Can feel abs under fat reddit Having prominent abs is primarily genetics, for example, there are a lot of people who could have 6% body fat and still not have impressive abs, most of this is due to muscle insertions and symmetry, also muscle type (fast twitch vs slow twitch) and hormonal profile (where your body stores fat) most men store more fat in their midsection and it Basically, you want to make it a big progression. (For standing abs I would be less worried about injury too. Visceral fat is often associated with sicknesses that are part metabolic syndrome. I know it's because they've been worked hard and are pumped up with blood etc but man do I ever hate what that looks like for the next little while. But, my question is that I’ve always been able to see my abs not all but the first four pretty well. It’s not worth it. My pulse in my stomach is so strong I was actually tested for it and came back perfectly How would you go about it- would you just do a little abs at the end of workouts on some days or have a dedicated ab-day over the weekend (or both?)? To give you an idea of where I am, I can do about 3 sets of 12-15 hanging leg raises, 3 sets of 20 ab rollouts, a record 8 minute plank (unweighted), all provided my abs aren't sore or tired out Usually this is just about body fat percentage. He doesn't have an active job, he sits all day. Fight the eccentric as hard as you can. For me (46f) to have visible abs, for five years now, I had to track and weigh all my food to be sure I was getting sufficient proteins and eating enough calories for muscle growth. Do you guys have this problem too? I am at a loss whether my training is right. You are feeling your abdominal muscles, not the fat itself. e. it's like adding extra work for the glutes and hamstrings, they can never be too strong The body doesn't work that way. If your around 15% body fat and you still don’t have a six pack you probably have bad ab genetics. My abs are pretty "level" with my upper abs which are visible. I saw this linked here a while back and i think you'll find it useful Mostly just eating better not really working out. Some people store less fat on their stomachs, while others store way too much. It's one of the most popular drugs for burning fat. Hi, I’ve actually dealt with this same fear. But Extremely low levels of body fat can cause issues for women (for men too). Also don't necessarily 'train abs', abs work a lot to stabilize yourself during many exercises even if you don't feel them. I know everyone has abs duh, and maybe i I possess good genes i just feel unworthy of it ig, but it could just be my fat growing in a convenient way 💀 The muscle isn’t there, you need to consume more calories and lift weights/incorporate weights into your ab workouts. Still have belly fat can now feel abs but it wont show. Approx. Levothyroxine is t4. 2. It makes my body feel extra cozy and comfy. That way you will actually have aesthetic abs I have a BMI of 19 - but no abs! Lean arms and legs but fat just loves to cling to my waist! It was my 2019 goal to get my body fat down to 20% in order to have abs show. They are tender to touch, almost like how sore muscles feel. Theres nothing wrong with continuing to do ab exercises, it will strengthen your core but you won’t see any results until you drop your body fat percentage down to Subcutaneous fat works under a similar, but different enough process to be distinguishable. Even though you need to lose body fat to see abs, but if your ab muscles are very small, it is hard to see them. That's 3 months now I'm hitting the gym. Now when I do it, I can feel my lower abs were being hit ( don't know the right word for This is the answer. . Women can usually get visible abs around 25-27% body fat. When I’m lying in bed, I’m usually shirtless and cuddle my fat it’s very relaxing. I can’t understand this. It might not be a major thing to be excited about but in my journey to be less focused on the numbers and Whether you have one lipoma or a whole bunch of them, this is a supportive place for lipoma sufferers to talk and share with each other about living life to the fullest even with lipomas, as well as a place to share personal experiences, the best insurance, surgeons, and surgical treatments, the struggles in having this condition, and how you stay positive and cope on a day-to-day basis. Visceral fat is stored Depends where you're starting. A "diet" is what you eat. Evaluate your body fat percentage by things other than(but not dis including) your abs. i need to lose more fat. My thighs will suddenly rub together and my clothes are tight. Working out a certain area doesn't mean you will lose fat on that area, you can't spot reduce fat, that's all genetic. that will be a sweet day. It was surreal and I felt like I was getting away with something I wasn't allowed to have. Here's my own progress: Jan 2017. But we think we are, and do it anyway, leading only to frustration. Is there something to that? I'm at M 1. According to Bell, Low body fat percentage isn’t just how much fat you have, but how much fat you have in relation to how much muscle you have. you'll feel better about your body at that point since you can see your abs. Doing weights may make low fat in certain areas when you train them but most dont train abs much and it still doesnt affect the body fat in that area Yes I have visible definition for most of my body. For men, fat usually goes to the belly first and comes off from the belly last. Some have poor abs genetics so their abs are not visible. the actual knee or leg raise motion, as someone already said in Looking in the mirror seems to confirm this. Exercise: Regular strength training and targeted abdominal exercises can help develop and tone the abdominal muscles. For about 3 weeks I have been going to the gym 5 times a week for about an hour or so, doing 15 minutes of cardio and the rest lifting. I mean I can feel it if I run my fingers over my skin and push down slightly, not that I can see it. two years ago i was at my lightest weight, at 122 lbs. Is it just the way my fat looks on my stomach? Or is Abs are 20% training, 80 % body fat. You can feel them being hard but they wont show up underneath all that fat, I'm 15% I see only the wedges and more of I stretch but need at least 13%to see the I can also see from the edge of your stomach + where your belly roll line is that you have well-developed upper abs! Try flexing and feeling horizontally along them, you should be able to feel your abs under the fat by pressing down. And I know there are 'formed' A thin frame featuring low body fat will not be enough to get 6-pack abs. I know this first answer is usually drop calories or up cardio, but like I said im still losing weight. If you focus on diet and maintain a consistent training schedule, eventually you'll see results. But my abs/ entire core is pretty large/ wide in all directions. On the left side, the one ab muscle under one of the pea-sized bumps feels like it’s constantly contracting (uncomfortable but not painful spasm-like sensation), and on my right I have pain radiating in my mid back (around t-12) which feels like the muscle there is being “pulled”. It's more of a motivator. If you're already at a low %bf, you can work on them and you'll see results soon. really try the movement in any way you can think of, and really get familiar with it. Some people won't see their abs. There are not many people who can do a full ab wheel rollout. When someone says "skinny-fat" that means his or her BMI is okay-ish but there is little subcutaneous (i. hit 10% then eat 2-300 over maint to lean bulk. yesssss especially especially after ab workouts. Some people feel better when they take both, because some can't convert t4 The real cause I believe is poor posture and specifically Anterior Pelvic Tilt which will cause your stomach to protrude out giving the appearance of a 'beer belly'. I think it's because reddits demographic is largely But I would definitely just drink water one day and go for a prolonged time so you can feel and see the benefits. On my personal journey, my body used the visceral fat first before the subcutaneous (I can feel the muscle under the fat and can gauge how much there is between). The rectus abdominis is the section of the core that forms the traditional “6-pack” look, and even if these muscles are strong, they I've been on a cut for a while and I'm about 2 months out from my goal body fat, where I should be lean enough for abdominal definition. When I stand up straight with good posture and suck my belly in a little you can see some definition in my abs, the lines of my six pack. If I can drop some fat and have visible abs by 155lbs or 150lbs then I'd be well satisfied. e to hold your trunk upright and together, which is the way they are used in squats, deads, and presses. Keep your other fingers off the skin so they don’t absorb the vibration. Try this: if you prod your abs you will be able to feel individual sections. mike boyle has a habit of taking things to the extreme. I have had so many arguments with people on reddit that a pooch is ok and people telling me that it's extremely unhealthy ect. Give it time, my friend. It's very natural for me now. 73 CM 85kg at 21% BF (using online calculator) Edit: seems like he was talking about bloated abs. Then after a year or whenever you feel like youzve gained enough muscle, go on a cut. I am fat and can see my abs through my fat. You 'feel' it with situps because your abs are bending, but the whole point of your abs is 'isometric' i. Lower stomach and obliques seem to store the majority of fat for me. Consuming whole, unprocessed foods, and managing portion sizes can help with fat loss and overall body composition. Most people who have had abs at some point will likely tell you to work on being strong, and forget about abs. You have more fat than you realise, and at 145lbs you have very little muscle. But my abs can't be seen I have a 2 cm blanket of fat over them that I can't get rid off. i always get sore in my tummy when i do these. Thats why exercise is usually put first over diet for alot of routines. I find I can feel it quite easily now in my body, which was not the case in the early days. so i can feel them and barely see the makings of my abs. Keep the reps slow and deliberate. For real. That said, you can control the size of the muscle underneath the Your abs won't show under you lose the layer of fat. ALL OF THIS IS A MOOT POINT. A friend of mine feels fat and he’s a slender guy. Every other body part of mine is thin (in a good way). It’s just not worth the energy it takes to You often don't. When I totally relax I have a gut that sticks out a bit. It feels kind of granulated in places, and in others it’s likehard beans under the skin. Before going to the gym I have been doing the r/keto diet for awhile and have gotten great results with that, so i decided to go Just stay focused, don’t fuck up your diet, do your cardio and be patient because abs obtained in 6 months is better than almost getting good abs in 3 months but fucking it because you can’t hack the diet anymore. The only reason workouts work for losing fat is because you're burning calories (and possibly adding muscle = higher tdee) and therefore creating a calorie deficit. Particularly men tend to hold fat in that area meaning your body fat % has to drop quite low to make them visible. If you've got a high bodyfat % and amazing abs, you won't be able to see it under the fat. If you feel that you can see abs under/between the fat, more power to you. About to give up and call it bad genetics! Good luck x The area under your bellybutton isn’t fat, but it’s mostly loose skin. Diabetes for example. 9 I can feel the muscles under my fat, now I just need to dig my way to them! It feels incredible to feel the changes happening to my body. You don’t lose them they just get a layer of fat over them Nesserboy24 • Depends on where you store fat and how developed your abs are. Technically everyone has a 6pack. I do feel like I have a thick gut even though my abs are visible. If you completely lean down you'll be able to see them. Fat goes to the upper part of my abdomen which makes it feel a little like suffocating under the extra weight. You can look good(and even have nice abs) without a six pack. I do want to burn fat since it makes my insulin run better the leaner I am but I know that it'll be more difficult to get down bellow 13%. Everybody is different. Doing planks won't 'remove' belly fat in any way other than burning a couple extra calories. Rollout only to the point where you still feel stable, but also feel the abs working hard. You can feel my abs under a layer of fat, but I think I'd need to dip below 20% body fat to get to visible abs, which is proving insanely hard. If you want some (rather extreme) proof, type in "maxalding abs" in google. Particularly on my upper arms and thighs, I have very bumpy flesh just under my skin. Still 3x12 situps is nowhere near enough to do anything to your abs. Online it says you probably can’t see abs over like 25% body fat so i was wondering why it looks like that. 18% BF is way too high to see abs. You can get muscles if you have enough protein 1) in your diet. As someone who lost a lot of weight and was previously untrained (I'm assuming) you can't expect to have ripped abs the first time you hit below 10%. I remember reading that building abs under fat just makes the belly bigger. The 'shrinkwrapped' ab look is usually just much less body fat, the 'curvy abs' is with slightly more body fat, and the 6-pack is half way. you can't choose which part of the six pack is engaged. A "diet" can be anything from keto, through sticking to only lean meat, to just eating less than you normally would. I find I can focus on my upper abs with flat bench sit-ups/crunches and my lower abs with decline sit-ups crunches. I'm determined to stick with the excersise and diet until I lose all my side fat and gut. For people who say I have abs under my belly fat, this is usually determined by the strength of the They are really difficult to maintain, from a diet perspective, and no one cares. I know a guy who achieves this on weed and coffee and cigarettes. I’m just losing my motivation a little since I can’t help but think that it Evaluate your body fat percentage by things other than(but not dis including) your abs. Just like some store less fat on belly so their abs are visible at higher bf% Abs are not sign of health, they are cool but lot necessary. You’re always cold, you can’t eat much, you’re moody. Now I'm following a strict routine and I'm finally serious about it so sometimes I feel bloated and weird because of the amount of times i eat per day and protein+creatine it As long as you are hitting your macros you won't lose the belly, and if you do enough compound and core, you may gain a bit of the "big belly but you can feel the abs under" Here's Terry Holland a few years back, there's fat, but he looks It's very normal to feel abs before you see them. Without seeing pictures, I'd probably Many people want a tight core, but achieving that can be difficult. For me I know I still do have the fat in there. Currently I do either Ab Wheel Rollouts or Dragon Flags every workout (3x/week). What you feel is the pulse of your abdominal aorta. How big the abs are have a big impact. The rectus abdominis is the section of the core that forms the traditional “6-pack” look, and even if these muscles are strong, they can still be hidden You do have abs- everyone does. So your BF may be a lot higher than 12% BF. For Diet you can two things that have worked with my clients: 1) get myfitnesspal app and track EVERYTHING, even water, yes I know water has zero calories but it gets you in a good habit and also good to know you are getting enough water. It is still good to train your abs 3 times a week to see big ab muscle. You will see results. That isn't bro science at all. thyroid hormones regulate your metabolism. You lose this fat the same way you lose any fat. Theyre little pea sized balls or smaller deep After a heavy winter bulk I'm running 20-22% body fat and you can still see abs. At ~20% body fat my abs are visible through the layer of marbling, as I like to call it, much more so when I flex them. Hey r/Fitness I am somewhat new to the whole gym/workout thing but I have developed a pretty standard routine at this point. I have my abs starting to show at around 14%. Personally my upper abs have been showing since 15%. Might have been fucked up that she said that but honestly I think she did me a favor. Also there is less pressure around your pant waist, aka muffin top. Try to stay under 100g carbs per day and don't worry too much about the fat grams in the diet at this point. I'm new to pushups and I've been doing 40 daily for 2 days. oh well) I've So a m working out from year lost 26 kg almost 65 lbs. Hi everyone, I'm trying to get my abs to show for the summer. Others could shave off 5 lbs and see serious abs. slowly, i started to educate myself on the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now changed my diet to a more nutritious and calorific one, bloated, became ravenous, gained a little fat :P (I feel SO MUCH better though for it, seriously. You might think "but they're still abs" but once you have them you'll just think "i wish i had perfectly symmetrical abs" and sort of wish you had a bit of fat covering them to hide how uneven they are. So skinny guys can have visible abs despite not having much muscle if they get their body fat % low enough. The reason you feel the “upper” abs more is that the spine has more range of motion in that section of your body which leads to more of a Once I started messing with the bulk/cut cycles I made protein a priority and I think that's what really paid off. You've got abs under there, but its going to be tough to cut the fat so that you can truly see the definition. That said, if you want a 6 pack, you have to grow your abs. Its why some soldiers drink monsters, nit neccessarily a dietary drink. As for visible abs, think carefully if this is a path you want to go down. Sitting though, you can feel skin folding when you are overweight, that doesn't really happen when you have a 6 pack of flat stomach. There is no conclusive evidence that hip flexion core exercises activate the lower abs any more than the upper abs. But for now, I make sure to do my ab workouts the day BEFORE I need to be wearing something tight. Build them up, then strip away the fat. Remember that abs benefit significantly from lower body fat though, you can have fucking massive abs but they won't be seen under your 20% bodyfat. Our bodies put fat in inconvenient places (for us) sometimes :( As for being able to feel them under the fat, I can, and mine are not visible at all. For me personally (everyone is different) I finally saw my abs with a combination of two things: weighted ab work (like cable crunches) and intermittent fasting + early morning fasted cardio. If you feel a burning sensation in your midsection down to your pubes, you're doing it right. No, some people get super skinny and then you can’t see abs. Add a 45 lb plate on your chest for extra resistance til you tire, then drop the weight and do as many more as you can with bodyweight only. Depending on how big you are, your strong abs could be buried under a lot of fat. I do work my abs (I'm still not sure if that even has any real effect) by doing weighted sit ups and lots of chin ups that I can feel working my core. Getting abs are simple but hard - be at a low enough body fat percentage and do ab workouts intensely. Now, unrelated in a different car I've had to slam on brake to not hit a kangaroo and that felt like a real SHUDDER and not just from the brake pedal as I went from 80-0 in a few metres. directly below the skin) fat but quite some visceral fat. It does get smaller when I cut but I agree it's kinda annoying. Either that's fat or muscle. After that i was overweight for 4 years just like you can see in the picture. Exercise to build muscle, fork putdowns to remove fat. didn't feel like a heavy load or hard braking but she does have a big ass (wagon) so it was probably too much inertia. I have been sticking to the same calorie intake and exercise routine, but my abs aren't as visible anymore. Focus on building muscle and the skin will at least appear to disappear! But, I feel like my core still really hasn’t improved much. my stomach may have been flat, but my abs If I have even 3 or 4 extra pounds on me, I can feel it. I don’t have abs, and I can’t bear to look at myself in Do you have any idea of your body fat percentage at the moment? or at least how strong you are on some lifts so we can try to speculate on how much is fat and whats muscle? some dudes your height won't see shit until they get down to like 130 lbs. Depending on genetics, you can see abs anywhere from 10-14% bf. Best to train and burn the fat around the abs for this to decrease fat percentage in this area. Mostly while sitting, standing there really isnt any change in feeling. Most of us are not even close. You could have the best abs known to man, but if they're still under 2 inches of belly fat, well there you go. The reason I am curious is because I've recently developed some (barely) visible abs that can only be If you want to get rid of lower belly fat you need two things diet and exercise and you need to be consistent as hell. fat % 29 to 18 . when i turn on my phone's flashlight my abs are really well defined but when i turn on the ceiling light, bright florescent light, i only see some lines on my abs. Handheld devices are not very accurate. I mean, for me, I can tell it's fat because I feel my abs underneath it and I can feel the squishy. Even if you don't train abs directly, getting to a low bf% will show abs. Need to get bf% down so I can see definition. I am about 18% body fat and show a 4 pack. It pulls fat from where it wants no matter if you fast and do 1000 crunch a day it may choose to pull your fat from your glutes, legs and arms etc before ever burning an ounce from your belly. The larger and more developed they are the easier they will be to see, so you can see them at a higher BF%. He claimed that the abs are pushed out, so in a sense "in the wrong place". There are other factors to consider, but that's my experience for what it's worth. They're not super defined, but you can make out 4 or so abs. I can still see the outlines of my abs at 15-16% because I store more fat on obliques/lower back and legs. I don't say that to be mean, just setting expectations. Middle abs are starting to come in as I Wondering if anyone else has this and/or knows what it is. I THINK my stomach has gotten flatter since I started but I can’t say for sure, but I can definitely hold/tighten my core better now. at the end of the day tho it pretty much comes down to body fat. Now i believe t4 needs to be converted to t3 to have the best effect on body composition. Howeverthe exact level of body fat at which those problems occur will vary between individuals, how you achieve/maintain your “abs” can be a factor, diet is a factor, genetics is a factor. Not everyone has the same number of abdominal divisions or same fat distribution. Like you say people can be overweight and not feel like they’re fat. My top ab exercises I have done are Weighted Planks (front and side), Cable Crunches. This might be because I am rather pale. Bell explains that subcutaneous fat is the type of fat we can see and feel. It has nothing to do with ab hypertrophy or a rare way of 'carrying body fat' in a way that allows both a fat gut and a They can have high standards. I'd recommend bulking up (slowly) to around 180lbs then cutting back down. I am asking how can one know that their abs have been built perfect so when they cut they can see them @ some people genetically store more fat around the abs, but you can still feel them even if they aren't visible. Leg raises seem somewhat fun and stabilisation exercises as well but crunches are dead boring and would cause me to have silent reflux more than anything else. I would like to know from those who already got to their Yes, you can develop strong abs under fat. ) It’s behind you abdominal wall which is why it feels hard. For males, it will generally be the last spot to start losing fat, but it these are good exercises. Everything i've read says you need to have very low body fat for visible abs, especially lower abs. If you have belly fat, would you still be able to feel your abs under it? Is there a chart that shows different belly fat levels and different musculatures and answers whether the abs should be possible to be felt by touch? It totally varies by person. Personally, I consider my abs visible when I can feel the separation between them. I just feel what I worked out. My lifts haven’t suffered much and I still feel great in the gym. Crunches target upper abs, while leg raises target lower abs. Some don't have the genetics to go below certain percentage. Think of it like this, look in the mirror right now and see what you look like, then imagine yourself having a 6 pack BUT no other changes to you arms, legs Visibility of abs is due to body fat %. Duh you can't isolate an ab, but you can do exercises that focus on a certain area. I went from twice a week with pain to 4 times a week without any pain anymore. Aim for no more than 15 reps, 3-4 sets. Rather than just continuing to accept it and make the same jokes about myself, I've started a workout routine and completely changed my diet. I generally do ab machines as heavy as possible for 15 reps and these machines generally target the middle of my abs. most of my fat is stored near my stomach area over my abs + my genetics arent built for maintaining sub 10% without me feeling like shit all the time so once i had abs for like a week and then just went back to normal (similar to psyched substance i remember seeing a video of him To have a lot of visual ab definition you're gonna need to diet. Say you can rock 8 pack mind melting abs at 12% body fat, well you won't really care what the number is right? Same for this situation keep cutting until you feel comfortable. Yes, your body fat and your diet are the primary factors which will dictate whether you can see your abs - it doesn't matter how much you work your abs if you've still got fat over them. :D but, my body fat isn't low yet. There's one more ab muscle below I can feel just below the surface that doesn't show. I can only attribute it to the fact that when I was 6 my mother (a body builder at the time) said to me, "you know, skinny girls keep their abs tight alllll the time. Yes, you can develop strong abs under fat. You’ve shed subcutaneous fat, which is You can't feel it, but keeping your core steady under heavy squats and deads really does hit your abs. All of this is a moot point. I’ve always been told i have abs under my fat. You can get abs if you have a low body fat percentage and have enough protein in your diet to build the abs themselves. That's also a slow route as well, Technically you’re abs are not overly visible until you get below 13%. Well, you have to choose. It comes down to how much subcutaneous fat is between the skin and muscle. Like oil and water, fat sits on top of muscle. Start on your knees. Also abs are like any other muscle, you can work them out to make them grow. The amount you've been working out, the abs are very likely there already, but you'll probably need to lose another couple of points of body fat percentage. Yeah I can't do those basically starvation diets anyway since I'm a T1D, shit's more dangerous. My abs feel AMAZING firm under the jiggle I have right now compared to before. If I feel my stomach with my fingers, I can’t feel any muscle It's important to focus on overall calorie control and a healthy macronutrient balance. A good test I did is squeeze your fat when your eating normal and not dieting, then when you do 16 or 18 hours pinch your belly fat and you can feel a slight break down of your fat. I think it helps if you don't have a lot of core strength to begin with and can't lift from your abs doing floor exercises. If you engage your muscles you can definitely feel it. I'll give it a try. To lose weight you can just eat at a caloric deficit. They can be uneven or oddly-shaped, or separated in the middle in a wonky way, or not separated in your lower abs. You can eat less and up the intensity of cardio to break through to the 10% level that is usually required to see abs, or you can build core strength and try to eat enough protein to build muscle while reducing carbs or something to keep you losing fat, or you can just eat a bit more, build great core strength, and then after a set time go into cut mode and go experiment with hanging knee raises. Also remember that you cannot spot reduce fat, so no matter how many abdominal exercises you do, unless you are in a caloric deficit or are maintaining your physique you will not obtain visible abs, however the abdominal muscles will still be there- it sounds in Hey, so this is something I’ve been wondering about and I’m not sure if it’s normal. Don't go on a cut man it's not worth being skinny with abs. If you are in the 10-12% range, they should be popping out when tensing if you Body fat can be estimated from pictures, but because people hold fat differently you might want to pay for a Dexa scan to get an accurate assessment. Also should state that you need to eat more, but keep it nutritious. Other exercises target obliques. I have abs, but not a six pack, and girls still think it looks good. It is most likely fat and not all organs. It’s perfectly normal to feel when lying down, especially for those of us who are very aware of our bodies due to health anxiety. Typically, you need to be below 10% body fat. " To be clear this is not in sympathy for the poster of the content, all fat guys have a fat roll If you can feel a 6 pack but only see 4 you are able to get 6 pack but 2 are covered in fat right now. 9 stone (180 pounds) and 6"2 and according to the body fat calculators online which are somewhat unrealiable I am around 14-15%, cant see any abs myself but I can certainly feel them when I flex and touch my stomach. 30/set x 3. I was told for certain guys, they have to get below 10% BF to see abs. The rest of us really can not. You can train your abs now so when you get the weight off they will be well defined, but until you lose the fat nothing is going to show. It seems to just not be coming from body fat. 5% but definitely still flab on the stomach. You have to have abs to have abs. you should feel a stretch right through the middle of your abs on the bottom of every rep, if not you’re losing the ab activation, mainly the lower abs. Two types of fat can exist in the midsection — visceral (beneath the muscle/surrounding internal organs) and subcutaneous (on top of the muscle and below the skin). Basically, when you have a 6 pack you feel a lot less tightness and The layer of fat over abs is subcutaneous fat. You will need to get below 15%, probably lower. It doesn't feel like my body. No judgment, just reality. I’m at about a 15-20% Deficit from maintenance calories. So yeah if what you want is showing abs losing weight first is the better idea. It lies just under the skin and having some of it is necessary for survival. Whoops, didn't mean to yell there. Abs visibility is a genetic thing, and some people need to get as low as 8% or below for a good abb definition. Men with visible abs don’t just walk down the street with a If you want abs you need to cut your overall fat %. So I am at 15% bodyfat dieting down to 12% and maybe 10% if I feel motivated to do so once I hit 12%. , Ab Wheel, and Dragon Flags. Might only be a foot. and men it is closer to 13-15% body fat. Most people have to get to pretty low weights for their abs to show so it might prove to be difficult but certainly not impossible. It negatively affects his life in a million ways like constant negative comments, super low self esteem etcetc. If your back hurts during ab rollouts, "feel" your abs first, keep the tension, then rollout. It's only my tummy that pops out. I've been doing SS for 6 weeks, haven't ever 'felt' my core being activated, and have obviously developed substantial muscles there than I can feel when I touch my stomach/abdominal region. Yes, doing ab workouts will get you ab muscles bigger, but if you want the "6 pack" you're going to need to do more than abs. the upper abs are clearly visible with a nice vertical striation down the middle and a horizontal striation under the upper abs. If you cut now you'll likely be disappointed as you'll just be skinny with little muscle Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now I’m not really skinny(139lbs) so I still have some fat to loose before these so called « abs » are visible to the human eye 😂 but he said he could feel all the cubes and that they are nice and strong but should take a break. Getting a 6pack is all about diet and getting rid of surface fat. I'm 5'9" about 145 lbs and while my core is getting more defined, my abs aren't showing. It’s a strange thing how feeling fat is sometimes not even connected to a reality of being overweight. You can't tell by Im currently at 12. From the sounds of it I have a similar issue, although I do not think I am as low body fat as you. Fat does NOT turn into muscle – they are two different things. Like I know nobody is at 0% body fat, but there isn't any visible fat on him, his muscles look perfect. Sure everything is working together, but I'd say the vast majority of average guys can gain visible abs once they hit a lower bf% and have a couple years of training under their belt. You start looking 7 months pregnant, lol. Its just under some fat. More I can feel them rubbing against my belly and fat accumulation happening under my arms. With time it will disappear. I’ve tried keeping my abs flexed during the full duration of a plank for months now, but it’s just so hard, and I’m wondering if it’s because I’m not strong enough yet or if it’s because my abs literally can’t be flexed for that long continuously without break Thank you. That’s why diets that reduce or eliminate foods which trigger insulin response can seriously help not only with fat distribution but also fat loss as insulin-triggering foods signal to the body to store fat as well as disregulate your hormones which caused the new fat to land in unwanted areas. I usually just rest my arms on my belly. Other mornings, I have to Typically you need to be below 10% body fat to have a six-pack. Chin ups for example, hit your abs harder than Ab roll outs as weird as that sounds. I wanna apologize if this comes off as creepy but I am really curious as to how developed abs looks like when it is scrunched up. Subcutaneous fat is present underneath the skin and on top of abdominal muscles. In addition to that do workouts that work the abs, there’s a lot of different exercises you can do to target them. So there are multiple parts here. " Since that day I have not ceased to keep my abs tight. Just make sure you’re tip of your middle finger and hitting that DIP joint. At first I notice that my legs feel heavier and my arms softer. By eating in a caloric deficit and exercise. (of course i got hella downvoted for saying it was impressive he had abs while fat. I would hazard that 30% bodyfat would probably be near the point where a person can't 16F, 5'7, 157 lbs here. You can safely lose 1% body weight per week (more at the beginning, less at the end of the diet). Depends on your genetics (how much fat your If you're trying to get abs in 1 month, you better have an already low enough body fat percentage. As long as your body fat is low, your abs will look great anyway regardless of strong they are anyway. As for the liver edge, I’ve only felt it once and it was on a patient with a big ass liver. There are people who have such an extreme level of muscular control (maxalding) that they can flex one side of the abs while sucking in the other side. Also, when abs become visible is pretty genetic. i also tended to bloat a lot, which really didn't help. Also, fat loss is gender specific. I feel mine all the time. it's great cardio that burns calories and I can feel my core working overtime while I do strokes. Give it 6 months and you'll look like a whole different person. They're muscles and need to be worked/grow just like any other muscle. Its because you need to do something that actually burns the fat, diets dont burn fat, they just reduce production of it you can say. while squats and deadlifts are amazing for the entire core in general, it'll strengthen more back than abs due to an excess APT in people. Like others said, a lower bf% makes the actual muscle visible, but if you have developed ab muscles any fat on your stomach is gonna follow that "ab pattern" because its sitting on top of it. I do a lot of ab stuff just because I think it's fun, but for certain the weighted ab cable crunches made them pop Let's assume obese, but not too much, something like 40% fat percentage. You can’t really trust an abdominal exam in a fat patient. Just because you are -5% BF doesn't mean you will have abs. 36 year old female crossfit/ olympic lifting (3 children). Ive never been lean but i can feel "abs" under my fat. If you don't feel it where you need to, you're not doing it as well as you could. Underneath the abs, you have visceral fat. I’m at 23. There are two main types of abdominal fat: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat: 1. Moving isn't as smooth as there is extra fat to get in the way. I just feel like being under 160 lbs is too low. a quicker route is cut now lose 1. Exactly what it felt like. it makes sense to add extra work for the abs. 3lbs a week eat 650 under maint. My body’s needs are different than yours would be but, visible abs became a reality for me when I paid close attention to what I ate. You aren't giving us enough info to go by here. If you’re 10-15% and still not really seeing your abs the way you’d like? Then developing muscle is a great solution, however this doesn’t describe you at the moment. ironically i was also doing ab workouts every alternate day in the hopes of achieving visible abs, but nothing worked. Just don't push yourself to the point where you start feeling unwell for the sake of visible abs, OP! Having well developed abdominal muscles matters more than a super low body fat %, and your health matters more than aesthetics. Even the 'burn' you feel doing crunches isn't really your abs gettin' swole. 1)edit: forgot a word I was exactly in your position a year ago. When I lost weight I had a similar issue and I was ashamed of the stubborn fat. I stead go on a bulk and gain muscle. Just gotta train like crazy to thicken your abdominal muscles. He almost exclusively eats McDonald's, he doesn't work out, and he's muscular and has zero fat on his body. i had a flat stomach, but zero ab definition. Unfortunately our bodies hold on to fat storage for the longest in the stomach area so its one of the last places you see the changes when losing weight. If you can feel abs under your dad bod flub then you don't really need to make any changes in the gym, just drop your BF. You should also hit weights in other muscle groups just so you have more muscle to replace fat with. Pretty sure it's a diet and body fat issue more than having to grow the muscle. Some people feel their best at a lower percentage, and some feel best higher in the range. If you feel like they are lacking and need more work, train them directly. I’ve lost 6 pounds in week one. Someone with higher levels will burn fat and muscle much faster. Today I was told that training abs while overweight will train them in the wrong position, resulting in ugly abs (after getting lean). There are so many things that factor into this, nobody will be able to answer this. For men, I think you have to be somewhere between 10% to 14% at least to start seeing abs. Get stronger. Here's how to enhance your abdominal muscles for visible results. You may think you’re at 15% and you The feeling of fullness is minor in the mornings and gets worse at night. This is completely false, I don't know how it got upvoted. Some just store more fat around their belly than normally. Even though my abs are not particularly prominent currently, I can still feel the divisions through the layer of fat I've developed (don't judge- it's been a helluva year). Now I Lots of good stuff here, but also, you kinda can. Ah yes the pooch. If you think you have too much fat start running a calorie deficit, or if you're starting to look and feel unhealthy the start adding on fat. If you're looking to shed the layer of fat over your abs, the process actually involves much more than just My genes have specifically placed all unwanted fat on my tummy. Your best bet is to engage in full body strength training which utilizes more muscles and burns more calories. Reddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. I think this is something you really need to focus on and can be easy to forget to do. The good news is that losing fat is much easier than gaining muscle. I cant see the definition on my abs under bright light, but can see it under dim light. I want a lean body Have only done compounds last decade and have always had visible abs. I've been cutting down for a while, and I'm currently at 128lbs, and my height is 5'9. You may also be able to feel the separation between the upper and middle ones. Like if i put a blanket on top of some pillows, you can obviously tell there are pillows under there, if that makes sense. but I can feel the pain of "abs on top of internal weight. So my question is at what weight did you start seeing abs yourself? like the old saying goes, abs aren't made in the gym, they are made in the kitchen. Visceral fat isn't a thing for obese/overweight people only. And abs are a pretty small muscle group in the grand scheme of things. Congrats on the future abs! I had a similar feeling of disbelief when I first saw my own tricep definition starting to show under the arm fat in a diet attempt years ago. Fat stores are distributed in Loosely quoting mike chang, you need to get muscle to burn fat. Low body fat is not fun. gagmx qvik vgdxsj dhpcodzo tlrjq vzt pbziijl ttdpi mtoc knhzxl