-Gon had believed Anakin to be the Chosen One. " General Kenobi. Anakin, (the 22 year old one), wasn;t really allowed there either but, you know, it's Anakin. They apparently weren't planning anything. " Ahsoka was sitting on a rock nearby. Anakin followed slowly, knowing that she would never escape. "Anakin, if Palpatine is the Sith Master, that means he directed Dooku to order all those hits on my life! Why would you think he'd save me?" "You – think he's lying to me?" Anakin asked slowly, processing. The name brought a wave of feelings and emotions to Cody that was so strong he almost let go of the ship controls. Obi-Wan knew it was a lot to ask. He had trained him since he was a boy, after all. He reached Padme's house on Naboo, only to find her waiting for him. Anakin moved over to Kitster and shooked his friends hand. Anakin and Amidala are at the army base but will they get a chance to meet in private? Star Wars - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 58 - Words: 54,694 - Reviews: 206 - Favs: 51 - Follows: 25 - Updated: 12/11/2005 - Published: 1/29/2001 Anakin renounced the darkside after he killed the younglings, horrified, Anakin returned to Palpatine's office to confront him only to discover to Palpatine had already escaped. The silence is heavy and withdrawn. Well, him and Yoda, he realizes a second later. Anakin stared at her blankly. The Sith will fall, and they, the Skywalkers, will take their place, reshaping everything as they see fit. Hello Father. (Anakin tried to hide his smugness when Mace Windu would be caught speechless after Anakin managed to do something extraordinary. " In truth, hearing Obi-Wan point out the heart of every fault Anakin had didn't feel too flattering, especially not since he recently came to that realization himself. By waiting for Anakin, it would mean an extra three to four days tacked on. The one you love, Mace thought to himself before it dawned on him. Anakin laid on the floor, he didn't feel the flames. " No response. "We don't know. Rex- We all do Ezra. " Luke said, and Anakin smiled. Love blossoms between both Jedi and Senator, but they are reluctant to acknowledge their growing feelings for one another. Anakin's eyes widened as spectrum image of a man slowly appeared in the middle of the council chambers. Ahsoka moaned and fisted her hands in Anakin's tunic. The battle raged on, the boy quickly backing up toward Anakin's position. Anakin did his best to calm down the upset droid but the task wasn't easy. We were talking about the Nameless Commander, sir. "Okay, let's get you both to the medbay," Kix said, clapping his gloved hands together. Obi-Wan, you, and me. Her stomach pressed down firmly into the Clone's reinforced shoulder pad, enough pressure to cause her to begin drooling a steady stream of his past fillings from her lips, nose and even her ass once This is an Alternate Universe Star Wars fanfiction in Which Anakin Skywalker was born as a girl instead of a boy and fell in love with Obi-Wan rather than Padmé and doesn't fall to the Dark side. Helplessly. Passing through battle zones, narrowly escaping explosions, laser bolts, "Snips. Anakin is not allowed near any pod-racers. Just this once, Crosshair doesn't think even Anakin knows how to brighten it. The digging kept going, moving faster with the General's Yularen said on Anakin's left side "With respect, General, now might be a bad time to regroup. "We are ready to evac on your order General. Normally Anakin would make it last, enjoy himself, enjoy who he was inside for as long as he could, but Luminara wasn't relief, she was a mission, he pounded her mercilessly, faster and harder than anyone before, desperate to pump her full of his essence, growing more and more rough with the poor woman, his cybernetic leaving Barriss' ass uncared for, instead clenching Obi-wan started to walk to Anakin, almost strutting, but with a warm smile. "Get to the hangar. For his crimes, Anakin was sentenced to death. Now there was a void in Anakin Skywalker, as visible in the master-apprentice bond as if it were a missing limb. This new Anakin was quiet where he once could be loud. Luke nodded. Anakin walked over to her and picked her up out of her crib by her small arm pits and held her on his left side. " "Set course for the Taris system. Anakin ordered the other troopers to disperse and begin their search of the area while he stayed with Rex. Anakin jumped towards Kix, and the medic slipped out of the way and put him in an armlock. It felt like a zero-sum game, and Padme realized, for the first time in her career, that she didn't how to proceed. While being fit into his suit, someone has taken it upon themselves to make what remained of Anakin Skywalker into their own personal experiment. Anakin's gaze shifted to his injured hand, and he nodded, unable to speak the words "yes, master" without feeling a sense of dread. "Blast! He's heading for Theed!" Obi-Wan grumbled and contacted Cody on his comlink. It should have been with Anakin. Rex out. Masters received the rank of General and Knights the rank of Padme refused to trade Anakin for General Grievous, Palpatine finds a way to use this to his advantage. " Anakin taunted. Anakin as he was nominally in charge of the mission, Padme as she could best explain the political aspects of it (and their new intelligence network) and Ahsoka to present her findings in support of bringing the initiates' families to Tython. General Kenobi, smiling and bantering wittily as he fended off the Separatist's attacks. Post-Rako Hardeen Arc, Post s04e22 Revenge, Obi-Wan and cody Needs a Hugs Mace Windu,Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 Cody, Darth Maul (mentioned) First star wars fanfic. "Are you coming with me Snips?" "I will go anywhere with you Skyguy! Even if I need to follow you into a sarlac's pit" Anakin took Ahsoka's hand and looked at the Jedi Masters. She had been strapped to poles with leather straps, and the back of her rough desert clothes had been torn, exposing her back. " "What—how is that possible?" the clone asked in disbelief. After he's refused the title of jedi master, he sees no reason to hold back his fury any longer, and the dark side slowly becomes more tempting. The boy did not look well. FanFiction | unleash Anakin is captured and held for ransom by a group of bounty hunters and obi-wan is sent to rescue him when the Separatists make a deal for the bounty hunters to hand Anakin over to them. " She bowed her head sadly. I'm going Anakin smiled when he thought of his older brother, Jacen had promised Anakin that he would have a lightsaber duel with him as soon as they returned. Prequels/sequels to such stories okay. Authors Note - An Alternate one shot where Padme survives her encounter with Anakin on Mustafar and reflects how she fought to survive. " "Rabé will replace it," Padmé replied. "I love both of you and am so proud of you both. They cut through the droids, leaving only Grievous. Rated: Fiction T - English - Tragedy/Adventure - Anakin Skywalker, E. "Here comes the person to tell our story, General. As soon as he comes out of hyperspace Anakin flies to the Jedi Temple. " At that moment, the trooper he would later find out was CT-7567, Rex, piped up. It probably had, actually, but Anakin had become so distant (relying on a certain Senator from Naboo and the creep-tastic Chancellor). We have to see this through without having to get our emotions get the better of us", he instructed his apprentice. " "Very good, General. She reached up and tore the shirt off of him. " Ahsoka nodded and kept still, I softly said: "I saw the footage, Padawan, you were very brave on Geonosis, many would crack under that kind of "Anakin is dead, Beru. Padme. "Ahsoka," Anakin's voice came through, calm but laced with urgency. "Mundi, Fisto! I need your help!" Anakin pleaded as the two Jedi Masters came forward and carried Obi Wan away. "One thing at a time," he repeats. Anakin shouted in fury, broke free, and rushed into FanFiction | unleash Clovis glanced at Anakin. " "Roger that, General Skywalker. Padme finds herself being seduced by the one man whom she hates. K. As a general rule, six days of time was allowed for Jedi to travel to the temple for a funeral rite. The council assigned her as his pe After time-traveling to his eight-year-old self, Anakin Skywalker finds himself in a new timeline where Jedi Master Plo Koon discovers and adopts him on Tatooine. Anakin felt like a new man as he walked towards the door to the Chancellor's office. Anakin breaks off ahead, taking out the ship before they make a run for it. Crosshair doesn't want to think about what that could mean for the galaxy's future. Throughout their journey, Barriss and Anakin both have feelings for each other. It felt more like an insult than the typical playful banter. With Obi-Wan's help in the background – Anakin never does see him in person – it becomes easier. "Skywalker. This Anakin lived with a constant fear that left him unsure how he would act. Anakin did not place any concerns about that which was strange since he always wanted to go to a battle. ) Padme and Anakin's apartment. "I I'm sorry Rex. - Chapters: 19 - Words: 74,877 - Reviews: "General Panaka? Ah, good day General, I am facing a fleet under Sith control and a droid army on the planet. " Anakin said as he looked at the battle plan on the command center "I don't like this. "I'm going to get some food, since my presence here is obviously not required," he said, and Princess Organa followed him out into the hall. It contained many shops and stalls. He was also very glad when he got the report that Ahsoka was alive and had escaped to the nearby Republican planet. Anakin- Fortunately, he was destroyed by my Master, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Ahsoka saw an opening in his defenses and put a quick strike in with her shoto. "One thing at a time," he says quietly, almost to himself. "Remember, Anakin. "I made my Barriss: "I love youso much Anakin. " "Why would a Republic general betray so much? What do you want, General Skywalker?" "I thought it would be obvious by now, I want to join the Separatist cause. After that some time later the Jedi received that Obi Wan successfully defeated the droid General. 's Magic, and my old guy's memories. Anakin knows from their lessons that not everyone in the galaxy has enough food and thus that there are people who are hungry. It felt like her world was crashing around her as her mind spun at the thought of what her husband had done, and what he was now capable of doing. But when General Skywalker assigns Soleil Galyreos, an archivist with an uncanny ability to disarm magical relics, to his battalion, Rex is skeptical. Anakin Skywalker was sure that leaving the role of Senator behind in order to become a General on the front lines was the best decision for himself, his people, and the Anakin Skywalker and his company arrive twenty years into the future to a time when nothing is the same as they remember it. I'm sending you my coordinates. ;-; I hated what happened to be honest, but it certainly helps build their relationship and show what led up to the events in Revenge of the "Nine Aurek Aurek Four Delta Wesk," Anakin added, then turned hard to port, cutting across the skylane diagonally towards the Jedi Temple restricted airspace. He was so happy to see her again. "Fuck" Anakin said in disbelief. Anakin turned himself in when Obi-wan and Yoda returned. He turns to face the twins. Padmé's final meeting with Anakin on Mustafar, told from her perspective. " The funeral of a Jedi Master, especially one sitting on the Council itself, was something that would gather Jedi from far and wide to attend. k. "It beginning to look like this war could possibly come to an end today. It's time to intercept Count Dooku. (Usually he just sprays his paperwork with crumbs for a few hours before rolling onto his bedroll when his brain shuts down. " "Dutches Satine, may I present my Padawan Anuri Vangar, Jedi Master Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Rex smiled as the pilots began walking in and Echo, who knew exactly what was coming, was grinning like maniac. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Supernatural - Anakin Skywalker - Chapters: 4 - Words: 9,163 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 75 - Follows: 59 - Updated: 10/12/2024 - Published: 9/30/2024 - Status: Just as Anakin was nearing the wormhole R2D2 started beeping. She turned and ran into the library. Anakin was not satisfied, though. - Chapters: 13 - Words: Get Senator Amidala to my office and send for General Kenobi, I will need both of them to help me find a way forward. She turned a corner and hid behind a bookcase. "As a matter of fact, we do, my master" Anakin felt his frustrations beginning to boil over, "Well, don't keep me in suspense, what is it?" Obi-Wan placed his hand on Anakin's shoulder. Frustratingly. Palpatine - Words: 1,595 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 3 - Published: 5/21/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12498329 Aayla and Ahsoka hugged me goodbye, Aayla said: "Thank you, Master no, thank you Anakin, if you need me, you just have to give me a call. The rest of his family - being his children and their friends - had taken shelter behind some speeders, occasionally getting a shot in here and there. Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K. Anakin pondered out loud, wondering the implications of this news. Anakin glanced to Obi-Wan, who eyed his former apprentice with a hint of pride. Anakin hadn't seen this many droids since the Clone Wars. It was Anakin. "He's the clone commander of the 304th, General Krell's battalion. (No one will ever win if he were to participate. "General Skywalker, we must leave," Rex says holstering his pistols as the last droid falls. No Rated: Fiction T - English - Sci-Fi - Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan K. But Anakin kept on deflecting their fire with his lightsaber. His eyes were blank, as though someone had rubbed everything that made Anakin Anakin out of him. "A gift from the Force. Tears ran down Anakin's face, he had betrayed the Jedi council all for nothing. "Luke. But Anakin realizes that's the least of what he should be concerned about now. Ezra- I wish we could've met Master Kenobi. Anakin shook his head "No son I am happy things turn out as they did" "Father if you don't mind me asking Why did you turn to the dark side" Luke asked. He was nearly transparent, and mostly appeared to have a rather blue glow to him. Thanks for reading and reviews are appreciated! Anakin would realize she had cheated on him. , Shmi S. The descendants of Anakin Skywalker travel through time to aid the patriarch of the powerful clan. Chapter 3 Anakin's plan. However, thanks to his ship's sensors it seemed they had been able to retrofit his ship so it wasn't as bad as before. Maul captures Ahsoka but gives her info about the Sith Lord. Anakin let out a hitched breath before he dropped to the ground. That is, until the moment Anakin realizes the Separatist general on the planet is making a run. Anakin disguised his desire to scowl with a wry smile. "Rex, take the shuttle and get out of here. Anakin Skywalker and his Anakin did what he could to clear her name, when the whole Council, except for Obi-Wan wouldn't believe her innocence and when it was over, Windu had the nerve to justify their screwup by saying it was a test of the Force to defend their misjudgment and no wonder Ahsoka then decided to leave and Anakin later lost his faith in the Jedi Order, plus they dismissed Anakin's visions When an attack nearly claims the life of Senator Padmè Amidala, Anakin and Obi-Wan are assigned to watch over her. And more cautious than he'd ever been in his entire life. e. It will take all the fun out of watching the race. Action, adventure, romance, angst, drama, humor, parody, alternate universe. Hello everyone! Welcome to a different kind of fanfiction, namely a chose-your-own-adventure style one! In this story you take the place of Anakin Skywalker. They seem to be more in tune with each other. "What?" Anakin asked. Reluctantly, Anakin allowed his master's words to influence his actions, calming his mind. A few hours later Anakin stands with his fellow Jedi to receive their military commissions. Even the nature of the dark side. As Anakin watched, one blade sheared a square control panel from its moorings, and the blue force fields protecting the buildings from the elements flicked off. The first familiar face he finds is someone who looks like Palpatine but is obviously When he lands a battalion of Stormtroopers are waiting along with Captain Aureez, and General Veers. Me. Anakin's pale skin was covered in new scars. Trying to be careful about his actions is crucial, but even figuring out what he wants in After his death on the Second Death Star, the Force grants Anakin Skywalker a second chance to save his loved ones and bring peace to the galaxy. The Amidala give Padme to Anakin as his bride for alliance between their families. We're trying to assemble all Jedi now. Founder: jon skywalker - Stories: 4 - Followers: 0 - id: 100856 AU stories in which Anakin does not become Darth Vader. . He has no one to do droid counts with anymore. "Good Morning sweetheart, Do You know what day it is today?" Anakin and Amidala-Anakin and Amidala have just married secretly. Through family chaos, will the Force ever be balanced? (Part of the Star Wars: Time Travel Series). May I present my Padawan Ahsoka Tano, we are together for a half year now. " "Again. Then he looked at Ahsoka and asked her. The droid general lurched forward, four lightsabers spinning in circles with almost too much reach for the catwalk to contain. Reva and the Younglings with her were scared but felt safe the way Anakin was trying to protect them. Admiral Coburn handed out the commissions to the Jedi. She was his reason to live. " Kix took hold of her hand before she ripped the needle out, lowering it to rest on her stomach. "Hello Senator. Anakin couldnt help smiling and gently stroked Padme's arm. Darth Vader, including his relationships with family and friends. Thank you. Together we are going to have fun for free of course. The clone cocked his head to the side. " Anakin says sternly, as if that would make a difference whilst she's high. " Barriss and Anakin continued the kiss untill Anakin rolled them over and that's when Anakin was on-top of Barriss. Anakin didn't at all seem uncomfortable talking about it "Well it is a long story one that i am not proud of I" He was cut off. "General?" "I don't know how to go about saying this," Anakin began, "but Chancellor Palpatine is evil—he's a Sith Lord. FanFiction | unleash "Anakin. BarriAnakin content included. " He sighed, moved in close, and said, "Lord Vader. So she planned several days off in Naboo with Anakin. "Who are you?" Anakin demanded, "Show yourself!" "Very well," the voice answered. "General Grievous. Chapter 3: Anakin's fury. Will they ever get out of the planet void? Full summary inside. At just 12 years old, Anakin Skywalker was a powerful Jedi. The Dark Side has brought imbalance to the Force, and must be dealt with. Aayla smiled: "Thank you, Master Anakin, your fiancees and I kept in contact all this time, I will give them a call later. " After dying, Anakin wakes up at 9 years old again with significantly more power, trauma, and caution. Padme and Anakin are two people who hate eachother who come from rich families. Anakin fought down the nausea and the fury he felt within him as he took her in, seeing the state she was in. They made their way into the living room and as Anakin settled on the couch, the pain in his hand grounding him in this vivid illusion, he couldn't help but feel a flood of memories and nostalgia washing over him. "General Skywalker, I'll be taking General Kenobi from "Hey, General," one of the guys tosses out the next planetary evening, when Anakin actually gets a free moment to join a group of ten or eleven troopers around the campfire for end-of-day rations. Because it's your choice how the story goes! It hadn't happened in several months, at least to his knowledge. Knowing Grievous, Obi-Wan stayed by the escape pods while Anakin and Dooku charged into the command center. His eyes strayed into the dark corridor. Anakin grabs his lightsaber ready to ignite it but again to Palpatine "Um, I th-think she's awak-ke," Anakin said, shifting her to his other hip. Nor is he allowed to know about the annual pod-race being held on Coruscant. A time travel story in which Anakin Skywalker is sent to the future to witness the consequences of his actions. Ahsoka smiled, her eyes welling with tears. This was all she had hoped for, since the second she had found out Vader's true identity. " There was a quick pause and Anakin said "Tell the transports to fall back to Obi-Wan's position. Obi-Wan pushed through the camp, the clones parting like a sea when they saw their general - General of the Third Systems Army - stride past them. But you are on Yavin. Palpatine didn't even care enough about him to stay and watch him burn. "Yes, I know. How does Luke and Leia sound?" "Like names fit for a prince and princess. Author's Note: This fanfiction was inspired by a story story called The Storm is Here on by Spongyllama, where the author explored Anakin's emotions after Obi-Wan faked his death in Clone Wars Season 4 Episode 16 Deception. Anakin is soon forced to take her into hiding while Obi-Wan searches for answers. Anakin's On a mission gone wrong, Anakin loses his memories, crashing on a planet in Wild Space. "General Skywalker. Obi-Wan was twenty-seven and Anakin eleven when Obi-Wan saw him again. He tries to hold firm to his principles, even after meeting Obi-Wan Kenobi who was assigned to protect Senator Padme Amidala, Anakin's fiancée. "Men! Dig faster!" A chorus of Yessirs! echoed in the air. Anakin is dead - and not reincarnated, I hope, he thought. She was his rock and his angel. With a deep breath, Obi-Wan ignited his lightsaber and quickly cut Anakin's bonds away. " "We saved each other. With Anakin's life now hanging in the balance, Obi-Wan must deal with his guilt regarding the part he played in Anakin's injuries. " Anakin rushed his hands to his lightsaber, but did not ignite the blade. Though, Obi-Wan saw right through him and would just shake his head with a fond Anakin decides to take a sandwich with bacon and some vitamin cubes to satisfy Master Strahl as he isn't sure he has the time to eat fruit and master Strahl always insist that they eat everything on their tray. Yularen said on Anakin's left side "With respect, General, now might be a bad time to regroup. " "Yes, I r-realize that. It shamed her. "YOU'RE THE SITH LORD!" Anakin called. "Skywalker," he was told, and Anakin let out a sigh of relief. " The four of them started toward the medbay, Anakin shifting Ahsoka. "This way!" Anakin said. Ezra- Is there any way you can train me in the ways of the Jedi? Anakin- I don't think that's the best idea right now, kid. "Right then," he said. "Obi Wan welcome to Mandalore. Mace glanced over and saw Anakin's face, in pain and anguish. 'I will leave you here, I think. Anakin was absolutely overjoyed when Padmé was returned. "Luke replied, and Anakin nodded, his smile fading as he saw the woman standing beside his son. He looked like a nightmare. She was sad that the first time she had sex was with Ahsoka. "Oh, General, sorry. " Anakin shoved Cody away and got up, his arms stretched to either side. Anakin was too weak to stand and try to save himself. Call me if you want or need something, Anakin. "Father?" asks Luke. And at the same time, releasing the Crime Lord from his grip. With a victory Anakin and Obi Wan fly down to the surface of the planet to deliver much needed medical supplies When they land Senator Bail Organa is waiting. " by Ray Downward Anakin promptly ignored her, boring his eyes into the ground, as if to say, 'Open up. " And there went any hopes Rex might have had of resolving this without fatalities. All my Republic knowledge is as good as yours. Anakin kisses Padme. With the little time they had together ever since Anakin saved the Chancellor, their relationship has never been stronger and she has been the happier than she ever was despite everything around them. I didn't realize you were there. "Good to see you to your old self again, Anakin. "Ahsoka here," she said, trying to keep the tightness from her chest. "Master, would you have traded Anakin for Rated: Fiction M - English - Humor/Parody - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Aayla S. "The what?" "The Nameless Commander, sir," Fives answered. Yoda surely knows about this after his journey. Anakin remembered his mother telling him the old Tattooine legend about the beautiful widow who, when her town was besieged by an enemy general, pretended to defect to his side and went out to his camp, so that when he tried to seduce her, she got him drunk and chopped his head off as he slept, and went home with his head in her food bag, praising the He experienced it as a wordless sense of bereft self-disappointment - he understood that Anakin was upset with himself for needing something from Obi-Wan that Obi-Wan simply could not provide. He has turned on the Jedi—and he tried to get the entire army to do the same. " Anakin leapt up and used the force to throw the table at him, only for Luke to catch it with the force and let it hang in the air. Anakin, her loving Jedi, has fallen to the dark side, and she is the only one who can bring him back. "General, if you need to—" "I need to be here," Anakin replied firmly. Kix paused. She traced each one with her finger, followed by a kiss. It had finally come to pass. Obi-Wan barely managed to catch him, knees almost buckling under Anakin's weight. " "That goes for me too," added Ahsoka, "You opened a new world for us, I hope one day to learn some more from you. Anakin has noticed his unstoppable rage is palatable against the enemies of the republic, but it's unbecoming of a jedi to exhibit such traits. And Obi-Wan Kenobi was responsible for it. Anakin went to tell this to 22. Anakin is not allowed to use any of the personal Speeders of either the masters or the senators. General Kenobi was very wise, and a great strategist. This is a collection of fics depicting the children or grandchildren of Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader in a familial capacity. Before anyone could do anything, Anakin produced a massive Force wave and shattered the glass of the Council Chamber. " He raised an eyebrow. Sixteen year old Anakin Skywalker returned from the temple the next day, had given his resignation to the order. Anakin either does not turn to the dark side or survives his redemption, and Padme survives or is brought back somehow. "Yes, General. Windu - Chapters: 6 - Words: "Obi-wan has made contact with General Grievous," Anakin told the chancellor as he entered his office days later. Anakin and General Grievous race through the city at breakneck speed. This is my Jedi Academy. However, the lure of the Dark Side is In a world divided by war, General Anakin Skywalker, the hardened leader of the British Army, finds himself bound to an unlikely truce—an arranged marriage to the Princess of Anakin feels stunned by this revelation, and also a bit giddy in a way, as he now knows that he is perhaps the only living Jedi to understand this secret. (Coauthored) Palpatine offers Anakin the position of Supreme Commander and Anakin leaves the Jedi Order. " "Why's he called that?" ANAKIN AND pADME haven't seen each other in ten years, but when Padme finds out aNAKIN IS GOING TO VISIT she turns back on the senate and goes crazy with anakin Star Wars - Rated: K - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 1 - Words: 470 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Published: 9/29/2006 - Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala FanFiction | unleash He looked at Anakin. ' That was all she could say. 0-0-0-0-0-0. He had a abandoned by the one man who was supposed to help him. "Thank you, Masters. All stories edited and of good quality. Some cannon, some AU. "The thought occurred to me," Padmé replied tartly. What happens when they f "A FEW!" Anakin shouted "Oh no, you are going straight to the healers!" "No, I want to watch!" Obi Wan argued. General Panaka added: "We are monitoring the Traffic on the Hyperspace Lanes in our region, by any sign of trouble, our fleet can reach each planet in a matter of hours, and arrive way ahead of the invaders. Without wasting time, they embraced, as Anakin basked in her presence. " But this is no fairy tale, and forgiveness does not come so easily as the stories say. " Anakin says with tears in his eyes. Star Wars - Rated: K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,513 - Reviews: 12 - Favs: 24 - Follows: 6 - Published: 9/13/2007 - Padmé Amidala, Anakin Skywalker - Complete Anakin interrupted. The boy looked a bit more like a puppet. " After an hour of fighting, the loss of five Federation starships, three battle cruisers, and three thousand Vulture droids, the Fleet commander General Tann ordered the retreat. She didn't know how to tell him. Anakin moved to assist the boy, but this was a vision—so, he couldn't move. "Well, General, if you want to help with the bandages" Obi-Wan didn't remember falling asleep, but when he woke up, he tasted bile and knew that if he didn't get a trash receptacle soon, there would be a mess. After silencing threepio and saying that he would not be needed for the night, Anakin walked up behind Padme who sighed as if she knew he was there. - Chapters: 13 - Words: The fate of his plans rested on the General, and his eventual downfall to Anakin Skywalker. Nadia, dressed as a civilian, was walking around the market place which was the shopping streets near the Coruscant Entertainment District. Anakin thought fast, "Republic channels will prove it, I have all the codes. Palpatine, Padmé Amidala - Chapters: 4 - Words: 15,628 - Reviews: 14 - Favs: 31 - Follows: 42 - Updated: 8/25/2020 - Published: 8/15/2020 - id: 13672533 Anakin shoved Cody away and got up, his arms stretched to either side. He could sense Luke tiring beside him, even as his own energy was rapidly depleting, and wondered how much longer they could last. " Rex signed off the comm and passed it back to Ahsoka. Sounds of hurried packing came from the small bedroom down the hall. They'll be wondering what happened" Anakin said calmly as tried to get the clone trooper upright. General Skywalker takes a steadying breath and stands up from his seat. Or his destiny to bring Balance to the Force. " by Ray Downward First, he'll enlist the invaluable help of Anakin before setting out on a journey to conquer the galaxy and make it theirs. Anakin loved Jaina also however Jacen would always have a special place in his heart, and their connection through the force was extremely strong. icr ojfrz obconma qdetzkhys zejm vpqpnlh raflq tiympi mku luayfs